
Attached: 699a14dcc8761d5e62436f783f4126c2a65ff0.png (400x400, 247K)

Other urls found in this thread:

early and ugly

we wanted a seulgi thread

it'z shit
add me up losers

what other comebacks are left this month besides sunmi and RV?

Attached: 67083976_176796220020644_8560026376701632558_n.jpg (1080x729, 105K)

our freakin girls

Attached: 1564487335138.jpg (750x743, 102K)

so relay race is tomorrow?

for me, it's the worse and less talented 2ne1, Blackpink

cutie duck

Attached: 1565064267559.jpg (800x1200, 114K)

If its early why was the other thread deleted and not this one?
310 is not early, confirmed by the mods
sojin live!

Attached: D9raiRGU4AA3wc6.jpg (1600x1200, 421K)

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you wish blink hater

you mean the better more popular and more talented and cuter and prettier and purer 2ne1, blackpink

Attached: 1559941593917.webm (720x1280, 2.51M)

no to all of those

>gwangju v2: dead blinks boogaloo
lmao, keked

>click on a spoilered video on Yea Forums
>its CP

kpop for this feel?

Attached: 1563882430628.gif (960x730, 646K)

nobody asked you

freak off

Attached: 1542708438952.webm (1920x850, 1.88M)

Attached: yn.webm (700x986, 2.29M)

Taengoo posted on IG today.

Attached: 48493896996_c94ce792d0_o.png (2222x1514, 2.4M)

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you guys know blackpink are the group most likely to have taken black dick, yeah?

Attached: 1492350656625.jpg (532x800, 145K)

thank you for posting my wife

that is one of many reasons why we absolutely hate blackedstink here

rosie :) best gf i could imagine

Attached: d1080e4a9c70cd9e26529c9ff86a5414.jpg (563x1002, 64K)

that's why we like them

Attached: 18F9A13A-A753-441A-949D-DB868630AF4A.jpg (712x773, 165K)

Thinking about Jisoo's smelly ______

Attached: jisoo4-3069567.jpg (666x1000, 104K)

For fuck sake

nothing wrong with that, it not like they white

sorry oppa~

Attached: 1497195555082.jpg (532x800, 126K)


she probably has tonsil stones


Attached: 6n2hkrawxzf31.jpg (3072x1515, 529K)

Attached: cuterin (7).webm (934x940, 459K)

i have a monkey called lisa on ragnarok m

bp is 2nel 0.5

awful fansite raped picture right there but i hope she's well

itzy and chuu

not this ugly bitch


How do I breed Eunha?

Attached: 429478.jpg (736x1104, 66K)

but we love blackpink here


with you're dick

Attached: 1543758641366.webm (720x810, 1.68M)

they post crayon pop on /reddit/ now?

chuu the retard interacting with yeji

>every other post in thread shitting on blackedstink

wrong, they have been around them for a while so they don't really care but girls who haven't like twice and red velvet except wendy would want to experiment so they are most likely blacked

nothing, because she doesn't

Attached: 1553931118341.jpg (800x1200, 127K)

spoiler that shit

keep telling yourself that, champ.

you spamming on your phone won't change anything buddy

that's cute but she probably doesn't

Attached: 1562999373781.jpg (1536x2048, 301K)

top meme


ghoul lookin ass

it's true, do some research

Attached: 1542822104103.jpg (1242x1540, 242K)

they did it again lmao

you usually samefag a bit earlier than that

her form looks terrible

Y-you're right!

Attached: 224.gif (382x382, 2.19M)

I blame bona

Imagine Jisoo falling down a flight of stairs and breaking her neck

Attached: jisoo54098675678.jpg (1364x2048, 451K)

>that chin

Rent free roastie

leave you mental illness

Attached: 1552062221868.jpg (1110x1565, 143K)

love these girls for always delivering

you will never have a NEET kgf

Attached: tfw no kgf.webm (854x480, 2.01M)

Attached: kissrin4.webm (1200x674, 2.42M)

Attached: 990FFC4F5B86B6CB37.jpg (1001x1501, 320K)

samefag more tranny

*ruins 400m relay hopes*

Attached: chaewonnie.webm (480x720, 372K)


Attached: 아이즈원 아육대 중계 - 우주소녀 씨름 우승 소감2.webm (720x602, 2.64M)

Go to sleep Doug you have been seething non stop for hours you cringy queer

Bow down

Attached: zryj9885qxf31.jpg (500x782, 53K)

Tranny's RENT FREE

imagine getting this mad cause you get exposed for samefagging

Attached: file.jpg (1200x800, 117K)

god i love chimpy

Attached: 1545241659360.webm (1280x720, 1.72M)

Attached: 1547420148044.jpg (744x1200, 129K)

lucky bastard

nice feet


I wasn't even samefagging you nigger mutt not that it matters anyway you schizo freak

mad samefagging tranny

jealousy intensifies

Attached: 1545241732728.webm (1280x720, 1.26M)


its not fair

it's almost Bomi day

Attached: 64687593_596254907563586_2432206594268090252_n.jpg (1080x1349, 171K)

he looks better than her

she should be under the table then not next to me

in 3 hours

Attached: EBw_Lu9UEAIutOx.jpg (811x1200, 144K)

Go back to /trash/ wujuniggers

Pretty decent movie

it's not fair that korea is so far away

Attached: 1545241948869.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

the fuck wujus have to do with your samefagging? lmao

Do you think they're talking about the boys in their class?

Who will give her the Bday SEX?

i'm still mad about the ending

they samefag the most out of everyone


how do we help moo so they can stop seething

Attached: 160iq.jpg (1024x1024, 110K)

>When did you last shower
>3 days ago

I have a signed Apink album. Bomi is 100% getting piped.

>Ahn Yujin is still considered MC of MLT2
>she has been gone for 10 episodes straight
so when do they just give up and officially replace her with Hayoung

Attached: 5F068CA7-3A42-459F-AD8F-F85CEADB5825.jpg (441x460, 31K)

why did apink copy blackpink

>when you’re the useless member

Attached: benched.jpg (1200x894, 260K)

why did blackpink copy apink

Olivia is just so cute.


which game are they playing?

olivia is busy sleeping


rate my harem

Attached: 136002.png (568x374, 35K)

cause they’re ugly prostitutes with no talent

sleeping while playing ps4?

you like sluts??

we like sluts here

blackpink was blackpink in 2009

gwsn minju>lena

that's how she sleeps, playing bloodborne

disliked and flagged

is this a who's the best sticc contest?

Attached: 456543454345.gif (268x310, 1.01M)

he is a man

that is NOT what that meant


Attached: 56340231_2114955048591368_5002123905392033591_n.jpg (1080x1350, 166K)

she finally got what she wanted

Attached: 1-BLACKPINK-Lisa-with-Peter-Utz-CELINE-Director-of-Couture-and-Events.jpg (576x1024, 59K)

Attached: f556765435.gif (268x335, 1.84M)

this guy is gay and married

how does she know him, I thought YG kept them in the dungeon

ok stop that's just dancing
lots of girls dance like that

it was some fashion designer and he invited lisa to an event also he's gay and married

actually he's divorced and was married to a model (female)



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looking at toy

Attached: oh no no no.jpg (702x1024, 116K)

It finally happened Slugjibros!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1543404094459.jpg (800x1000, 251K)

post that cute girl from gugudan

doy mogging, meanwhile slugs face is melting

Very Powerful Picture

they look like superheroes

Attached: EBxMzZ3XoAAjktV.jpg (768x1024, 113K)

Attached: 1564889552921.png (1200x1800, 965K)

that is cute

Attached: 1541737412823.jpg (1000x667, 151K)

told ya

Attached: 31326.png (613x653, 545K)

yikes friend

>lost to uglyz

kys twiceshitter

WOW, they're beautiful

lovelyz have the advantage of being mtf so they're biologically better at sports

karma for using aimbot

i love her

Attached: 45046351642_f8c1f5f226_o.jpg (2000x3000, 1.01M)

live tweets are saying that Wonyoung got destroyed by Doyeon and Seulgi on pitching

Pristin comeback when?

what does mtf mean?

Based Slugji the greatest alliance since WW2

Attached: 1547883127068.jpg (741x654, 52K)

Attached: D8IXfIAVUAAEdlv.jpg (799x1200, 125K)

male to female

Right is cuter

>poor man's Bona won the pitching contest
that's bullshit, I want a refund
I don't want to live in a world where cherry bullet wins things

lisa is a trap

Slug and Doy are built like rice farmer daughter dykes

Wony is a delicate princess makes sense she lost

Attached: 1544143813640.jpg (1216x1520, 224K)

where do you even learn all this tranny lingo?

'tis a great day for us slugji bros

no she's a cute

stfu roastie

Attached: cb jiwon yuju.webm (1000x692, 2.85M)

loona stans

>*slams your iljin*

Attached: IMG_6178.jpg (1280x853, 156K)


Is isaac still going on? wtf

jisoo got over $50,000 in gifts for her 3 year debut anniversary

Attached: 1538922195943.jpg (695x900, 108K)

Gold: Jiwon (Cherry Bullet)
Silver: Shark Queen (ITZY)
Bronze: Johyun (BerryGood)

i like her new hair

so only 8 people sent stuff?

my wife is tronk
too sad about usless fatpig in her group

Attached: jiu326.jpg (1500x1000, 211K)

noooooooooooo yejibros noooooooooooooo /ourgirl/ lost to some nugu

i love slugji so much with all of my heart...

it was 8 jisoo fanbases

Attached: 1564716776692.jpg (1500x1000, 763K)


at least wony, doytoy and slug got btfo

here comes the self hating once SEAnig

Based paypigs

apologize to fatyeon

Attached: 894B2A09-D857-45E8-8876-5C283D86FB5D.jpg (2048x1812, 598K)

jung "im bringing back Park Chung-hee" eunji
park "god says gays are wrong" chorong
yoon "Woo Bum-kon was an amateur compared to me" bomi

the only worthwhile kpop group. they'll never betray you.

Attached: iu[3].jpg&f=1.jpg (2880x1440, 504K)

subs when?

Attached: 1565603587475.png (631x458, 406K)

lol dami reaction tho

well $30,000 of it was from the chinese and the next highest was the philippines with around $8,000

she deserves it honestly

Attached: 1560619127098.jpg (736x1104, 84K)

Should have been Slugji #1

jisoo got over $50,000 in blacked for her 3 year debut anniversary

die you idiot just stop living already

you first

she cant even beat that skeleton

Attached: hug.webm (1282x914, 2.82M)

why would china care about them? they don't have any chinks

why would i when nobody likes you

>seola and nako
odd combo

Attached: EBxNjfqUwAIn4ZU.jpg (1080x1440, 207K)

Attached: 1564813545241.jpg (1333x2000, 389K)

nako making moves

they sold 600k in china
the chinese just like good music

Attached: EBxND2YU0AEUY4-.jpg (1536x2048, 352K)

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Did she really get beaten by Hayoung? LMAO

Attached: 1557450917266.jpg (1365x2048, 329K)

for pure ONLY

Attached: Nako Rollin Rollin.webm (720x1280, 2.22M)

Attached: 1565587955500.webm (720x1280, 2.26M)

i likes it blacked and large

Attached: EBqjY84UcAAebSj.jpg (719x900, 99K)

the bigger they are, the harder they fall

Dreamcatcher good.

Doy's toys

Attached: Weki Meki 위키미키 - Tiki-Taka(99%) M_V TEASER.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Based Nako's gonna make her straight

very true

Attached: sharkfull.webm (358x640, 2.73M)

wasn't too long and didn't seem too complex so not long

Absolutely useless

Attached: 1550592320289.jpg (1011x1601, 164K)

she got slammed
haggy couldn’t lift her but she’s also stumpy with short limbs and couldn’t attack

jisoo is unrelated to that text

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Attached: 1565606161577.webm (812x868, 2.74M)

>gays choice
>#4 seola
looks like nako is in a trouble

She is only good for one thing (eating)

Attached: 1562268034819.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)



Attached: hryfig5kktleoe8e8esi3.jpg (2731x4096, 864K)

Attached: 1556159884835.jpg (800x1200, 177K)

rich man's dubu

Attached: Miracle of You🏖 - 190812 나코랑 얘기하는 서라가 웃긴 루다 #우주소녀 #설아 #� (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: 190811 있지 ITZY 유나 YUNA 토크 TALK 4K 직캠 @ 롯데 패밀리 콘서트 by Spinel-R46vRw7a (966x1920, 2.09M)

god i wish that was me

Attached: euhna get me stiffy.jpg (1184x1768, 633K)

Attached: EBxHIUuUwAA5OPI.jpg (750x821, 78K)

Attached: 190812 FANCAM DAHYUN MC #ISAC2019.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

sunmi asmr is pretty comfy

look at that smile on his face

uhhhh.... semenbros?? What do we think about this?

based filtered ugly virgin manlet

Reminder that she is just 6 months older than Wony

just woke up friends, whats the results on isac? no gaypop please

wow anymore from this set?
i want a lisa gf so bad

that's a rare predebut
and everyone does friend

>black to the pink
I mean, they literally say it in their lyrics

Attached: 1535085247937.jpg (1000x1777, 137K)

chewy was mad that Twice lost on first round and went on a horrific mass-archery spree, targeting especially the Lovelyz fan-section. the event has been delayed.

Chewy... The Wall really does come for everyone

pink to blacked

not their pinks

She is the cutest girl in the universe and this fancam proves it.

The fuck you talking about he hasn't looked this shining in a long while,

Attached: unknown-3.png (660x492, 457K)

i wish i loved blackpink from the beginning
it feels like i wasted so much time

Attached: 1538473481991.jpg (750x1065, 138K)

Attached: 1565196942030.jpg (243x400, 13K)

FUCK don't roast please honest typo

Attached: IMG_20190812_195341.jpg (1536x2048, 404K)

She looks like she gets dick regularly. You can understand it from her demeanor and even physical appearance

Attached: 5ba53e61533c463fb77f2268b38afbca.jpg (2000x3004, 1.07M)

i think we can all agree she's the best dancer also

Attached: 1550441170589.jpg (972x1214, 294K)

>he hasn't looked this shining in a long while,

that's not sana

jennie must be the worst dancer in bp


no she's really good
she's just like the smart kid that never tries


Attached: EBw2e9dUYAAvKzh.jpg%3Aorig.jpg (304x459, 14K)


a very talented whore

Attached: Dvqz4EDV4AEjauc.jpg (1364x2048, 241K)

Nature is pure

Attached: AgileCriminalIndusriverdolphin.webm (696x720, 2.66M)

What? Isn't she pure?


>"The bloody and breathtaking" Queendom girlgroup comeback war begins
What is this show even about

she is special
i didnt notice her head was so small until yesterday

Attached: 1545093418750.jpg (1365x2048, 312K)

a pure whore

Attached: 1.png (464x629, 249K)

kpop for this feel?

Attached: PARASITE.2019.1080p.FHDRip.H264.AAC-NonDRM-2.webm (1146x480, 2.93M)

i didnt know rosie was this good

Attached: 1545060938716.jpg (1080x1350, 169K)

does the qt survive the film?



ROUND 1: iconic GG song
ROUND 2: cover a song from one of the participants!
ROUND 3: Switch style/concept (aka Girlcrush goes Cute)
ROUND 4: Live Broadcast with their comeback song!

Attached: InferiorDazzlingAmericancreamdraft.webm (696x720, 2.9M)

>bad bitch

she knew exactly what she did

Attached: 190811 있지 ITZY 유나 YUNA 토크 TALK 4K 직캠 @ 롯데 패밀리 콘서트 by Spinel-R46vRw7a (840x1080, 2.93M)

holy shit

Her and Jisoo are both bad. Rose and Lisa are held back by them.

Miss her so much

Attached: Chengy.webm (1080x1920, 2.56M)

so she doesn't

for once i agree

How much did the ones people like get

asian royalty

>if she tried

it doesn't matter, mamamoo is winning

they're all fucking dogshit except Lisa dummies

i can't believe chinks destroyed her body
that's a crime against humanity

she look fertile

Yuna you fucking whore you're only 15

watch the movie

based spinel

blah blah blah!

calm down incel, we're not in the 19th century anymore

how did yuna do at isac? she's a great athlete


Attached: mpv-shot0105.jpg (1920x1080, 448K)

I heard she's the best at horse riding.

That's bad, user. No sexualizing.

Attached: 30753.gif (646x480, 3.28M)

how about a jennie thread?

I wouldn't mind

I would.

make it a seulgi thread

more like blackstink

Make it a Wendy thread

make it a y*na thread


we want gowon


I've fapped twice today and it wasn't to my waifu...


Attached: 25fea9fdc311e7b2cfde7e97d281f3dd.jpg (564x846, 62K)

is rose the quiet one of the team?

Attached: kpop rose date.jpg (1080x1080, 143K)

Can't believe she flew to a blinks house and murdered them all because she hated the name that much

any sharkman in

Mina is never coming back


where is pitzy
we want pitzy


Dubu is trash. Does the Twicebond mean nothing to her.

make it a cub thread

Make it a Wendy thread



Attached: 6ySsQaw.jpg (1564x1564, 735K)

Attached: 4.jpg (800x1000, 138K)

we're here next actually


How many fucking threads do we need
