Former metalhead here.
I used to love metal, now it’s just a bunch of depressing screams and overload of instruments.
These days I find myself listening to Wiz Khalifa, J. Cole, and Freddie Gibbs
Former metalhead here
Other urls found in this thread:
You never loved the right metal. You probably liked edgy scene kid metalcore trash.
Imagine going from metal to rap lmao
doesn't matter if you stop listening to metal, once you listen to metal you lose your music listening license
t. low test
hand over your music listening license
Which part of having a bunch of guys literally scream distorted vocals into your ears do you like? Very curious
metal and rap suck metal sucks more
the riffs and/or slams
That’s borderline chaos. It’s a bunch of nonsense for kids to freak out over not grown men
I'm 100% certain that I know more about music than you. I worked at a record store for 5 years. I've probably spent thousands of hours lurking discogs at work. I've heard all kinds of weird shit you can't even imagine. I still enjoy metal.
Reminds him of being beaten as a kid
>a bunch of guys literally scream distorted vocals
First of all, it's usually just one person and a good metal vocalist doesn't really need distortion on their vocals. It's all in the technique.
Also, the fucking RIFFS.
im 100% certain you don't. hand over the license dweeb
Imagine this is your response and it’s not even close to true. Keep enjoying those screams for whatever odd reason
Not all metal has harsh vocals, retard.
>t. never learned an instrument
Name 5 good metal bands who you can comfortably listen to
it wasn't even good bait, and you still fell for it
why are metalheads such snowflakes?
Then it’s not really “metal” is it
My job was literally buying and researching music. Every single day. For five years. I've read so fucking much about music and heard so many weird obscure demo tapes, local/private pressings, library recordings, etc.
I'm 100% sure you listen to entry-level Yea Forumscore trash and think you're a music nerd.
this is meta-bait
All white people are snowflakes
>Iron Maiden
>Black Sabbath
>Judas Priest
>not metal
Are you retarded? None of these artists have screamed vocals.
Metal fans are literally retarded from headbanging and listening to people scream in their ears all day
My issue with metal is its lack of expressive depth
woah can you say that
They’re all annoying as shit to listen to.
They’re yelling/screaming Maiden’s high pitch yelling is aids
Triggered cracker lmao
i listen to the sound of your saliva on my fat peen. hand over the license
Metal appeals to fascists and closet homosexuals
t. just wants to distract us from the fact he never had a music listening license to begin with
metal in a nutshell
>decent rifs
>depressing lyrics
>horrid vocals
you left out epic gamers and gang weeders
Cant wait for the mayocide to finally start
Still a nigger lmao
I’ll listen to Justin Bieber before Judas Priest
Better than my parents being meth head cousins tho lol
Here are some easy entry-level metal bands for you. No scary screamed vocals.
Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath
Here's some heavy shit that I enjoy, if you're curious.
Demolition Hammer
Celtic Frost
Morbid Saint
My tax dollars are what’s feeding your family Jamal, you can’t afford to get rid of me
whoa dude, racism outside of Yea Forums is against the rules!
>implying you even know who your biological parents even are
Slayer really doesn’t help your case at all. Whoever sits around with Slayer blaring in their ears needs to be evaluated by professionals
t. never listened to Rainbow
Show No Mercy and Haunting The Chapel are fantastic. Everything else they've ever released is trash, except for Angel Of Death and Seasons In The Abyss (the song)
>no scary screamed vocals
>Angel Of Death
>literally opens with a fucking scream
What did he mean by this?
Nothing is good about metal, man. Sorry. It’s for kids who are fascinated by rebellious and depressing shit.
yall just going to act like that picture ain’t there?
all of Reign in Blood is good, kys
t. doesn't like tasty riffs
It's really not. Jesus Saves is cringey as fuck, and the song Raining Blood is a sloppy mess. I've always felt like that song sounded unfinished.
Angel Of Death is a fucking banger and one of the greatest album openers of all time, but the rest of the album is pretty weak.
Beatles fan and I hate metal because it truly, truly, is the worst genre of music
t. mayonnaise skin
the only sane man in this thread
what genres do you like, user?
you're wrong
Necrophobia, Criminally Insane and Piece by Piece are all bangers
I'm a huge metal fan and The Beatles are my favorite band of all time. I'm probably one of the biggest Beatles posters on this board. Weird to think that we've probably meme'd it up together in a Beatles thread, and our taste is so different.
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
In a sense, the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply highlight what product the music business wants to make money from.
Reminder that this is what all metal sounds like to people who don't like metal.
smoother rock blues pop rap r&b
Maybe I'll give it another listen. Show No Mercy and Haunting The Chapel fucking jam though.
The Beatles invented heavy metal.
Doesn’t mean they make it
early Slayer is indeed the shit
I love The Beatles and heavy metal. They're my favorite band, and metal is tied with post-punk for my favorite genre. What is it that you hate so much about it?
I simply don’t like the energy and overly loud volume of their genre. The poetry isn’t my style either. It doesn’t lift my mood or make me look forward to my day in the slightest
That's a fair point. I love how silly and uplifting The Beatles can be at times. They make me feel so happy. They have their depressing moments though.
I think metal is fun too, but it's different kind of fun. It's not really supposed to be serious. It's supposed to be ridiculous, like a cheesy horror movie. I think a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that metal fans take metal seriously. We know it's goofy.
Whats your favorite Beatles album btw?
>I think a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that metal fans take metal seriously. We know it's goofy.
Not the same user, but there's a reason why metalheads are stereotypically considered to be elitists. Many of them take the music very, very seriously.
I mean, there are certain subgenres of metal that are full of "serious" elitist types like black metal and progressive metal, but those guys are huge faggots. I mainly listen to death and thrash metal. Most thrash is about drinking, partying, and thrashing, and most death metal is too over-the-top to be serious. How can anybody listen to a song called "Hammer Smashed Face" or "Beyond The Unholy Grave" and think they're being totally serious? It's edgy for sure, but it's goofy and the bands know they're being goofy.
It’s Beatles for Sale. And yours?
>It's edgy for sure, but it's goofy and the bands know they're being goofy.
You may interpret the music as campy, but it doesn't mean that every other metalhead does.
It's a three way tie between Revolver, Magical Mystery Tour, and the white album.
Solid 3. Magical Mystery Tour and Rubber Soul are tied for my runner ups.
It’s not goofy. There’s such things as bad jokes and death metal is a perfect example since you claim they’re intentions are to be fools
Am I the only one who doesn't care about metal lyrics? I care about riffs, and I care about the texture of the vocals. They're like another instrument. I couldn't care less what they're singing about.
It sucks man, just let it go
user are you actually the one i was replying to because you literally said rap sucks
This is not a joke. I am going to kill myself tonight. I have the gun next to me. Once I post this I will die. My last action on earth will be writing a post on Yea Forums. I deserve to die. Goodbye.
I like metal and I like other genres why is it such a big deal what I listen to?
don't do it user :'(
what is smoother
k bye