Just found out Mozart is dead.
Cryin so hard rn.
Just found out Mozart is dead
What? I'm not dead. That's a ridiculous rumour. I've been alive this whole time. DaVinci's secret cryogenic freezing machine preserved me until 2010 when I was unfrozen. After that I auctioned off a few of my belongings and used the proceeds to finance my escape to Cuba where I now rent an apartment with Biggie and Tupac.
dude hes been dead for like 50 years lmao lmao
mozart was essentially a clout martyr
i miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
Shout out to my homeboy Wolfie, see you up there bruh...
I feel happy for you my friend
not a big loss for music
he's uhhh he's HAHAHAHA oh my this ones good, so like he's uhh (just wait) like.... in the ground n all yknow cuz hea dead haha and, uhhh well since hes (snicker) dead n all yknow he's like... (just wait) ..... HAHAHA like yknow he's uhhh he's DECOMPOSING HAHAHAHA cmon man that was really funny dont deny it, you laughed a little, I saw haha
i laughed
based retard
Hes been buried for so long I'm sure his flesh has been stripped by the worms and his bones have long since turned to dust and mixed in with the soil.
Tangentially do people still rob graves?
Just found out OP is a massive faggot cryin rn
Fuck, I didn’t even know he was sick
back to plebbit
Is that a question or an offer?
What are you proposing?
Where have you been since 1791?
no u
why cuba of all places? that place is a fucking dump
I think as a well-off American who doesnt need to worry about working or running foul of the law it'd actually be pretty nice, and where else would he go? North Korea? Russia? Cuba's about the only country that's not all buddy buddy with America and still isn't a complete shithole.
>that place is a fucking dump
Only if you're Cuban lol.
Strange to consider what would he would have been like if lived just 2 decades longer. Clearly he could have transitioned well to Romantic music as evidenced by his late work. He would have been the ass-fetishist god for all aspiring composers to look up to and Goethe would have paid his left nutsack for Mozart to set an opera to his Faust
Did you know Mozart wrote his own Requiem? Very spooky.