How is she an "industry plant" if...?
>her parents were never successful actors
>she lived in near poverty for most of her life
>she was highly reluctant to sign to a label
>she went against the label when it demanded she use big-name producers and record in a studio by insisting on only using her brother and recording in his tiny bedroom
>her style of dressing is entirely her own and she has full control over her image
>she went against her label to record with denzel curry
>she went against her label to memorialize x
>her success as an artist has been highly gradual, she didn't get a big hit right off the bat and had to work for a good three years before becoming the sensation she is today
>the reason for all her promotion before her album release is because she had such a huge internet following the label HAD to promote her or else they'd lose out
>the label needs her and her brother more than she and her brother need them
>she isn't sexualized nor does she claim to be anything she's not
How is she an "industry plant" if...?
>nor does she claim to be anything she's not
She doesn't claim to be good?
Her album got universal critical acclaim.
If you want to believe that a 14-year old girl who got offered a multi-million dollar record contract with a label infamous for planting without any prior musical experience or training isn’t a plant, then I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Labels sign artists as soon as they can in order to profit off them. That's not a conspiracy, that's just business. Billie got signed because Ocean Eyes was too big for the labels to ignore. They HAD to sign her or else they'd miss out.
Not this shit again
Maybe this board should stop insulting her then.
no one cares, jesus can't you guys do something better with your lives? This didn't happened when Taylor Swift was the biggest bitch on planet
>This didn't happened when Taylor Swift was the biggest bitch on planet
Of course it did
kek GTFO
Guys fuck off this is literally a copypasta that OP posts every week. The only way to rid the world of Eilish is to ignore her. Enough already.
Get One more light out of there NOW
Also roll
Why can't mu accept the fact that a teenage girl has been an incredible success in music despite going against the industry several times?
Why can't poptimists accept the fact that being grown men and defending a teen girl popstar is cringe?
>Yea Forums
>"industry plant"
>screen floods with images of billie eilish and clairo
must suck to know your career is built on lies
All that shit you said is literally the opposite though?
What if she genuinely needs defending?
Look shill, connections matter a ton in the industry. It doesn’t matter if her parents and brother were Hollywood A-listers, they’ve been in the industry for years and are well connected.
>"You're my queen Tanaka-san
>I swear I'd kill for you, I think I'd die for you
>You're my dream, you're all I want
>To love and worship you, it's what I'm born to do
>May my next breath be my last
>If just to touch you once, I don't care what it costs
>Must I speak in foreign tongue?
>Aishiteru, Aishiteru"
>"What must I do?
>To live this fantasy
>What must I do?
>You must belong to me"
>"I've grown so weary of rejection
>I beg to feel your perfection
>Please let me be rewarded
>You're everything I ever wanted"
>"Please come to me, Hitomi
>Please come to me
>Please, Hitomi, please"
>"You're my queen Tanaka-san
>I swear I'd kill for you, I think I'd die for you
>You're my dream, you're all I want
>To love and worship you, it's what I'm born to do
>May my next breath be my last
>If just to touch you once, I don't care what it costs
>Must I speak in foreign tongue?
>Aishiteru, Aishiteru"
>"What must I do?
>What must I do?
>Please come to me, Hitomi
>Please come to me
>What must I do?
>What must I do?"
I believe she's indefensible. Interscope is more at fault than she is, but the exploitation of target demographic is so blatant and shameless, I honestly don't care where the criticism is directed. It needs to be called out.
>I want to fix this injustice.
Cuz i'm a memer lol
Correction: "of her target demographic" is what I meant to type.
Billie doesn't have a marketing team behind her. Everything she does artistically and style-wise is her own self-expression.
Jimmy knew breakfast was cancelled as well.
Taking the lunch bag and walking out the door, he noticed Goddard sneaking up onto the table and grabbing the leftover toast. Not wanting to see what sort of punishment was in store for his mechanical dog, Jimmy waltzed outside and waited for the bus. Already out on the sidewalk stood Carl Wheezer, having his hair combed by his father.
“Now remember son, if you poop in your underwear again, check to make sure you absolutely can’t clean it all out before calling me or your mom, OK?”
“Yes, daddy,” smiled Carl. Jimmy envied the ignorant slob. Sure he was a furry and probably suffered from a mental deficiency or two, he at least didn’t have to deal with violence on a daily basis. That, and his balls probably hadn’t dropped yet either. Jimmy’s life has especially sucked since he felt the tinglies in his nuts all the time.
“Oh hey, Jimmy!” Carl chirped, happy to see his friend, “Um, why do you smell like oranges? You didn’t get mutated again did you??”
“Don’t worry Carl, I’m fine,” he said, calming the sweaty beefcake down. “tell me, what’s it likely feeling parental love?”
Before Carl could respond, the bus pulled up, and the boys entered. Out the window, Jimmy saw Cindy and her mom boarding their car. What a spoiled bitch, he thought. She gets to shower late AND gets a ride to school? What a cunt!
Jimmy couldn’t stay angry though. He saw past her bitchiness to the slowly developing tits he would gaze at when he was in her presence. He would play the academic rival, the ooh-girls-have-cooties role for a little longer. But one of these days he would advance to the next level of manhood. He would show Cindy the true magnitude of his feelings for her. His dick pulsed in his shorts as he saw the Vortex car fall behind the bus. He closed his eyes and mentally pleasured himself until they reached the school.
To be continued.
>"Billie doesn't have a marketing team behind her. Everything she does artistically and style-wise is her own self-expression."
What makes you assume she isn't in control of her image?
Everything about it is focus grouped and forced
How would you know?
I'm not even going to attempt to argue with you. If you cannot comprehend something as obvious as this, there is no helping you. I'm sorry you are so stupid.
But it's not obvious. She's said it herself, her image is entirely hers.