Honest opinions on this song?

Honest opinions on this song?

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Seems very occultic, though I'm not sure I can make out all the secret meanings.

It's a masterpiece of hard rock. Page is a genius. Even his stoned noodling is incredible. Hard rock isn't really a thing anymore because it progressed so far into 'le epic ftw' sort of songs that it just sort of finished itself.

I can say that this is crafted well. But I hate it.

It's still a thing, it's just not popular with zoomers.

It’s a beautiful song but definitely overplayed and overrated. It’s one of those things that’s too famous for its own good.

What was that one publication that did "hate" articles where a guest author would break down a song they hated? And every single one of their points boiled down to "I heard it too much"?

Those articles were the most hackneyed bullshit you could possibly concoct. As if a song's merit is directly correlated with exposure

An amazing song that isn’t very representative of Zeppelin as a whole

the Onion/A. V. Club's Hatesong? Honestly I've hated those articles too, just terribly unfunny stuff and it mostly makes you hate the person bitching at the song more than anything.

>3 minute song stretched out to 8 minutes with overanalyzed lyrics and ripped off riffs
Pretty much proto-Tool. Thanks, Jimmy

overplayed. massively overrated guitar solo.

>if there's a bustle in your hedgerow
oh my

Led Zeppelin is a band where every member does a fantastic job, this song greatly exemplifies this. The singing, guitar, bass, keyboard/piano, melotron, drumming, and lyrics are all done very well in this song. It's hard to find things objectively bad about it

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It is very good, but people have grown to hate it because of how often its played.
Don't know if its their best (their cover of Dazed and Confused might be better), but it is a defining Rock song, undoubtedly.

>that drum fill during the solo
Bonham was extremely based.

it really is one of the best crafted songs of all time

It's probably good but I've heard it one too many times.

Boring as fuck for the first 5/6 minutes then just alright

I bet you love The Flami Lips

They're pretty decent yeah pal

Not the best song on Led Zeppelin IV

good song from a boring band

highway to hell is better

When the Levee Breaks, Achilles Last Stand and Kashmir are better epic tracks

look at this faggot

it's third place though, so pretty solid

probably the best song ever conceived.