Post 'em up. This board sucks dick tonight

Post 'em up. This board sucks dick tonight.

Attached: mu.png (1999x1896, 98K)

Attached: shitttt.png (1800x1707, 3.5M)

I'm gonna be honest IDK what some of that music is but still P nice.

Attached: mufaves.png (1999x1896, 2.02M)

this is good bait actually

i like your taste user, you look fun to hang around with
are you planning on producing in your future, user?
incredibly epic chart :)

Attached: chart me.jpg (1999x1896, 1.06M)


Thankie :)

lol imagine Yea Forums not sucking dick

yeah this seems about right

not sure what else i'm even supposed to say, you guys are all really cool but i'm sure you all knew that already ;)

Attached: myfavorites.png (1999x1896, 3.63M)

SAT II is only their third best album imo but SWEET is a 10/10 song
based movie and game and "anime"

good top row of albums.
shit drink

v:d:c is 10/10 album

mmm OJ

Attached: favsz.png (1999x1896, 3.95M)

oh and sushi is also fucking delicious great taste bud genes