I was watching a performance of the 9th Symphony from start to finish for the first time in ages and the sheer ingenuity, finesse, technicality and creativity behind such a work mesmerised me.
Recommend me some other works of musical genius, doesn’t strictly have to be classical.
Glad to hear op, try >Mahler's 9th >Wagner's Der Ring Die Nibelungen (or try Parsifal first if it seems too intimidating, recommendably by Solti) >Bach's Brandenburg Concertos and Matthaus Passion >Prokofiev's Piano Concertos (I really liked the Ashkenazy rendition) >Handel's Messiah And pic related
>Solti Fuck that. If you're going Parsifal definitely go with Kubelik >Ring Bohm, but there's no perfect one. >Handel's Messiah Absolutely Jeffrey Thomas' recording >Bach's Matthaus Passion Bernius for this one
Don't have a 'favorite' to rec the brandenburgs and don't much care for Prokofiev
Nolan Young
>that many Germans >no French or Italians or anyone else, really You disgust me. OP, try: >Palestrina's Missa Tu es Petrus >Faure's La Bonne Chanson >Sibelius' 7th Symphony >Verdi's Requiem >Milhaud's Symphony No. 8
Scriabin is great, but your dismissal of the French shows how much you still have to learn.
Brandon Rodriguez
Grimes - Visions
Luke Walker
There is absolutely nothing French worth anyone's time after the 17th Century
Aiden Lewis
You are utterly and extremely wrong, if only for the fact Ravel exists.
Ian Morris
Ryder Morris
>if only for the fact Berlioz exists ftfy pleb
Jace Perez
>implying You utter nog.
Sebastian Morgan
not him, but Debussy is the obvious counterexample
Kayden Ward
also ween is really good
Jack Martin
Luis Myers
>Berlioz He's a second pressing of Mehul, Cherubini and Lesueur. He's good because of his great storytelling skill. He's nowhere near the best the French produced in the 19th and 20th Century, much less overall.