The most important synthesis innovation since FM .
The most important synthesis innovation since FM
cool piece of gear, but didnt reinvent the wheel so no
I hate being poor
recommend me an fw synth thats easy to program. i was looking at this 4 operator nogger but i guess dtronics don't make the reface unit no more
what about it exactly
volca sample buddy
There is nothing new about it. Being packaged as a expensive toy is an “innovation” now?
Hardware workflow, much more intuitive than any other groovebox for years after its release.
I had fun playing with my coworker's OP1 when he had it. Even non musicians can have fun with it. But he sold it after maybe a month.
had alot of fun with one of these, thinking about buying it
>no way to save patches
oh no thats bad
eh thats overrated
saving patches + automating parameters is cool but i don't think a monosynth benefits from that workflow as much as drum machines/ polysynths/ and samplers do
i get a lot more use out of my ms-20 mini than i ever did the monologue
>ms-20 mini
both shit
Is this some teenage engineering horseshit because that stuff is not that great.
Stick with the goddamn Moog synths.
compelling argument
>$1400 rompler
Lol, no thanks
>expensive synths that aren't optical synths
it wasn't an argument, it was a statement of fact
it counts as an argument because you got triggered by a brand of toy.
no one has ever made a good piece of music using a moog sub phatty. every piece of gear under $1000 is shit according to gearfags
this blind hate lol..
lol i did a butthurt on you
Monologue and Minilogue are both good.
Blind, but accurate. The Electribe 2s is the superior device, and is like 1/4 the price
u r correct bro i am seething
>Monologue and Minilogue are both good.
>Blind, but accurate. The Electribe 2s is the superior device, and is like 1/4 the price
Yes, this is fucking accurate.
Also, try to find a Polivoks if you can.
i-is this the comfy synth thread
heck yea sis
i'd buy one of these if they weren't shit
u posted cringe bro
>hardwarefags think that bread and butter digital stuff is innovative because it is packaged with trendy product design
crossposting from /prod/
I want a Digitakt, but I don't want to pay 700$.
What are some cheaper drum machine/samplers for a beginner? I got a DeepMind6 not too long ago and I wanna pair it with some percussion/samples so I can make more than just a t m o s p h e r e.
Are the Volcas worth checking out or will I just be disappointed by a lack of effects?
fuck a wheel, it reinvented a whole mode of transportation
I have a volca keys, it's nice for the price. I plan to buy a Monologue to get further into the world of analog synths in order to do some Suicide (first album) shit.
>i don't actually listen to music, the only media i consume is itunes visualizer
literally name one (1) innovative thing in 2019
the model:samples is 75% of a digitakt, the volca sample is 75% of a m:s
if you have a mixer throw some guitar pedals in the fx loop and ur good to go
Korg Electribe 2. I want to use one as a sampler for various pre-recorded sounds.
>paying $500+ for a sample pack attached to hardware that's infinitely inferior to soft solutions
oh ho ho.
just buy a thinkpad and pirate some samples instead.
i have some experience with unity and i saw the op-z can do it
is there any reason to not buy it?
I have a volca beats, fun little piece of gear and surprisingly helpful. You have to tweak a little to get some decent snare though. I pass it through a Big Muff and a delay for fun. I think with something like a Volca Beats you could get a decent start.
>pirate some samples
Make your own faggot.
i-is this the comfy synth thread?
the type of person paying $500+ for a sampling drum machine isn't going to do that
could you guys stop being poor?
Volcas are sort of bullshit because you can't load your own samples, why would I use stock samples when I can go and play drums or any sound I want and use that instead?
>the type of person paying $500+ for a sampling drum machine isn't going to do that
Probably because they're a fucking moron who can't play drums.
the s o y digitakt
seriously i only seen s o ys and females(males) with a digitakt
* the DAD TR-8S
Well, that's the same for a lot of drum machines, you buy them for the possibilities they offer but they're far from endless. That's why I bought one. I can load any sample I want on Cubase but there's too much to chose from, I like the limited choices and getting the best out of them.
except the one with sample in its name
and you can use the sample loading software (vosyr) as a simple step sequencer on the computer
>Well, that's the same for a lot of drum machines, you buy them for the possibilities they offer but they're far from endless.
Yeah, that's generally why I want to get past the entry point and just buy something that allows me total freedom to do what I want. I play a whole bunch of instruments, conventional and unconventional, and like samplers/drum machines as a way to concentrate different things into compositions.
>literally name one (1) innovative thing in 2019
Phase Plant's signal chain with Multipass. Puremagnetik is also putting out "pedals" for acousmatic sound design each month, blending spectral processing, bucket-brigade delays or whatever the fuck they come up with. Madrona is working on a semi-modular spectral + FM synth.
Of course, if your thing is cookie-cutter pop shit, you don't need to worry about any of that and stick with your expensive toy.
*loads up SDSV sounds*
Si sunce we're talking synths, what are the pros & cons of the Korg Monologue?
the absolute best part about it is seeing the waveform of the sound
Pulsar 23 by Soma Labs
kind of interesting but i don't consider any of that more innovative than adapting hardware to meet modern daw trends. it's just making VSTs more fun to use.. "muh experimental workflow" doesn't guarantee challenging or interesting results. for the kind of music i like simple gear works well.. i sometimes lose my patience watching people play with eurorack and getting more lost in an intellectual process than feeling the sound
pros: slides per step sequencing, so it can do the tb-303 acid meme
cons: always sounds really bassy
Pros: tons of great features all the pro users want
Cons: sounds too then / filter is weak
18 uniques oh lawd
For the price range, I guess it could not be perfect. But I guess it'll be enough to do electro punk and shit like that.
I have one of these.
I also have Caustic on my phone that cost me literally 100x less but can do 20x more. Why in the name of fuck would anybody use something that can only record on 4 tracks. 8 tracks would make it useful again but still insanely over priced.
Gonna sell it because I can at a profit due to stupid fucking hipsters who don't know Caustic.
>Why in the name of fuck would anybody use something that can only record on 4 tracks. 8 tracks would make it useful again but still insanely over priced.
Because Teenage Engineering is ridiculous bullshit and you should buy something actually useful instead of being a dumb synth fetishist.
4tracks can be enough but, yeah that's too expensive.
>hardware synths
cringe, i bet you all buy vinyl too
Like ffs I play synths on records, but I can do virtually anything that I play on synths on guitars and samples etc, and all that costs less.
it's an incredibly fun toy but the cost is rediculous given it's limitations, portable or not. I could buy an incredible laptop and battery pack for that price and it's not like either would fit in my pocket, if it was like a grand less I'd start taking the bus to work just so I could play with it on my commutes.
it costs just a little bit less than most peoples monthly salary. I'm above the threshold and still think its insane considering I could buy a dope ass analogue synth with that money or just take a vacation. digital synths are a bit of a joke if you have a computer anyway
>make a alright synthesizer on the google app store
>literally steal a beach boys sample from kokomo but nobody called me out on it
>2/5 stars about as good as i expected
what did they mean by this?
garageband + FM player 2 are better and they're free on iOS