Will Yea Forums step up and do the same?

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kill yourself already faggot

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Why don't you fuck off back there if it's so great

We need to step up and cancel Mac DeMarco

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Absolutely disgusting

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does he not have a penis or is just too small?

>be me
>thinking my penis is too small
>watch this pics

Attached: 1557263154610.jpg (750x748, 137K)

He and his friends all have tiny cocks

Attached: mac3.jpg (1019x607, 64K)

wtf is this thread

Yeah. totally not gay

Why do you have these pictures saved, son?

Because other people need to see how filthy their beloved goofball is

Attached: azalea.jpg (640x854, 47K)

>we must never listen to music of white people who we do not agree with on politics

Why do liberals insist on only associating with people they agree with and are exactly like them? Also who gives a fuck about the political beliefs of musicians or artists, artists are some of the most poorly educated people around, no one should be looking to them for political ideas

guys me penis is between 5.5 to 6 inches long
Is that long enough to pleasure a woman? Can i give girls an orgasm with that height?

you realize that most penises are smaller when people are not erect and hanging with their bros or whatever?

what the fuck happened to all the Iggy Azalea pics? They were all over the internet and then just disappear, entiretely, i know girls get angry when this happens to her but jesus all that? Not even Jennifer Lawrence wanted so bad to make that disappear

>artists are some of the most poorly educated people around
Which is why they tend to be leftists lmao

We can't even cancel a guy who is known to be grand wizard of some orgy cult and uses music to travel the country systematically fucking our girlfriends.

hang the dj hang the dj hang the dj
seriously why would you ban such a comfy band

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Fag here, can confirm it’s not the size of the waves but the motion of the ocean

yeah, 100%. No one with even a basic education in economics is like "you know what, maybe Marx and Stalin weren't so bad"

I had to use a filter to bypass a 4channel copyright claim

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just shitlibs

>if that's the height while being flacid
you should be proud
>if that's the height while being erect
not really but at least is higher than the average, you can be happy with that user

>basic economics meme
I refuse to believe you're being serious

God’s work user. How many pictures are in the set?

yeah i was thinking of saving them but they all suck. you're not missing much

There's only a few good ones

Attached: iggy azalea (2).jpg (1874x2500, 688K)

Like clockwork.

No, I seriously believe than no one with an education outside women's studies or entirely non-technical fields would ever be a leftist

Anyone with a business, economics, STEM or history education knows what an utter failure leftism was, and most understand that there is no academic or scientific merit to Marx's speculative philosophy ideas


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I cancelled Mowwissey a long time ago because his music was garbage. All the edgetards scrambling to support him now thought he was faggot music a year ago.

Leftism and Marxism are not equivalent terms, which demonstrates how much "education" you probably had.

Marx’s critiques of capitalism are pretty accepted by economists. He’s one of the most important economists because of them.

Marx defined modern leftism. Of course leftism predates Marx but his followers hijacked the term and absurdly started calling classical liberals/leftists reactionaries as they ran to the most authoritative form of government they could think of

I am not a leftist, but this stance reeks of ignorance. If you've ever actually studied economics, you'd know that there are many Marxist writers who have degrees in economics.

Marx was right about capitalism in the same way Plato was right about atoms

Turns out Marx was generally wildly wrong about capitalism in most of his predictions. Always remember that Marx was more philosopher than economist, he didn't care for data or science, he just liked making up ideas and speculating

But my STEM degree user!

There is a board for this shit, go back there all of you.

No, marx was pretty on the nose about class struggle, accumulation and labor. I can tell you haven’t read Kapital

There is a marked increase in shitty threads like this since the ate chan debacle, huh?

This is a great thread

If you're a refugee from there, you'd think so.

Marx thought capitalism would create continually worsening conditions for the working classes that would force class struggle and violent overthrow of capitalist nations from the urban working class

When in fact the only times any marxist system have been implemented were top down coups in agricultural societies that had nothing to do with the urban working class

Turns out capitalism has given us perpetually increasing standards of living to the point where the ever decreasing working class has never had things bad enough to have a revolution and more and more working class enter the bourgeoisie ever generation to the point where they are barely a thing worth discussing anymore in advanced capitalist societies

Marx had no idea what he was speculating about and was wrong on almost every prediction he ever made about the future of capitalism and class struggle

Is his buddy staring at his dick

I'm just bringing my culture here you intolerant bigot. Do you hate refugees or something?


i would spare mozzie the guillotine just so we can put him in a cage and have him sing the smiths big hits over and over from 9 to 5 5 days a week

>Why do liberals insist on only associating with people they agree with and are exactly like them?
Literally anyone with a political view does this whether they think they do or not.
The right hates "libtards"
The left hates "nazis"
The center hates "extremists"
Literally fucking everyone does it. You do it. You just want to believe you're above it until someone challenges you.

I listen to music with little regard to their political views. Anyone who likes music is basically forced to listen to a lot of leftists so only leftists really have the luxury of limiting their listening experience to likeminded people

Beyond music this is true with most entertainment, since entertainment careers do not require traditional education you have a lot of fucking people that do not understand economics giving their opinion about economic systems, its just something you have to deal with as an educated consumer of entertainment, most people in these industries have bad fucking ideas


>on the nose about class struggle
ah yes, i can see all of these centuries-old capitalist hierarchies just crumbling around me
meanwhile, China has a more rigid class structure than ever under communism and Venezuela is basically an African country

>on the nose about class struggle, accumulation and labor
You mean like that time Vietnam genocided all the urban folk and forcibly moved everyone to the countryside to be agrarian slaves?
Or do you mean when the communist Cuban government took ownership of all the cows and created a famine so severe that people were out hunting wild cats in the streets?

We established earlier in this thread that you know nothing about economics either.

I meant he was accurate about late stage capitalism leading to inequality and outsourcing for cheap labor, I don’t see there being a communist revolution/redistribution. I think there is a flaw with the 1% but I’m still a capitalist because it makes sense. I can live with inequality because it’s essential to capitalism, just not to an extreme degree.

4 wont, a large ammount of people here are alt-light, so I dont see it happening. Fuck Morrissey, but I think we should still be able to talk about him.

But we already hated him, why support him now?

Morrissey lately tho

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Sepperate the artist from the art. Besides I assume (and hope) that it will be mostly posts bashing him.



its funny how little people reacting to this know of Morrissey

he has a long history of attempting to say provocative shit in the media to get attention on himself, facts aside you play into his game by boosting and transmitting this shit

he's basically making it so shitbags might listen to his music...which is fucking hilarious

that's a based and reasonable-pilled take, user
have a good one


Being a reddit drone or a Yea Forums drone
No thanks LMAO


>it's sara posts a roll image to derail threads that make fun of liberals on mu

everytime bros lmao

Attached: Morrissey Cancelled.png (1529x668, 662K)

Moar like /pol/tard posts roll image to keep thread bumped and maximize visibility. You see it on Idles hate and wojack threads.

Morrissey has always been a piece of shit and The Smiths have always been a bland disposable pop band

That's just not true at all, if that were the case I would have to disown my family, and I would have few friends. I actually don't care what other people believe, because most people are crazy regardless, it's not why I choose to hang out with others.


Luckily his music shit too

Rollin for damage to the ears.

Morrissey's opinions are literally the same as they were 30 years ago, the only thing that has changed is immigration being the hot issue of the moment.

boomer drivel

This to be honest. Fuck that smug prick


I hate Morrissey not because of his political views but because he is Morrissey.

What is socially acceptable to say in "Liberal" society has changed wildly in the last 5-10 years.
Most comedy movies from the 00s are loaded with shit Hollywood would not allow you to say anymore
