His best work

His best work.

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i'd have to say Hot Rats or Joe's Garage

depends on what you like.
personally i would say joe's garage but my gf really likes sheik yerbouti.

For me? Its gotta be '

the live albums from the '88 tour are awesome despite their crappy 80s CD mixing, the best ones are Make A Jazz Noise Here & The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life. still tho every album is a fuckin masterpiece

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man....having a gf who appreciates zappa.......hold on to her man and never let her go

Uncle Meat

I like Sheik Yerbouti better, but Apostrophe is his better album.
The Crux of the Biscuit's version of Uncle Remus is his best song though. youtube.com/watch?v=nWZeBJKhKd8

Good album
My pick from mothers is One Size Fits All, and Live in New York for his solo stuff
Why are the drums on this album so weird?

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i think zappa was mixing for consumer level speakers with no bass or something. a remaster would definitely help they didn't do anything with them when the remastered all the zappa albums in 2012. also chad wackerman has a weird drumming style.

Best Band You Never Heard is great, but Broadway The Hard Way is my favorite, for that era. Zappa In New York is my favorite official live album.

The Helsinki Tapes

The bigger band that tour might have something to do with it, mixing large ensembles is different than mixing a 5 piece band. Plus, wackerman was using a lot of electronic drums. I haven't listened to that album on headphones in a while, but I'd bet the amount of musicians onstage has something to do with it, like when he was out with the Grand Wazoo orchestra, that was 20 people onstage.

And, it could just be what Frank wanted, for Frank reasons, like being pissed at Chad about something. I'm just gonna go with "That's what Frank wanted".

None, he's an talentless hack.

Beatle-esque post man

The Bill Hicks of music

Uncle Meat is the best work of his. Best mix of experimental contraputual melody and snippets of toned down sound collages when compared to his early work (especially the outro to Freak Out!). Basically the best of Freak Out! and Burnt Weeny Sandwich.

what are the most accessible Zappa albums?

I love the first LP of Freak Out! but I really couldn't care less about the tape loop experiments


Hot Rats is the most entry level Zappa album but he crossed genres so many times theres no definitive intro to his work

Anybody else like this one?
...guess it's just me.

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His best and most important work is obviously Hot Rats, ya hipster bunch of fuckin' contrarians.

Joe's Garage. It's a lot of the popular "rawk" songs and jam/experimental songs, with the peak of Frank's "humor in music". (It's pretty funny, desu)

Anyone who says Hot Rats has huffed themselves retarded on the smell of their own farts, if they think it's 'accessible". You know what's worse than obsessive Tool fans? Obsessive Zappa fans.

Hot Rats begins with an uplifting, optimistic jazzrock composition and maintains the mood for the rest of the album. It's super accessible, which isn't a bad thing.

Zoot Allures

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It's in no way "accessible". But thanks for proving my point.

Why do you take issue with an accessible album being called accessible? Imagine getting pleb filtered by fucking Hot Rats. The fucking STATE of you.

>It's in no way "accessible"

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You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore Vol. 1 is the greatest live album in the world.

My favorite is One Size Fits All but his best would have to be Best Band You've Never Heard

"This word you keep using, "accessable", I do not think it means what you think it does."

Attached: Retards.jpg (289x174, 5K)

What the fuck are you talking about? What do you think accessible means?

>Not surprised you don't get it.

Rob: I own this store called Champions Vinyl. It's located in a neighborhood that attracts the bare minimum of window shoppers. I get by because of the people who make a special effort to shop here - mostly young men - who spend all their time looking for deleted Smiths singles and original, not rereleased - underlined - Frank Zappa albums. Fetish properties are not unlike porn. I'd feel guilty taking their money, if I wasn't... well... kinda one of them.

Take your meds.

Keep flailing around spastically

hot rats is accessible for jazz fusion

Take your meds.

The Grand Wazoo or Waka/Jawaka, but it's really hard to go wrong with Frank in general.

have sex

Have to say from what i've heard of Zappa i feel Steely Dan is far superior at least wrt to the "humour" element in the lyrics and music. Musically i'm not fond of his solo guitar tone at all

what exactly have you “heard”

steely dan is superior overall change my mind

Overnite Sensation/Apostrophe, Waka/Jawaka, Grand Wazoo, Hot Rats

>The Grand Wazoo
How is this album so underrated?

Why would i? Zappa's lyrics are too often random or vulgar compared to the sleazy finesse of Don and Walt

hell yeah brother

>Zappa obsessive telling someone to have sex

Never change, Yea Forums. Never change.

This. Make A Jazz Noise Here is easily his best live release. The band is SO fucking tight...I think the lack of recognition is the fact that the tracklist doesn't have too many hits, but what's actually played on there is better than any other live release in his catalogue. Could not imagine witnessing that band in person...wow...

chunga's revenge

Duckman intro

is zappa one of those things where like everyone deep down knows he sucks but like hipster music snobs act like hes good so it looks like THEY GET IT and everyone else is TOO STUPID TO GET IT MANNNN!!!

After having gone through a 2 year phase of going through his discography I think I like Burnt Weeny Sandwich the best. Not the best in any objective way, but it always stood out to me. Also I don't know why Just Another Band From LA and the other Flo and Eddie material flies under the radar, there's a lot of good stuff in there.

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hot rats... obviously

No he's actually really good and a pleb filter

Not everyone is going to like all of his music, maybe not even most of it, but that's because he was a pioneer pushing the boundaries of music.
And then sometimes he just wanted to make a song about Titties & Beer, or about his drummer having a gay crush on a man with lips to put Steven Tyler to shame.

>everybody punching top-tier if not career best as live performers
>Zappa in height-of-power evil pedagogue mode
>structurally a piss-take of Stravinsky's Firebird but so well and subtly done as to be tasteful

He has varying degrees of "focused" material which I prefer at this point and recognize as actually better but this has always stuck out to me as the "this is who I am and what I'm doing" record

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Over-Nite Sensation
Hot Rats
Sheik Yerbouti