Post things that are more talented than Thom Yorke

Post things that are more talented than Thom Yorke

I dropped these on the floor and the sound it made was better than anything ever released by Radiohead

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record it next time so i can sample it

my shitting and farting

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solo thom sucks ass but don't pee and poo on my radiohead, thanks bby

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Sno balls > Fruit Pies > Donettes> Zingers > Ding Dongs > Ho Hos > Cupcakes > Twinkies > Suzie Qs

I meant cupcakes (and I guess cake batter) in general but ok.


Incorrect. Hostess Cupcakes are the best of snack cakes. And for me it was the Chocwave Shockwave. It used the best cake flavor (chocolate) and the best kind of sugar sprinkles.

Sno Balls are an okay indulgence, however, much like many, the cake always seems stale and the marshmallow can be too much. Fruit Pies are good but not a cake. Donettes are meh. Only raspberry Zingers are good and are also a top tier treat. Ding Dongs are always stale. Ho Hos are good but I prefer the cake to cream ratio of the Cupcake. Twinkies are bland. Suzie Qs are not good and are stale.

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It's like eating room-temperature bread with toothpaste, can't stand it. The closest I can get is ice cream cake which at least has something remotely interesting going on to drown out the blandness of the batter.

>stale stale stale
Just because you live in a shithole where the local swill merchant peddles expired snack cakes doesnt mean the same is true of the rest of us.

It is not tender, it is not good. It may not be stale but it may as well be. The Cupcakes are always more moist than any of those aside from Ho Hos and Zingers. which are also moist.

Twinkies are also moist, but they are bland.

Heres some change, kid. Go treat yourself to a Sno Ball, maybe then you'll see what you're missing.

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Hostess vendor here, i can answer any of your questions

Sno Balls are only good occasionally, and the marshmallow can be too much. Who can eat more than half of it on a regular basis? It is too much. And the cake is always dry.

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American baked goods are shit

A shitholer speaks.
The American baked good being discussed are mass market products generally sold to marijuana users, truck drivers, and parents who want cheap snacks for their sugar craving children's lunch boxes. They are not representative of American bakeries or baked goods produced in the United States of America with any intention of passing itself off as a quality product.

imagine being a fatty American and being sent into a seething diabetic rage by someone on the internet saying something bad about your favorite sugary fatty indulgence.

You're mistaken. My favorite sugary fatty indulgence is your mothers cunt.

do americans really eat cured human vaginas as a snack?