Why is he screaming?

Why is he screaming?

Attached: King_Crimson_1969_In_The_Court_Of_The_Crimson_King_front.jpg (1420x1411, 240K)

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Hes on the cover of a shit album

Because he realized that this album is shit

He's looking at these dubs


Horror of the modern world.

He is listening to Moonchild.

he's cringing not screaming


i have long maintained that Moonchild should have been released on it's own disc away from the rest of the album, a "containment disk" if you will

he's the shizoid man, wasn't that the implication?

idk user but you're definitely the tripsoid man, fucking noice

Attached: 1564274519353.png (800x800, 72K)

because of how unnecessarily long moonchild is

He wants moonchild to be over already

He just found that illegal upload of his album on his Youtube.

Attached: Fripp Gun.jpg (1200x673, 301K)

stube to

Common prog bands and where to introduce yourself to them


>Curved Air

>King Crimson

he saw bill clinton fuck a kid

he’s still not used to be being on spotify

Patricians use pornhub for music

He hasn't found that one yet.

Attached: In the Court of the Shocked King.jpg (1468x1468, 73K)

It was fun seeing people trying to "secretly" upload Court of the Crimson King on youtube.

he's sees a black

>he doesn't like the transition from moonchild into court

Because he realized that He ripped off Arca

Attached: 62408A55-6265-4DB7-ABA3-29B10C15631E.jpg (220x220, 17K)

He's mad that the album isn't available on Prime Music

yeah, i wish people kept on trying, i keep getting false hope and only finding that samba one
at least we have spotify now

can you get more contrarian-pseud than this?

Yeah, by pretending to enjoy ITCOCK

something something erase time something something it just works
