will she ever embrace her punk roots
Will she ever embrace her punk roots
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guys I think I'm becoming a waifufag. I find myself watching Paramore videos to admire Hayley. I love her face, her legs, how she sings and her stage presence. I've always hated waifufags. why the fuck is this happening to me?
I'm feeling she might do a more rocky album next after going through the shit (divorce, Jeremy leaving Paramore, depression, etc.) with After Laughter. Punk, though? I doubt. Sadly.
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What's wrong with her eyes?
She's a virtue signalling industry plant. I still want to bang her.
Nothing's wrong with her eyes.
ewww she looks gross there
No she’s done with that trend
You can slit your wrists now fatty
Good taste.
if you guys like Paramore then listen to this