ITT: we support, follow, share, and give constructive criticism to each other on various websites for music sharing such as Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Youtube, and more.
Post a link to your site(s) and other anons follow/share/give feedback.
People who post links and shill themselves after 5-10 posts without participating in any feedback/discussion are unwelcome and should be ignored. >mpv $(curl -s $URL | sed 's/]*>//g' | sed 's/&[^;]*;//g' | sed -e 's/\[[^][]*\]//g' | grep -o -E '(http|https)://soundcloud[^ "]+' | awk '{print}' ORS=' ') if you paste this in your terminal but replace $URL with the url for this thread it will play all the linked sc tracks automatically :^)
new album "day of wrath" out now. also a note on the album "depressive suicidal black coffee" - it was published by mistake (hence the embarrassing working title) so i decided to leave it up for free for now. i'll remove it on November 12 - which is also the release date for my next album.
Pretty great actually Varg would be proud, just try and weave your way from ostinato to ostinato to prevent repetitivity. Love the use of varying instruments together to create a melancholy but epic track. Keep it up man.
One of the most interesting things i've heard in a long while, definitely going through the whole E.P when I get the chance. Good shit man.
The epitome of chillhop you did it dude now just expand
Reminds me of Ivory Rasmus if he made his stuff in an insane asylum, I kinda dig it You got some nice work here man.
I would spend some time on looking around here, but I'm deadly depressed and just acting on habit, sorry. Took me 4 months to compile the record and I'm wondering what ways are there of reaching a broader audience that's actually in the fringe genres i'm exploring.
Really dig the fuzziness in this track and the use of gongs. Very nice. Creepy, impactful and unpredictable.
The distortion is very dreamy and I like the overall pessimistic atmosphere. This mix of pessimism and chill vibes isn’t something I’ve heard before so this is nice.
This shit goes hard. Kind of feels like music one would score a scene of an edgy detective tailing someone to.
Here’s a tiny two track EP.
>Mostly synth drone but with vaporwave influences >I think “zooey deschanel” is the most interesting track
Me:(You) love the sound of those low bells with the music box at the end
i like what you where going for but it sounded like it was missing some bass in the mix, like it what playing through a radio or somthing, could just be on my end tho
well produces and performed stuff man, like it alot
Those are some fun vocals! The guitar/synth sounds nice, the melody is cool. I wish it was longer. If it wasn't for the trappiness, this could almost be an early demo by some 90's visual kei band... hmm, they tended to be kinda "trappy" too, only in a different sense of the word... Really chill. Cool spooky atmospheres. This could be the soundtrack of a psychological horror film. Also, cute dog. Nice, love the guitars and bass and vocals, and although the drums could be "better", it is nice how they blend in too. This kind of minimalist noise is not my cup of tea at all on its own, but there are some interesting sounds and for the most part it's not annoying like a lot of similar stuff imho. It could fit in a spoopy Youtube ARG. Also, that art is cool. >I'm wondering what ways are there of reaching a broader audience that's actually in the fringe genres i'm exploring. Unironically Reddit if you find the right sub and post at the right time, but that'll be a challenge. Self-promotion is allowed on /r/noisemusic, so maybe try there if you haven't already? Or you could send your stuff to noise/experimental blogspot blogs?
Sounds cool. Don't take this the wrong way, but you're too good at making stuff that sounds like an authentic teenage guilty pleasure. The feeling I get listening to this is the same feeling I get when I listen to bands I liked when I was 14 that now make me cringe, yet remain enjoyable... but at the same time it's fresh, not just a rip-off of bands that fall into that category. >those tags on SC lmfao I like how the first track starts to get dissonant near the end and the robotic speech gets faster, gives it an "alarming" vibe. The second track is kinda funny. Nice guitar playing, can't really say anything else haha. All I can say is THICC BASS. Holy overcompression Batman! Those drums are so compressed that they make black holes take a look in the mirror (not that black holes could see themselves in a mirror even if they were sentient, but whatever). I like how dissonant the guitars are and the piano is cool, but it could really use some bass. Based on "Gen 4", you do have a bass, so why not have it in that song? Cool, really professional-sounding. Makes me want to go swimming and I never want to go swimming, in fact I don't know if I can swim anymore or if I'd drown. But if I drowned hearing this, it'd be worth it... well, not really, but it's still a great song. Pretty comfy. Makes me think of potatoes rolling around on the ground at a mall as they dodge the feet of teens trying to stomp on them.
Just reccing because I gave feedback earlier:
Jason Gomez
>well produces and performed stuff man, like it alot. Thank you kindly! Same goes for your work, impressive!
>Sounds cool. Don't take this the wrong way, but you're too good at making stuff that sounds like an authentic teenage guilty pleasure. The feeling I get listening to this is the same feeling I get when I listen to bands I liked when I was 14 that now make me cringe, yet remain enjoyable... but at the same time it's fresh, not just a rip-off of bands that fall into that category.
Thank you for checking it out and for the honest and intruiging feedback, I can understand why you would feel that way, for me this album was very experimental in terms of style and i guess to a degree some of it can be interpertated as teeny, and lmao dont look at my tags i dont know wtf im doing with those lol.
I also checked your work, I still like black metal esque music, though yours is a bit much on the noise side i do find it intruiging and i like the darker vibes you use, aswell as i finding it impressively put together. Idd love to see you perhaps make some more structured black metal than it hanging to the noise side but perhaps that is just me beeing a bit basic (I like burzum,mayhem,darkthrone, gehenna, old dimmu borgir, old Kovenant)
Carter Harris
Joshua Clark
>Nice and moody. Mr Oasis is top notch O shits its Podge, Thank you kindly man! lovin the new song man! You're actually one of the people that inspired me to start making my own beats. love your work man keep it up!
This is a song I made the other day, even if you don't like rap it holds attention very well and you can still probably appreciate it as a vocal performance if ur not a pleb.
> Feels like driving around somewhere tropical. The synth chords are sweet. The vocals inviting, but could be a bit louder so the words can be heard.
> Wow. That beat. Very cool stuff. I like the vocals a lot too. You're missing some of the lyrics in your description though.
> Interesting and appealing mix of genres. Wish I could hear the lyrics better, but it's a great vocal effect on the track.
> That album artwork is awesome. The atmosphere of the track is great. Could see this performed live with some cool strobe effects.
> Awesome guitar. Nice grooves. The drop out in the first track before that solo! Really cool. Wish the vocals were clearer in the second track, but the effect's got a nice feel to it. Continued impressive guitar in the third and fourth tracks. And contrary to its title, the fifth has great vocals! Overall, I really like it.
> Vocals could use some effects, maybe some echo and reverb? Other than that, it's an enjoyable listen. The guitar is really cool.
> Sorry, but it just doesn't do it for me. Too much dissonance. The drums and distortion are pretty cool.
> What instrument is in the intro? It sounds like a harpsichord or orchestral string instrument. Is this done with MIDIs? If not, really, REALLY impressive. Sounds like driven classical music with an electronic influence.
Brody Jackson
I just released this 5 track playlist yesterday. Takes some inspiration from Death Grips, Rage Against the Machine, and The Beastie Boys. It's very power chord and riff oriented, all done in key of E. I don't know whether it can be considered alt rock or...
I really like it, sounds like Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart. I don't listen to enough classical to know which guy it sounds most like though lol. On intuition I'll say Mozart.
Impressive stuff.
Lincoln Howard
>dungeon synth. Chiptune
Composed with famitracker with no expansion modules. Mastered to stereo with Steinberg Wavelab.
I am very glad I got this finished. It is about a man that lived about 350 A.D.He was born into slavery but was discharged or escaped when he was a young adult to become a robber and a murder. He was very strong and brutal and feared. He ended up a monk in a monastery.
inspired by herbie hancock, miles davis, and tyler the creator.
Ian Powell
>i guess to a degree some of it can be interpertated as teeny It's not a bad thing that it's kinda teeny, I think, and you could even take advantage of that by getting teen girl fans. Just don't take advantage of them... >lmao dont look at my tags For what it's worth, I used to be even worse on Youtube with my synthcore/cybergrind project. I put in tags like "potatoes, Batman, emo girls kissing, pizza, kebab, Pikachu, ghost caught on tape" and in the descriptions an "influenced by" list of like 50 bands/artists, and shit ranging from instructions on how to take a shit to erotic Smosh fanfics... >I also checked your work, I still like black metal esque music, though yours is a bit much on the noise side i do find it intruiging and i like the darker vibes you use, aswell as i finding it impressively put together. Thanks! Yeah, to be honest the reason I include the "black" is some of the vocals, being lo-fi, occasional tremolo picking and whatnot. I guess if I just called it "avant-garde noise metal", that'd do. >Idd love to see you perhaps make some more structured black metal I actually used to have a "straight" black metal project but deleted all traces of it that I could after I lost a nearly finished album when a hard drive broke. I made a different album with that same title and released it under another solo project. So, the closest I've done to regular black metal still out there is probably this song, and it's like industrial drone black metal: I'd like to collab on some straight-up black metal in the future, but by myself not really. I like it when you start to yell. When you posted the EP this is on, I said "The Second Coming" was still your best. However, listening to just this song on its own without the other two, it's at least as good if not better. Not sure how that works, but fuck yeah!
Tyler Young
Absolutely beautiful, even blissful. Makes me think of Stephen Hawking for some reason, maybe one of the documentary series he wrote had similar music? Or something? Well, in any case, really awesome. Like the soundtrack to galaxies colliding and merging into a vast super galaxy. >Sorry, but it just doesn't do it for me. Yeah, it's not for everyone and that's fine. >Too much dissonance. Not all of it is super dissonant, but I do like dissonance... maybe too much... Ooh, fuck yeah! This is heavy as fuck. Makes me want to punch toddlers in the face (except not really, just in case that's not obvious). Have you put it anywhere for download or anything?
Matthew Richardson
Glad you like it :) I'll enable direct downloads on soundcloud right now, meant to do that.
Jose Robinson
(Me) Just enabled direct downloads for all my tracks. Thanks for the feedback!
Oliver Lewis
The stuff has some pretty cool doom metal vibes. Dissonance comes with the style. I can say the vocals are impressive in a unique way. Gut-wrenching.
the excessive reverb takes away more than it ads. Vocals need to be a touch higher than the guitars, or at lest the same level. The guitar is drowning out the vocals. Remix it.
Here I've never actually been to reddit. I've been here from 2008 and never took any interest in other sites. I will try to look around for blogs or smaller labels, even if I don't really know how to take up the whole thing. thanks
I also make ambient, field recording collages and straight up noise, but I won't be asking you to hear my other stuff, since Í haven't really heard anything on here in the last couple of days I've been posting and I feel some amount of guilt over that.
> wow. really really good! you definitely deserve a bigger audience than you already have! good voice and fantastic instrumental! i just went to outsidelands this weekend, and i think you would fit in so well with their lineup!