>its another wojak edit thread
Make OC retard
Editing a preexisting meme for the 10000th time isnt funny or original
remember when Yea Forums was the meme hub of the internet and new shit was coming out every day and the rest of the internet stole our shit? the past like 5 years every meme from here is either a pepe variation or a wojak variation, pathetic as fuck it's like all the creativity was sapped
>only listens to music with at least 100k listeners
The fact that that point exists confirms a) whoever made this image is a contranian mouthbreather whose opinion isn't worth considering, and b) you're an absolute mong for making this dumpster fire of a thread.
Everything's better when you're six
I bet her feet are stinky
>posts wojak
>calls me reddit
4k ultra hd projector.
Why do you fucking redditor newfags always go for "hehe well you're probably young" and think you've won the argument? Fuck off already retard.
>I care about how many other people enjoy what I enjoy
Yeah good point, the retards who spam wojak and redditfrog are six year olds
You have to be mentally six to find 1000 le ebin feel guy frog man memes funny after multiple years.
i like aphex twin
It's actually so sad that someone put the effort and time to create this pathetic image.
The genre tourist meme is a great way to get all the reddit migrants to reveal themselves
I unironically love how everybody still gets triggered and responds to this thread everyday
OP's fucking seething that we didnt like his shitty wojak so now hes backpedaling and claiming "epic trole" status, weak as fuck, cope more.
>caring about the quality of the board is being triggered
Based retard.
>merely pretending
The only good thing that came out of tourist was someone made the mistake of taking it to Yea Forums and someone proceeded to have a mental breakdown and spam midget and scat porn on the board.