How do I make PC Music
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How do I make PC Music
New to production? Check it:
Post what you're looking for in feedback. GIVE feedback to get feedback.
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Is A.G. Cook elite?
triplets, fm and pitched up female vocals also be british. but pc is highkey kind of dead lately.
also does anyone have advice on this? im mainly looking for mixing advice and whether the bass is coming through alright and that the progression is at least interesting and attention holding.
what do you mean by "triplets" exactly
ive just noticed that a fair amount of pc music, especially ag stuff has synths that play in triplets which are when you divide note lengths into multiples of 3 instead of 2, theoryfags correct me if im wrong.
I need validation
Holy shit. Why haven't I listened to Charli XCX before? This is fucking amazing!
How can I make music like this as a guy who can't sing?
I was tired and depressed but once this track came on I got up and started dancing around my room. Shit. This is the medicine I need and I need to make more; make my own, you know?
i don't even like this song and it's making me feel man
we all wanna go back ;_______;
i found an xp50 soundfont that's fairly similiar to that piano sound
are you that guy that was like super iglooghost like from... idk a year ago? sounds good
laughing at Demarcus(?) responding to a demarcus account
yeah thats me, i kinda gave up caring. if its an aesthetic you like itd be stupid to restrict yourself and i wouldnt release music anyway.
also i only used that name because an op said so and i care more about feedback anyway.
Neat. Does that sound anything like their sound canvas modules?
I think I may have tried to download this (sound canvas vst) from somewhere but the file was really small so I got scared and deleted it.
gayest post i've seen in a long time
nothing done the last few days, i just want to be left alone to /prod/ and now i'm too fucking tired fuck this gay earth!!! 8(
i have no idea what's in the soundcanvas, that just looks like a fuck load of sounds to me so i'm assuming something of the xp50 is in there
hmmm hmmm
hey if you identify with a sound i see no reason to fight it
please. it's been for fucking ever since we had a thread that's been relatively free of faggots antagonizing and shitposting. My one source of socializing has been completely fucked
have you tried not getting all butthurt about being called gay? cause you're acting pretty gay
Can't you tell the posting styles apart? It wouldn't even make sense for him to samefag. I'm the one you called gay, silly.
I assume this is Ableton specific? ;(
Thank you for sharing with us though.
didn't bother to differentiate the two of you since you both sound pretty gay
wasn't me buddy, i don't like it either.
i'm bothered by people being mean to other people for no reason and generally lowering the quality of the thread tho. like there are other places on Yea Forums to be a dick, Yea Forums is full of shitposting, idk why you would come to /prod/ specifically to be annoying unless you're only just barely interested in production or are completely disillusioned with it while also being really into Yea Forumsetc still
idk, is it? i don't regularly use soundfonts, that's the file i have for it though
hey, buddy, look here, buddy, down here, buddy, down here, where we aren't on our high horses, that's it, you're being pretty gay, buddy.
adv is an ableton file type, I think it's a preset for something
>.adv = ableton device preset (contains a stored variation of a Live device)
Yeah. Soundfonts are usually .sfz .sf or .sf2
I got discouraged with soundfonts after downloading rgc:audio sfz. One day I'll download sforzando and all will be well again.
>laughing at Demarcus(?) responding to a demarcus account
I didn't even catch that
Lol truth, varying your posting style to avoid identification is day one shit. But I promise my Dreams remix will be done any day now ;)
>But I promise my Dreams remix will be done any day now ;)
Holy shit, am I that recognizable? I'm the dude who always says I'm working on that shit -- November for sure, almost.
Charli XCX is great and she's really hot, just skip her second album, Sucker.
Listen to this shit
it's fucking video game music but it's more interesting than anything you are making
tfw want to make electronic jazz-noise fusion with death metal elements on one hand but trap beats on the other
probably make trap then because the other shit sounds like a clusterfuck
Hey guys i tried remaking You Little Beauty by Fisher. Did i fuck it up? How does the mix sound and should i stop producing?
1999 was alright...
some proper feedback, eh?
Are you memeing? I never know if im getting made fun of on prod
to the guy who said i was arrogant for not liking trap or whatever:
youre fucking stupid bro
He's right
no because i didn't say i didn't like trap i said shitty trap "producers" who think theyre hot shit are stupid
so is he and so are you apparently, dum dum traptard
sounds like a vengeance or cymatics loop
Wow such a statement you made!! Good job bro. A foremost thinker. What would/prod/ do without such exciting insights?
'shitty trap prosucers who think theyre hot shit are stupid'!! Wow!! 1000 iq thought
rich kid israeli oil money faggot
i hate this guy
Well the drums are a bit of vengeance but theyre all processed. No loops tho just serum.
dum dum dummypants go sequence a trap beat
i have a question about originality. im finding it kind of hard to break away from the people im influenced by and it makes me feel really bad. for example, i like iglooghost a lot and because of that ive been using a lot of 808s for basslines and it soudns good but i think its the main thing im ripping off him and the problem is, the reason i use them is because of what they accomplish. that sort of steady, wall of bass that comes from using 808s for that purpose is great so i dont really know what to do because if i want to get the same effect, id have to use a low-pitched sine wave and at that point its basically 1 pitch envelope from an 808 anyway.
so what should i do? just refuse to use anything i hear other people using? am i caring too much? im never really going to release anything and its not a viable career option for me so i should not care about this right?
Remember great artists steal. Its ok to be heavily inspired. Everything is a copy of a copy. The way i see it, take what there is to learn about what inspires you. If im feeling really inspired by something on spotify or the radio you bet the first thing ill do is try to copy first but its always from a perspective that im copying to see the process of the finished product. With the knowledge of knowing the how/why/when of some part of a songs production, THEN i can incorporate it into my own. I copied, but then i made it my own by using it in a different context. Its like why do modern pop songs rip off old pop songs and get away it? Because it sounds new. Its why some remixes end up being more popular than the original song despite the remix having the same motifs, progressions, etc.
listen to this guy he's 100% right.
You won't sound like iglooghost just by using 808s. Try the same logic on using a guitar or something, it doesn't work.
>Good artists borrow, great artists steal
Perfect example of this is Greta Van Fleet and Led Zeppelin. LZ stole their riffs, GVF are borrowing LZ's style.
i guess youre right, i think i have some issues with ego that causes me to feel like this. i put a lot of pressure on myself to just generate ideas from nothing but maybe thats not how ideas work. i do the same thing where i try to copy an idea and fail but i usually do get a sound i like from the experience. its really frustrating to speak to non-musicians about because their answer is always some variation of "well just dont do it then" but if i try to be uninfluenced i legit just cant get anything done at all.thank you for the advice user, ill try to take it to heart.
yeah thats true there is definitely more to his sound, its just that when ive shown my stuff to people theyve said that the 808s are what make it obvious that im ripping off of him since i treat them the same way he does.
but you are right in that such logic is actually not logical at all.
I made something inspired by those weird textures in super mario galaxy, I guess its like, dark glitchy trap? I don't usually make this sort of stuff but I'm interested to hear what people think. the ambience in the background is supposed to be what them talking might sound like
Alright let's be honest right now guys
How many of you make music that people actually listen to. What's that view count on your YT channel
Nope. You ever make something, sleep on it, then when you wake up and listen to it again youre embarrassed? Thats every beat ive ever made
Yeah that’s not’s shitty pop music made for teenage girls
Stop ruining his safe space with your mean words
Here's a jungle tune I finished today, the mix needs small touches and adjustments. I hope the arrangement isn't too repetitive.
I also can’t fathom all the shitposting that goes on here. Do shitposters go into threads they have no interest in to shitpost or is it people interested in prod coming here then shitposting, either way seems a big fucking waste of time for everyone. It could actually be quite nice here.
Also I think you might be somewhat gay if you like charliexxx, does Katy Perry lift your spirits too?
Well that’s just your opinion isn’t it
>I also can’t fathom all the shitposting that goes on here
that's because you don't belong here
But it's called "frozen in motion" and sounds extremely evocative of icy frigid environments.
Can’t you just put some vinyl crackle over the top for originality? That’s what I’d do...or stop making shitty music.
Nope great artists don’t steal, go look up what an artist is dumbface
It was actually more of an observation
Retard here
Is there a special name for that technique where you're just slicing and tuning individual syllables of vocals to use as melody
>t. not an artist
I’m sorry who does belong here? Do I need my Yea Forums Gold pass to be in this special thread?
That's more like it
belongs here
doesnt belong here
learn the difference Yea Forums. it could save your life.
Mate I’ve been frequenting these threads since they were started, I might not have you’re approval to belong here but I’m here and I’m not likely to be going away
that's a mighty impressive reaction image you've got there but it seems you made an error in your post
better luck next time
it sounds really good
is it possible to scale the plugins interface on reaper?
my 768p monitor is causing some vst windows to have a really annoying scroll bar and my mouse wheel is dead
I have two shitty rokit 5 monitors. after two years they both just stopped working within a month of each other. should I try to fix them myself or should I try to get guitar center to honor the warranty without a receipt? I can't afford new monitors and not having any is bringing me down.
Where would be a good place to download vocal samples from?
I had a thing get over 100 views on instaudio once, does that count?
Ive gpt over . 2 subscrrbets
If a classical musician were to use electronic instruments, would they make ambient music?
>think of melody or pattern while partially or fully asleep
>feel confident you can reproduce it when you get up
>forget it completely
Has anyone actually remembered? I've heard this happens to other people, I feel like I should just hum a voice recording immediately then go back to sleep
Only if they gave up and don't want to put real work into their compositions like 100% of the contemporary new age bullshit out there.
I want to do something more along the lines of Cosmograma but more classical influence instead of jazz and less to no hip-hop influence.
I have a song in the Key of C Major.
My Kick Drum is Tuned to C1, low tom at C2, and Snare at C3.
Where do producer usually tune their hihats to?
and what are the general guides to where my hihats should be ? Do people usually tune it to the 5th note from the drum, etc?
this tickles my ears, me like :]
are you going for avant garde? if so, you're definitely there
I have a collection of voice recordings that i got from my dreams.
Pretty much, you must practice your singing capabilites and match the notes that you hear in your head to your real voice.
It took me 1 week practice to match the notes from my head voice with my real voice.
Then immediately when you wake up, record it into your phone.
You should also write down your dreams that way you can remember your dreams better.
I also recommend telling yourself that you will dream about music before going to sleep.
The most difficult part of the process is finding the Key and tempo of your recording into a DAW.
this is fucking dope. My advice would be to better eq the reverse hit to better mix it into the beat
The sub and that reversed sound need higher harmonics.
The first because it's inaudible without a subwoofer (I can barely hear it with in-ears), and the second because it sounds muffled.
>are you going for avant garde? if so, you're definitely there
although i was looking for more proper feedback
you could make something more interesting with the pads to make it feel less repetitive, automating something would be probably enough
some parts where the drums overlap are way too sharp it's noticeable especially in the intro wich feels a bit empty right now
but overall it's pretty good
Thanks a ton for the feedback, I'm gonna go try what you guys said.. I tried my best but I really suck at mixing so your tips are awesome thanks
>i do the same thing where i try to copy an idea and fail but i usually do get a sound i like from the experience.
This is good. Keep doing this.
I was about to close the tab but then the pads at 1:27 came in a captured my attention. Nice work. Are you also playing with the stereo field? It feels like you are but I'm on a mono speaker and don't have access to headphones or anything at the moment.
That russian site we used for the Dreams remix.
Who do you think you are, Prince? Just reading this post makes me think of some super clinical fruity loops beat. Use your ears and fuck the theoretical perfect tuning.
First you must come arrive at the fact you're a lazy piece of shit. You are physically capable of great music, so do it literally.
Where can I learn counterpoint? I can only do shitty two-voices canons at the octave using chord tones, if I try to make something actually interesting it sounds like shit. I can't "visualize" the multiple voices in my head, so it feels like I'm picking notes at random to see what sticks.
I posted this song months ago.
The feedback was good. Thanks man
My mix was shit, but is it now?
How to get Bass like Playboi Cartis' RIP?
I'm sick and tired of not being able to decide on microphone/s.
Should i just say fuck it and get a Shure SM57 for all purposes?
That means vocals, acoustic instruments and recording samples.
Tell me your mics, /prod/...
PS. When it comes to e-guitar or bass i'm just gonna plug them in directly since i can't record an amp in here.
it takes a lot of practice
write a new piece each week or every couple of days, focusing on a particular concept
Ok, here is an example of what only one cheap dynamic mic can do (drums and voice). Guitar and bass are line in.
Anyone have any tips on getting listens on SC or Youtube?
I make ambient music so it's nothing crazy good but I literally have 0 plays on SC and maybe 6 on Youtube and idk feels bad man
Buy bleach, listen to it, buy bleach, drink it
ok ive got the bleach how am I supposed to be listening to it
Have I successfully learned the vocal twang?
pour it in your ears my man
>tfw dozens of unfinished projects that have huge potential but I'm too shit to finish them
Keep working on that mix. All I'm getting here is high mids. The song has the right ideas but could really do with better EQ/Dynamics. I feel like a good multiband compressor would help you out a lot as well. I like maxiumus. A good free one is TDR Nova
I see where you're going with this but, I think the dynamics might need some work personally. The kick is way to loud in the beginning- try switching it out with a softer one, then switch to a harder one during the drop. It also feels kinda dry, you might wanna try some reverb/delay to fatten up the sound a bit.
(Sorry for the long pause here, there's a reason for it trust me)
Working on a remix here. I remade the original vocaloids and used it as some vocoding practice.
>want to make music
>but also want to practice piano
>don't have time for both
what do I do
production is fun but nobody cares, whereas playing a real instrument actually gets people to listen
Your time is valuable. Do whatever makes you happy.
Make music by playing it on the piano and when you're too tired of playing the piano, then go to your computer and fiddle around with arranging and fx and shit.
Make music... with the piano.
>I hope the arrangement isn't too repetitive
I wouldn't feel too bad even if it is. Jungle typically ends up a bit repetitive.
Sounds real oldschool, reminds me of paradox. I like it.
The kick sounds too modern and sucks any oldschool-feel out of it for me.
>The kick sounds too modern
Yeah maybe, but the pads certainly give me the right vibe. I would just prefer they come up louder and expand a bit further into the song.
Kick may just need some distortion
>years of blues guitar and piano
>want to get into edm
>everything I make sounds 1970s bar piano
Compose by arranging samples with a tracker.
how about no
Its an instrument retard, you use it to make music.
any feedback
How do I make simple piano pieces like this without knowing how to play the piano or even having a USB keyboard?
Not new to producing btw, just stepping out of my comfort zone and experimenting with different things.
No it's not. We sell it for not much more than the cost of maintenance of our lives.
Is that the same chord progression as the Cardigan's "My Favorite Game"?
Just play -- it'll only take you a couple hours to learn how to play piano like this.
added a middle section in there
I'm not the biggest trap fan but this is pretty good. It sounds like the kick and the bass are fighting in spots however, I'd reccomend some sidechaining or some eq work.
I wasn't joking with the OP, please teach me how to make music like AG Cook or the other PC Music scrubs
Is this country twang?
should you ever release a minimum viable product? is spending 80% of your time for 20% more shine worth it?
Like an album? To treat it like a startup you need feedback and a way to iterate. Getting X plays isn’t good enough input - if you’re performing live then yes 100% use your MVP
Otherwise just keep refining both the 20% and the 80% of the process or pay someone to master it
James bond theme
depends if you care about your listeners or not
about your listeners? more like about yourself. if the listeners dont enjoy it, you go nowhere.
selfishness make people retarded, i see it every day.
you contradicted yourself
you cant post on this website if youre under 18
>tfw anxious and nauseous whenever I have to produce
what do?
>focusing on a particular concept
what did this user mean by this?
stop producing obviously
Indeed. So, why are you here?
I want the symptoms to go away when I'm producing
take benzos
Its not the producing causing it. Its the starting producing. And it goes away the more you get into it, just google everything you don't know
To all the people who hate trap producers, what would you rather have us make instead? What do you consider "real music"?
have you tried not being a fag?
anything besides trap
I don't hate the people I hate the music
first understand why it happens
i hate the music AND the people
idk if this is the right place to ask but i want to know how the instrumental for this song was made. starting at around 2:48 a really cool solo starts that is made with bleeps and bloops and distorted electrical sounds. it's really good. i'd like to make something similar. i'm decently proficient with ableton but i can't figure out how the fuck this type of noise is created. is it an altered recording of something or is it purely computer-generated?
I made this today. Sorta sounds like a new age anthem or something. Mixed on hardware and recorded on one track for now. I cant tell if it works or not, heard it too many times aready
I think I completely fucked up the mixing and I'm not sure where I went wrong
It sounds like I put a lowpass filter over the whole track
How insecure are you to actually post that
how do you even make something like that
update to whoever: i started that sound yesterday and it sounds generally how it's supposed to but not like *good* yet, kinda got caught up in a song today so didn't finish it :p
that's reverse-bait dude
great album
synthesizer+sample fuckery. random fm bleeps and also that mic'd up un amped guitar. drums sound purely electronic to me but that's not really what makes the sound.
beat repeat in ableton may give you immediately gratifying results but really but it's best to chop and repeat shit yourself. there's some flanging right before the vocals come in
... do a lot of effect automation man, macros are your friend. resample if things get to unruly
Whatcha mean?
LITERALLY me. I gave up completely on classical piano now and just practice improvisation. That way I can just sit down and practice daily maybe 30 mins and then work on producing electronic music for whatever time I have left, usually 1,5 hours. Some days I just go straight to producing though.
I agree that playing the piano is the most respectful skill of the two, but like the other user said, at the end of the day you have choose what makes you satisfied.
anothe r one
...It toes the line between relaxing/soft and abrasive. I'm not sure what to think of this.
My advice would be to join a music production forum that specialises in that kinda music and look for advice there, you’ll usually find people willing to help you out if it’s a friendly forum. Chances are someone has already asked something similar there already.
Be relaxed, grab a beer, don’t have any great expectations or put any goals on yourself to have to complete and just have fun. All my studio sessions now are super chilled.
Just remember even the top producers don’t create gold in every session and if they do they are usually using a formula based on years of work honing their workflow and skill set
Compose beforehand and do the recording in the daw. Don't tell me you actually try to come up with something in the program.
Reddit fucking sucks, but I guess
I tried making a Kenny Beats type thing
I didn’t mean reddit ffs that only a small step up from this place
How are you going to compose electronic music away from the DAW? Do you mean in your head?
thanks, i appreciate it. as for stereo stuff, i wasnt really intentionally playing with the stereo field. the pad in the background is a long sample converted into a waveform in serum and i was messing with the different noise types while it played, some of them are wider than others so thats probably why. its a nice way to make long evolving pads.
listen to a LOT of 90s pop music and just pop in general. for all the wankery behind pc music (wankery that i love) it really is an extension of pop music and you need to get a good foundation on that. so i guess listen to a lot of pop and try to expand on some of the concepts presented. like, if a song uses detuned saw chords and a simple bass sound, try using different waveforms and textured bass but written in the same style.
AG Cook and the PC music crowd are charlatans.
A faux sub-cultural movement designed explicitly to be co-opted the machine that it is emulating.
Having a knowing, smug, look on your face while acting like a tasteless philistine is no better than just being a tasteless philistine.
It is peak-capitalism in music form.
I want to ask for advice on music in general. I think I'm probably not alone in that I spent a lot of time on music when I first started but it's kind of waned in the last 2 years (only been doing it for around 4). I try to just force myself through uncreative periods so that when I have the motivation and energy to actually do stuff, I will have improved but it feels kind of... inauthentic?
I do like making music, I absolutely love it but there are times when it's like pulling teeth and it's so depressing. I used to just make shit, now I set time goals to reach, like I'll try to make sure I can make a track that is over 4 minutes or something like that which, again, feels inauthentic. I still enjoy it but I guess I can't shake the general feeling of "I shouldn't be doing this and am incapable of ever truly being decent at it". I am actually depressed though so that might have something to do with it and I'm autistic so I get really particular about shit and it ends up making me feel terrible. Sorry for clogging up this thread but I really do want advice and I can't be the only person who feels like this.
So, is not enjoying something all the time an indication that you should stop it or aren't able to do it? It seems like a leading question and it is, I really don't want it to be true. And if it were I wouldn't stop anyway, I guess this is ultimately just a really, really long DAE post.
Why are music software developers only making wanker shit like gear emulations instead of implementing cool shit like this?
>So, is not enjoying something all the time an indication that you should stop it or aren't able to do it?
no easy answer to this. from your post it sounds like you'd feel worse for a number of reasons if you just stopped making music. making music is hard work most of the time and you'll constantly run into problems every time you try something new. you'll have bad periods and good ones. tedious practice is good for, if nothing else, keeping your technical chops in order, ready for that creative spark.
having other things you're into can help - consider picking up some form of visual medium (drawing, painting, digital illustration, 3d etc) or writing to have a different creative outlet.
ML based stuff is coming.
google's magenta stuff is interesting as well.
it's still early days and audio is an especially difficult problem.
also, not ml based, but this shit is awesome especially if you're in the post-production side of things:
You don't have a keyboard, synth or other actual instrument? How do you write stuff?
I've been in this situation and constantly struggle with it. Personally, my issue is that the music I really want to make doesn't sound as good as tracks and producers I admire and making it feels forced and sounds terrible. I am fully aware that I am not creative and producing music isn't compatible with my brain somehow. I've been "producing" for 5 years and haven't made a full track I'm proud of.
Don't give up. I've tried quitting and honestly it just stayed in the back of my mind the whole time, I couldn't listen to any sort of music without getting depressed.
Something that did help me was having a side project of a different genre (in my case ambient and soundtrack) where I take things easier and can experiment a lot, fuck around with synths or samples. There's a lot less pressure on myself and it's enjoyable. I post the tracks under an alias and don't share it with IRL friends, I just post it on SC and Youtube. I always end up finishing tracks the same day I start them and it's reached the point where people have used my work in videos, short films, trailers, etc, which is really rewarding.
I have a digital piano, but how am I supposed to compose a glitch track on it?
Even glitch music needs an underlying musical theme.
It's easier to make it sound good and less random if you compose it normally first, then produce it as a glitchy song, as opposed to starting from the glitch sounds and having to fight with it to make it sound musical.
I do feel a lot worse when I stop but most of that is guilt about not being in a state of direct and constant improvement or at least not feeling like I am. I do sound design whenever I don't feel like making full on music but it becomes kind of a chore, something I HAVE to do or I feel guilty, although I do still enjoy it in a sort of general way. As for a different medium, I used to write but I don't much anymore, it feels like I'm taking away time from doing music but realistically it's really not since that time is just wasted on other shit. Thanks for the advice though, I appreciate it.
That's very much my issue as well, I think that's why I end up getting really obsessed with some artists that I like. I really admire their sense of identity because I feel like I have none to really speak of since my shit is pretty derivative in general. Whenever I try to come up with an identity, I dismiss all ideas because they all originated from someone else even if in a small form. I guess I'm expecting to be able to pull ideas from some otherworldly place that nobody else has tapped into but that's really stupid and unrealistic. Yet I still set such high standards for myself. I think I'm a narcissist and the dissonance of simultaneously feeling better than others but knowing that on a practical level I'm not at all, is really painful.
In terms of side projects I don't think that'd work for me because I have nothing to put it to the side of. I don't have my own personal style that is entirely original and me, so all projects I have fall under one single broad umbrella. I also don't post stuff anywhere aside from here very rarely since marketing seems like a chore and I'm aware that I'm not going to be making a career out of this. That's cool that your stuff has gotten into videos though, it must be a great feeling and proves that it does have worth so well done user. And thanks for your answer.
Write the track, then burn it to cd and scratch it up. Sample this and repeat.
How do I make music like this?
I see. I often find myself getting creative blocks when composing directly into the DAW. The computer screen stresses me, I think. I'll try the approach you're suggesting, thanks.
Good luck user.
If you're having this sort of problem, I suggest watching (or even just skimming over) videos of other producers working and seeing what kind of workflow they have, and trying out different parts of it, or even just copying their entire process to see if it works well for you.
Some times a workflow might seem stupid or ineffective, but trying it out it ends up working well, and since music making is so flexible, there are approaches for everyone.
i took the advice i received here and made it less disorienting and more interesting
i also made sure it was in key
what do?
What’s the best piece of a drum kit to physically buy? (If you could only have one)
I was thinking of just buying a hi-hat or a snare. It would be fun to have either one to jam with friends, nobody likes the midi+laptop guy
pick up a roland spd instead?
You forgot portamento and foley sounds used as drums
Hats I recon, but if you’re gonna buy a hat you just as well gear a snare and kick. Probably get quite a bit of mileage out of a hat though lots of rythyms and timings can be had from hats
it sounds technically well made but i really don't like listening to it
this is real cool
what a mood you created
>thanks, i appreciate it. as for stereo stuff, i wasnt really intentionally playing with the stereo field. the pad in the background is a long sample converted into a waveform in serum and i was messing with the different noise types while it played, some of them are wider than others so thats probably why. its a nice way to make long evolving pads.
Ummm.. are you appreciating me, appreciating your feedback? Bc I made that beat, not you... wtf is this
The "pad" isn't a pad its a violin pluck that I made a melody with, and then reversed it....I added the "sidechain" grossbeat preset to it make it sound even more reversed...I've only used stock plugins so far bc I don't want to spend a lot of money...that particular sound is from Sytrus, not whatever tf you just said.
This is my beat.. I hope I misunderstood you, and your not really pretending to be me rn…..
I’m glad both of you anons like my beat so much that you’re pretending it’s yours
Alright hats it is then, I found a few used ones for pretty cheap near me
Did you put a lowpass over the whole track?
needs a B section
I don't hate the music, its the producers because they sound like they have barely started producing after toying with a cracked version of Ableton for 6 months.
It is similar to all the Dutch wannabe's who make house music and add in a "drop" and then the bassline is a totally preditable triplet bassline.
The production of the music seems predictable.
Lol I made the beat those other two anons are making me very upset
>they sound like they have barely started producing after toying with a cracked version of Fruity Loops for 6 months.
Pretty much sums up the whole electronic music scene...bare people thinking they are the shit and releasing junk after a few months
Has anyone done music full time? Like no day job or side hustle or anything. Would you die? I imagine it be extremely painful
does anyone who doesn't know theory have tips for progressing a loop into a full song?
mutes. yw
Interested in feedback on ideas to make this track cooler
Made this last night and today.
how can I improve this
IMO the eq is a little weak. Feels hollow. All the sounds feel little too separated. Some tube saturation would warm up some elements nicely. Maybe the use of some exciters would help. Boosting the mids might make it blend better. Just keep tweaking.
That’s pretty much what every successful musician does. I think they do indeed die inside a little each and every day.
That’s not for me though my music is art and not to be sold to the masses and corporate music industries
any better?
much better actually
Did you write this or just produce?
It's all verse no chorus
wrote and produced. the first chorus is more like a breakdown. Not standard structure, but follows a similar pattern.
Dumb question but should I buy followers on Soundcloud and maybe Youtube? (I upload my music as a Youtube video too)
I literally have 0 followers on both, maybe people will be more inclined to follow me back or listen to my shit if they don't see an empty account
try harder
no follower means the music is not that appealing
It's not that type of song my guy. Make it hooky or it falls flat.
interesting point.
how about this version
camelcrusher is superior
I was thinking that, but every time I made up a new part I just kinda incorporated it into the main
much better, way fatter!
does the kick sound fine or need to hit harder?
IMO the kick could be a little bigger and punchier and the hi hats could use some saturation. Some reverb on the snare too.
like this?
drippy !!!
iktf b r a h
>not everything can be groovy
That shit’s blasphemous
Are gear-related questions welcome here?
I want a Digitakt, but I don't want to pay 700$.
What are some cheaper drum machine/samplers for a beginner? I got a DeepMind6 not too long ago and I wanna pair it with some percussion/samples so I can make more than just a t m o s p h e r e.
Are the Volcas worth checking out or will I just be disappointed by a lack of effects?
Like the other guy said, if you want a groovebox/sequencer/sampler for cheap it’s hard to beat an electribe 2s
I've heard decent things about the Volca Sample, but not the drum machine one (beats?). Behringer just shipped out the first load of their 808 clones I think, so if you have time to wait maybe see about that or the 909 clone.
Volcas are shit. There's the the electribe 2 I suppose but hardware samplers are so aids unless they add a nice flavour to the sound. This is one of the fields where PCs are superior to special purpose hardware. Can't you just record your samples and put them into a multisample or drumrack? That's what I always do with my synth to trigger them through the keys. Unless you are after a certain workflow I'd advise against it. If you do need it, buy the digitakt used. There's no replacement for it and you always buy twice with that cheap shit.
yeah i do it and its alright. at this point i make music for about 8-10 hours a day doing basically every aspect. it sucks still living with parents and spending your money on cheap beer but its a sacrifice i think will eventually pay off.
I do the same
I am 22 and it´s summer vacation until september for me
10+ hours a day for like 2 months by now
you make insane progress in a short time
DAILY REMINDER: Paying for 3000 plays on your YouTube album is a guaranteed way to pop up on the algo and build a following
Even if YT doesn't realize they're all paid for, you'll still have no engagement from those bots (whjch will result in your channel being permanently penalized), and if you pay for comments, likes, and subs, everyone (including YT) will see what you've done and penalize you even harder.
I can say from experience that it is easy to pull off and you need to find a US supplier with a US botnet. Take the long dick of the Americans instead of pajeets
Not true.
While it might work in the short term, the algorithm will eventually identify the botnet and penalize all the channels that used it.
Apogee One or Focusrite Scarlett 2i2?
learn 2 chromecast, bruh. Real people's accts, real plays
Doesn't matter.
All those methods will eventually get caught, and you'll have your channel penalized for it.
What makes you think that any way you can cheat, Google will never know about?
Too heavy on the low end
there's 0 bass and 0 plays what the fuck man i can never get it right! :(
If you haven't mastered biting his style, and you're not performing using that style, don't worry yet. Just keep learning and growing, and then as you grow you'll expand your sound/skill set and grow into your own.
>there's 0 bass
The whole thing sounds like you boosted the lows and low-mids with a shelf on the master.
>0 plays
I have a bunch of privacy and antitracking browser addons, so maybe it doesn't count my plays.
Joking kind of. There’s no bass synth unlike like halfway in, but there’s buildup because the whole track is just playing with feedback- haven’t made any serious we cute within that yet so thanks for pointing it out
What addons? I wanna be sneaky too
>thanks for pointing it out
Always use reference tracks my man.
This sort of thing becomes immediately apparent when you do.
>What addons?
uBlock Origin, uMatrix, HTTPS Everywhere (to force HTTPS, but also to block mixed content), Privacy Badger, and pic related in the normal settings.
Currently looking for something for cookies too, but for now I'm fine with this.
Self destructing cookies bro
>Self destructing cookies
I'll check it out, thanks.
my bad, that was an old plugin i used
"cookie autodelete"
take it back
Just get a Pi-hole and block everything at the router.
I thought you were still on pre-57 Firefox lol
Too involved for me.
These addons work fine, at least for now.
I listen to a lot of pop music but I can only make trap beats
>you should buy 3000 views
>meanwhile I get comments, likes and thousands of real views just by not being a retard and setting the right tags and descriptions
What does this mean?
if you like this you HAVE to listen to this
Her face is actually ass ugly that relies on makeup but her body is amazing. her legs make me wanna murder a man
well i definitely havent mastered his style and im not performing so i guess youre right. im trying to just sort of ignore that feeling that telling myself that ill just naturally develop a personal sense of style. this is my 4th year of doing music so i really thought id have a style by now.
making music is too fucking hard. think I got something going right now but I'm only putting in an hour or two every night after work. if I sit with it too long I go completely blank.
Hey how do you guys write good, catchy melodies and beats? I'm trying to work with theory but the things I end up with never sound good enough to turn into a song. it's all drab and cohesive in the worst way possible. please help
Copy stuff you like
I have like 50 unfinished FL Studio projects because I hate my voice so much I can't be bothered to actually finish anything, why do I sound like such a fucking sperg
>Hey how do you guys write good, catchy melodies
have soul
How often do you practice singing?
you either have it or you don't. you clearly don't. sorry bro, maybe find a different hobby
Making melodies is really experience and personal taste, both of which you'll acquire over time.
Making things catchy is really a matter of learning to effectively use interest noises and encouraging listener engagement. Just start collecting dumb noises and see if they fit well enough.
never... I really want to able to talk-sing and punk-yell do you think just singing country songs on my guitar will help that or will I be doomed forever with onions voice
mute the drums (parts of them or all of them) and mute the melody... in ways that keep the beat interesting, while not having to change the drums or melody too much or adding more instruments (mutes are a way simpler way to keep it interesting imo)
> singing country songs
what if you just practiced talk-singing and punk-yelling
I hate working man, I decided to make music for the first time in awhile, and it sounds pretty depressing and angry
I like this a lot
You should learn (and then practice) some songs. Folk songs can be a good option, since they're usually written for minimal or no accompaniment, but whatever you like and will actually do is a better choice.
Off the top of my head I like to sing verses from Six Ribbons, Mercedes Benz, Sixteen Tons, Mountain Dew, and honestly tons of other stuff when I'm alone at home or work, and even more stuff singing along with the car stereo.
Just practice (conscientiously, really listen to yourself and get it right) a bit every day when you can and you'll get loads better.
Damn this is pretty dope
thanks I've been listening to alot of tool
I liked the part at 2:36 to about 3:00, that sounds like a section for a verse if you were to add vocals and make it a full commercialized form rock song.
Yeah I'm actually working on some lyrics for it, I've been pissed about life lately and I think it's a good outlet
thanks my d00ds
I'm trying to get good at soft pads and synths. What are some great mellow and ambient electronic songs with really great soft pads?
What can you say about the sound, the bass is not so loud?
This isn't really true. Speaking from experience I never "had it" for the first like year or 2 of doing music but I've developed the ability to write decent melodies and express ideas with music. Don't get me wrong it's not exactly groundbreaking stuff but I flat out couldn't do it for awhile but undeniably can now.
This kind of idea that you either "have it or you don't" is mostly just bullshit that causes people to quit doing things they like because they didn't immediately get the results they wanted. Obviously some people are born with better pitch or exposed to more music than others as a child or any number of other factors but none of that excludes people who didn't have that advantage from doing shit.
I think the only "it" that can make a difference to have in music is when "it" means "tolerance for not getting what you want easily and a desire to continue because you find it fun".
>Wake up Billy it's time for school!
>No mom, it's time for GRUNGE!
Sounds a bit like Live
finally set up busses and compressors in a rational way. any comments on this mix? I brought the bass down a little.
you can also make fun of my shitty takes
I wouldn't add vocals to it personally
How long have you been writing? The first 10 or so songs you write will be garbage. I don't have any original tips for great melodies but you should keep in mind that there's always some sort of chance operation involved. Even some of the greatest pieces of music came out of happy accidents.
is the bass distracting
Thanks for the advice and videos. I think I might just be expecting too much from myself too early. It sound like it's just a time spent practicing thing
roast me please
why do most of you guys only make gay little beats that nobody will ever care about? this fucking guy is such a breath of fresh air
A breath of sledgy butt rock.
Just kidding -- it's cool.
It's probably because a lot of the kids here can't play real instruments.
Because I'm a gay little man that nobody will ever care about.
I am so fucking suicidal
Rock music is even worse than trap beats are.
upvote if I should kill myself
you guys ignore me every tiem
then make shoegaze, or grunge, or psychedelic pop, or post rock, or prog. there's so much more to music than this samey garbage
I didn't ignore you, friend. you were the inspiration for my post ()
>Rock music is for fags
>Then make different types of rock music
No but seriously I would if I could
record yourself screaming "I'M THE JOKEY!" over and over again and put it over the top of this and you have certified platinum on your hands
you never replied to me
It was indirect
listening back to every thing I've made over the past few months I don't even know if my trap beats even really qualify as trap beats
lmao, me internally everyday forcing myself to work
add some dynamics. breaks, pauses whatever to give the track some life. melodies are pretty cool and cute but they blend together a too much. also your accents are way too loud and too resonant.
fwiw i think this is more interesting than edgeless grunge that would've been stale 25 years ago
lol I mean, I made that in a grand total of maybe 2-3 hours, the drums are programmed
Then you have 2 guitar tracks, and bass track, plus fun delays and eq's, mixed down etc
I guess what I'm saying is, it's not too hard to record even if you do play instruments, just gotta get familiar with the process
>it's not too hard to record even if you do play instruments
My comment
>It's probably because a lot of the kids here can't play real instruments.
was about the kids who make gay little beats. It's clear that you can play real instruments which is why your track stands out here. So, not "even if you do play instruments..." but "because you do play instruments ... it's not hard."
Have you considered this, real instruments suck?
real people suck
ctrl z bro
it doesn't sound bad. just not that special either. it's definitely music though i'll tell you that much.
its pretty nice
The Volca sample is really good for the price, bit of a pain not being able to sample directly into it but it’s pretty decent for loading a few drum samples into. I have mine loaded up with a few classic drum machine kits ( 808,606,MR10)
The electribes are a step up and can sample directly into. I’d say worth the extra money.
Lots of decent 2nd hand samplers about, you can pick up emu esi’s for about £100 and they have good sounding adc’s, great Z-plane filters (if you get one with latest firmware) and lots of outputs.
Maschine is really good to and comes with a decent set of effects and drum samples if you are ok with being tethered to a computer, or maybe try Battery for software based.
Whoa a reply!!!!
Thank you friend (:
you sound like a retard. maybe work on being less retarded first.
you can do it broski
everytime I try to make regular hiphop beats they end up sounding like boards of canada knockoffs
I love boc, but it sucks I can't just make hip hop beats. tbf tho, I just let it happen.
Sit down with pen and paper and make a checklist of every feature or characteristic a song should have to be considered a hip hop beat, and what it absolutely must not have.
When producing go through it to make sure you're on track.
that's pretty solid advice, didn't actually expect that.
thanks fren
Of course it's solid advice. I ONLY have good ideas.
The best ideas in fact.
Consider yourself priviledged to have received such an invaluable piece of knowledge from such an amazing individual.
Counterpoint, you're a background character everywhere else anyway and insisting on putting your voice into your music when it doesn't need to be the stinks of narcissism.
But do whatever really.
>make some loops with my guitar and a drum machine
>shit starts sounding real good
>come back to it the next day
>It sounds like complete gibberish on first listen until I hear it a couple times
what's the deal here? bad mixing?
>t. low self esteem loser
Your whole music doesn't need to exist in the first place and you're a narcisist for putting your work in front of your listeners.
It's 100% impossible for us to tell without hearing it first.
And proud of it
I don't know about other people but I don't post my stuff anywhere and have no listeners to present it to so no not really. I literally mix things so they sound fine on my cheap headphones because that's all I play my shit on.
I was hoping this would be a common enough issue that you guys would just know exactly what I'm talking about, considering how often it happens to me. I'm not at home so I can't upload anything right now
Same here, never liked the idea of soundcloud type sites or wanted to share my stuff. I occasionally use clyp or wetransfer to share with my only producer friend when he’s interested in hearing what I’ve been upto.
Been doing this for 20+ years now
The main thing that stood out to me about your situation was the line
>It sounds like complete gibberish on first listen until I hear it a couple times
Which is usually an indication that it's not actually very good yet. You were probably in the zone too much to notice at the time but if a track takes several listens to start to like it again AND it's your own track, to me that suggests that you need to do more work on it. It's probably not unsalvageable so I recommend you just keep chipping away at it. I believe in you user, you got this.
I can tell you that it's common to let tracks sit for a while and go back to them with fresh ears to hear the issues that you might have missed during its making, so it's definitely a common problem.
The point is, we can't know what are the problems that you're initially missing (could be bad mixing as you said, or anything else really), so we can't help you fix them.
When you're at home repost this whole post in the new thread with the audio, so we can actually help you.
I'm the same, I post clyps here occasionally but it's mostly because I do want to improve for myself and I'm aware that I can't do that if I get literally 0 feedback. But also I'm aware that I'm not going to make a career out of it so I just don't see the point in building up some profile and posting shit that hardly anyone will ever hear.
why do people use Clyp instead of soundcloud these days?
We don't allow SC because otherwise people would post it here just for exposure, turning /prod/ into the soundcloud general and making us waste time giving feedback that they don't even care about. is more anonymous and people have less of an incentive to spam because nobody cares about clyp stats.
What do you guys think of this.
That’s fine though I think. I don’t know about you but I’m really quite happy just doing my thing. I barely even save stuff I’m working on anymore, Maybe one day I’ll get something together for an ep or album and send out to some labels maybe not.
All I want is to have a non-zero impact on music as a whole. Is that more or less realistic than being traditionally successful?
I think about this a lot. Maybe putting out sample packs or YouTube guides is one way. What about audio engineering? I’d love just to chill with artists and give feedback.
It's certainly very creative and you can feel the effort that was put into it. A scene to match this music would need to look like pure madness.
I think most people would just call this ear cancer, because it's certainly not pleasant. Probably needs a little more uniformity and structure rather than variety in order to sound more musical.
Its unlikely that you'll have a real, huge impact unless, you know, you "make it". But there are a lot of things you can do to sneak shit around in places. Here are a couple I use.
>Once you get at least half decent leave random disks around places and hope you become a weird meme
>Make samples and give them away. The trick isn't necessarily to make samples that are incredible and stand out, it's more useful to have a theme and make them detailed enough that they aren't something you'd just throw together in a couple minutes.
>Bet and plead with random indie game devs to put your shit in a game. I did this and highly regret it because it was awful stuff but hey, it's out and it exists
I think if you go into music with that mentality though, you'll probably end up disappointed because realistically, it's pretty unlikely that you'll make a noticeable impact at all BUT even if you just leave random EPs and albums and stuff around the internet, you have contributed in a small way. It's pretty narcissistic but I like to imagine that in several hundred years when internet historians are coming through servers, they might come across something of mine and think about it for maybe a few minutes, thus allowing a small part of me to live forever.
No idea how helpful any of that was
What do you find cancerous about it?
t. has listened to a lot of unbearable music.
I like French House and classical music how it's sort of beautiful yet dissonant and complex at the same time and that's usually what I go for in my music.
This is actually exactly the kind of thing I was curious about. Working with indie devs is a good one. I also thought about making intros for podcasts and YouTube videos
>leaving CDs around
That was funny as fuck to me. But really if you look at examples like 009 sound system and lil b, just shitting out your work on the web can snowball into real influence
The part where most of it sounds like buzzing noise.
Making samples might be the best bet at this point. Maybe singling out one instrument and packaging it well would reach the most ears overall
Making playlists may be another route. That studying anime girl has put that lo-fi hip hop style everywhere. I’m a big fan of DJ-kicks so mixed playlists can definitely be done on streaming platforms
>it turns out the best way to influence music is to become a degenerate jockey