ITT albums women will never understand

ITT albums women will never understand

Attached: ybgmdr-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 111K)

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all of them

You start OP, Death Grips is thotcore

OP said understand, not say they like for social reasons.


ITT: men who will never get laid.

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Sex is overrated.

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Wash your smelly cock, incels.

Attached: tumblr_p74vv9hqgn1wsk904o1_1280_0.jpg (1080x1080, 270K)

Death Grips is gay. You can't be genuinely manly and hipster at the same time, go all the fucking way or go home fence sitter/cum shitter.

Attached: panteR-1855450-1310683156.jpg (500x500, 103K)


jacking off > sex anyday

wow this 14 year old tranny sure showed me

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That album is fucking shit, go listen to Shostakovitch and Moondog if you want actual music.

So true


>wow this 14 year old tranny sure showed me

Attached: DBsaSbXXkAQLiHv.jpg (980x1200, 306K)


Cope harder

Any good one

Men made all* of art, sweaty :)

>>wow this 14 year old tranny sure showed me

Attached: 54846.jpg (185x272, 5K)

holy fucking based

i want to seed in all these trash heaps.....theyll all want child support...i'll be ruined financially and in jail...but they will be seeded....