How to spot shit taste 101

>has a favourite band
>likes metal/hip-hop (let's not even consider rap a genre)
>defends talking heads from me on the internet despite only having listened to remain in light
>gets triggered by scaruffi
>studies music theory to try to ''understand'' music, brags on about that and insults others for not giving a fuck
>is an audiophile/consider himself an audiophile
>has more than two headphones
>dislike drums
>cares for lyrics

help me add more to the list assuming you aren't one of these

Attached: 1495142005790.jpg (545x717, 164K)

>posts that crazy japanese drummer who drums over everything and thinks hes "skilled"
>hates drum machines
>hates vsts
>hates pink floyd or other dad rock acts because they are old
>likes modular synths

Attached: 1555806741346.jpg (636x480, 30K)

Is you

>posts that crazy japanese drummer who drums over everything and thinks hes "skilled"
oh fuck that's me. Fuck you. I like Tatsuya Yoshida. He is a god and you can't convince me otherwise.


Attached: 545.jpg (320x320, 21K)

>lives in a city
>uses outdated memes like 'le wrong generation'
>reads pitchfork
>likes "experimental" music
>uses rym

Attached: experimentalmusicfan.jpg (800x800, 96K)

>likes metal/hip hop (lets not even consider rap a genre)

im not big into rap either but you just proved you have incredibly shit taste

>worrying about shitting on others' taste rather than improving or expanding their own
truly the most vile of kunts

what the fuck is wrong with appreciating good audio and equipment?

Oh snap


Do you know where you are you stupid nigger? Yeah I suppose not

Unrelated anime images almost always accompany the most retarded posts on this board. I don’t give a shit about MUH HISTORY

>likes faust, talk talk or mbv

>posts anime picture like a little virgin
>says nigger like a real tough guy
choose which one you are or pretend to be

actually angry online

>not calling OP a faggot

Seethe more animeposter

>titles "how to spot shit taste 101"
>posts pic of anime, a fotm trash one to be specific

Attached: 46456457.png (1111x1079, 943K)

>t. newfag
Guarantee you came on to Yea Forums because reddit isn't "edgy" enough for you, and you didn't want to be a "normie."

Yes, we know where the fuck we are. The way you type reeks of an outcast middle school student.

>believing 'shit music taste' is a real thing
>anime picture
return to reddit you lobotomite

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absolutely based

You do know that's probably not the same poster, right?

The goon fears the anime.

Attached: 9.jpg (1440x810, 124K)

>this post
Lurk moar.

>this post
the irony

Attached: Smug Tanya 2.jpg (474x474, 22K)

>this avatarfaggot
The ugly

this whole thread

Attached: stare256.png (579x637, 286K)

>doesn’t like metal/hip-hop
You grow your tits yet.

Wow, this is actually a spot on list. Good on you, OP. A lot of these faggots fellate Scaruffi too though, so perhaps consider that you’re among them.

What is wrong with liking audio equipment and music theory?

>Guarantee you came on to Yea Forums because reddit isn't "edgy" enough for you, and you didn't want to be a "normie."
Epic projecting bro


so many wasted gets on this embarrassment of a thread

lol of course i’d get dubs

>likes indie rock
>likes alternative rock
>likes pop music for anything other than what it is, disposable fluffy trash
>likes albums enjoyed by critics

the only one i fall under is definitely
>cares for lyrics
and maybe
>has a favourite band