Will she ever embrace her punk roots

will she ever embrace her punk roots

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guys I think I'm becoming a waifufag. I find myself watching Paramore videos to admire Hayley. I love her face, her legs, how she sings and her stage presence. I've always hated waifufags. why the fuck is this happening to me?

I'm feeling she might do a more rocky album next after going through the shit (divorce, Jeremy leaving Paramore, depression, etc.) with After Laughter. Punk, though? I doubt. Sadly.

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Attached: ValuableVelvetyDugong.webm (480x852, 284K)

What's wrong with her eyes?

She's a virtue signalling industry plant. I still want to bang her.

Nothing's wrong with her eyes.

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ewww she looks gross there

No she’s done with that trend
You can slit your wrists now fatty

Good taste.

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if you guys like Paramore then listen to this