Why does modern music fucking suck so much?

why does modern music fucking suck so much?

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It doesn't

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it does

it doesn't, your taste just sucks

nope, sorry, your taste is shit.

If you can't find good music you are not trying very hard. There is more good music being made now than at any other point in human history. The internet just changed how it's distributed and marketed.


I've been going through the top 50 of each year off rym, and I can say, I only enjoy a handful or less of their picks from each respective year.

>why does modern music feed and seed so much?

Then start finding more unknown shit that you might like. rym ratings are not a measure of actual quality.

formerly good

That's not cool man, you gotta live in the present and the youth!

yeah, except there's no real way of doing that without playing roulette, since there aren't any metrics that exist to filter for quality excluding what plebs rate.

>le wrong generation meme

Sorting by popularity will always filter towards the more boring stuff that everyone kind of likes, rather than the more personal stuff that people love

I don't know about you but finding a diamond in the rough makes me feel good because I didn't need anyone to tell me its good

so just wait, let other people do the sorting, and listen to music released now in 2030.

you are just insecure then, I don't really care if it's Fantano, youtube algorithm or some obscure blog that lets me in on a record, actual enjoyment is what matters.

>Why am I not spoon-fed the music I want in this flood of original music?
The truth is out there user. Look for new bands, get out of your comfort zone. Listen to new genres. You can't find good music if you just check the trending tab.

yeah bro everything new sucks, i only play my vinyls and never listen to flac

cuz you have bad taste



there is stil good music its just not in the spotlight

Because it's made by modern people.

Listen here retard I didn't say that the only enjoyment was that I found something that only I've heard but that its actually good music. If you don't want to actually find something you might enjoy then just sit their and jerk off about how good music used to be until you die faggot.

Dates back to GameFAQs music board in 2004 at the very latest, as does the "rock isn't dead it's just gone underground!" meme and discussions of Xiu Xiu, ITAOTS, Spiderland, midwest emo etc (which were Pitchfork memes even then) So if anyone belongs to the wrong generation it's people like you who parrot shit I read on GameFAQs over 15 years ago


don't project, I listen to plenty of different sub-genres,

Then look for albums in those sub-genres instead of complaining on Yea Forums about how modern music sucks


I do, but if I just listen to that then you're contradicting your main point.

This isn't me

This is me

go away shill

Music has sucked from the late 90s on out

The reason? Protools & The internet

good question.
no fucking idea.

if modern music is shitty, then this sounds like music of the future.


OP is a certified autist stop replying to this thread. it’s like talking to a fucking five year old who won’t stop asking why

saged and kys

Absolutely based and redpilled


Weed number can't be wrong. True

Not enough pure white 1888 christian fellows making wholesome music like the good ol days. Boy howdy mmhmm I'll tell ya I miss the days when kids would listen to The Partridge Family and Monkees.

formerly why does modern music feeding seed so much?

Hopefully there might be a large underground scene like in the late 60s. Who knows, the next Lou Reed could be that 3 year old asain kid you saw in your reccomended


You're not looking hard enough.

Enough good music has been permanently recorded that nothing "good" has to be made anymore. Now the only reason music is made is remake trendy garbage, or blandly immitate previous musicians.