Hating The Beatles is proof this board is made up of retards.
And only the true musicians with any insight get pushed back for stating the obvious facts.
Hating The Beatles is proof this board is made up of retards
theyre good. i just rarely listen to them anymore.
Oh yeah? Oh yeah little faggot?
I don't know anyone here who dislikes The Beatles.
I hated the Beatles until I was 12, then I liked Come Together, then I went through a huge Beatles phase through highschool and really don't like Come Together at all. I love the Beatles. And yeah, I just don't put them on as much, nostalgia hurts. Sure they existed before I was alive but I had my time with them and I'm thankful for it.
same i listened the shit out of them when i was a kid - i was lucky since my parents had their entire box collection. but by high school i had listened to everything and havent since
Yea Forums used to have taste and admitted The Beatles are vastly overrated and Yea Forums used to agree on that but I've noticed a big shift towards " THEY WERE SUPER POPULAR AND IMPORTANT" as the main opinion in recent years. This place is just shills now.
its "incel le edgy cool" to hate everything
i just think they are overrated to the point of epic meme status
the business strategy of going from boy band to basically inventing what a modern day rock band is was the most impressive thing about them
musically i find them pretty bland in comparison to much better bands of the time
>mu/ used to have taste and admitted The Beatles are vastly overrated
Wrong retard.
for example whiter shade of pale, nights in white satin, and a lot of the Animals discography owns anything the Beatles ever did.
Exactly this.
the beatles are great but they arnt the greatest thing that ever happened to music like some people claim. they were just one of the many bands involved with the shift
>nights in white satin
God I love that song
I think it's fair to dislike/hate the beatles but most people's reasoning I just can't get behind, just seems like their scaruffidroning or being a contrarian faggot
then again this is Yea Forums it's hard to tell sometimes
The Beatles are vastly overrated by the general populace / rym community but underrated by scaruffi due to his contrarian tendencies (in his reviews moreso than his ratings). As a disclaimer, I'm a scaruffidrone
I just don't get what more can be said about the Beatles. I don't hate them, but there's really nothing more to say about them at this point.
Not that user but it's true.
Also not that user but it's true
nice proof of raging autism, OP
After p4k gave mbdtf a 10 this board spiraled into trash. I remember when we used to actually discuss music and not just celebrity/hype culture.
I've been on Yea Forums for about 7 years, and I can honestly say that since the moment I've gotten here it's been in a state of constant decay, and I'm guessing it's always been that way.
Newsflash: the Beatles aren't the be-all-end-all of rock and roll. It's ok to shit on popular bands when they're overrated as fuck. You won't get downvoted here. Just saying.
Been here since the MPP leak
Kanye fans are almost always annoying as hell. He's just an overhyped product.
Your boy-band had some catchy tunes 60 years ago, please move on with your life, they are not that interesting.