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What were they thinking?
Brandon Perry
Other urls found in this thread:
Ayden Gomez
>let's write the greatest, perform and record the greatest 65 minutes of music in history to honour our fallen friend, the incredible musician Cliff Burton
Easton Diaz
>and let's make sure everyone knows that, by making sure nobody can hear the bass
Evan Parker
Are you talking about the lack of bass?
Joshua Johnson
>makes one of the all-time classics of metal
>without bass
>fans don't care, still digging it
Rock-basists worldwide on suicide watch since 1988
Ethan Howard
>since 1988
more like 1984, when Prince dropped the bassless When Doves Cry and it became the #1 Single in the world
Connor Nelson
what the fuck is even the reasoning behind turning down the bass? even if bass is playing the same thing as the guitars, it makes the whole thing sound fuller and more powerful when you can actually hear it.
Justin Flores
unironically because they decided to be shitheads to the new guy
Jose Rivera
fucking /thread
Xavier Hall
Literally this. No one can replace Cliff and it shows with all post Ride The Lightning Metallica. They can't get over it and it's sad. I bet they "hear him playing bass from heaven" and do this intentionally. Also the fucking drum production on this thing is phenomenal.
Adam White
>tfw you remember Les Claypool auditioned to replace Cliff after he died
Blake Morgan
That's the universe where Gore won in 2000.
Oliver Reed
underrated post
Henry White
Yeah, definitely their last good album
Worst part about the album, still a great one tho
Jaxon Nguyen
Les claypool is a great bass player but he doesn't fit the Metallica mold. Primus was a way better use of his talent.
Ian Martinez
reminder that anyone who bitches about the lack of bass on ajfa is a memester parrot. you can barely hear the bass on any of their early albums.
Daniel Smith
>But, they heard the mix and they went, “Alright, take the bass down, change this this this and this, and then take the bass down.” So you can barely hear it. And then once they’ve done that they said, “Take it another 3dB down.” Why they did that — I have no idea! It could be that they were still grieving about Cliff. I have no idea. But imagine my surprise when I heard the album. I was like, “What the… What?!”
They were being dicks to Jason on top of James and Lars getting into a DUCK SEASON/WABBIT SEASON pattern so their parts could be louder. I love the album but I can't respect anyone that thinks it's in any way better than RTL or MoP
Christopher White
You should get your ears checked if you honestly hear no difference in Cliff and Jason’s bass mixes.
John Stewart
>you can barely hear the bass on any of their early albums.
You're retarded, the bass is always audible even in the sections where it's so overdriven that it sounds like a lead
Kayden Wood
I think lars removed it because he was afraid no one could play like Cliff
Jaxson Gonzalez
Listen to for whom the bell tolls, orion and call of ktulu again user
Aaron Roberts
listen to any of the bass tracks ripped from guitar hero for those songs (minus ktulu which doesn't exist). try to tell me with a straight face you could hear any of those bass fills on the album mix.
fuckin idiots itt
Jonathan Jenkins
oh ya and on ktulu you can only really hear the bass when he rapes the fuck out of the wah pedal
Jack Foster
i thought these sounds were screams when i was a kid
Nolan Taylor
Why doesn't anyone complain about lack of bagpipes?
Ayden Ramirez
I can hear the bass just fine on their first 3 albums. It's not up front or anything but if you listen it's pretty clearly audible.
Oliver Turner
Bentley Bailey
>fuckin idiot itt
fixed that for (You), deafanon
Jackson Barnes
Just listened to this today, no regrets, no bad music, absolute perfection.
Nathaniel Phillips
>i read a meme opinion on the internet over and over
>i cannot fathom anything else
Hudson Garcia
Go and listen right now to any song off of Metallica’s first three albums, and then a song off AJFA, and come back and tell me that the bass is mixed the same
Lincoln Ramirez
But Jason sucks
Jacob Wilson
Jason wasn’t the greatest, but come on, he was better than the spic they have now.
Jeremiah Adams
Elijah Brooks
honestly this is cool af. I wish Metallica would come out and say "turning the bass down was our way of saying no one could ever match the greatness of Cliff". All arguments would be shut down from that moment on.
Blake Taylor
fuck you Jason was great. His backing vocals and presence are missed in their live shows
Brody Gutierrez
This. Fuck spics. Metallica is supposed to be a White European band.
Adrian Miller
It’d be even cooler if they did a rerelease of AJFA with the bass track actually turned on.
Cameron Wilson
no it wouldn't because it was still a retarded decision that ultimately hurt the album and grief is not a good explanation for it let alone a good justification
Benjamin Butler
His bass ‘playing’ sure isn’t
Juan Stewart
what are you talking about. making a instrument completely inaudible for your fallen brother is metal as fuck. also, how did it hurt the album? the record is considered a classic
Blake Hill
Michael Rivera
I prefer Jason to Rob. Yea he just follows the rhythm guitars but I like the way it sounds. I've always liked bass playing with a pick vs fingering. Just a personal preference so I don't have any defense against it
Easton Perez
Grayson Brown
>making a instrument completely inaudible for your fallen brother is metal as fuck.
In what way? All it served to do was to fuck over their replacement bassist. And yeah the album is a classic but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. The shitty mix could have been avoided.
Brody Hall
Making a butt load of money. Which they did.
Kevin Sanchez
>the record is considered a classic
doesn't mean it's perfect, dingus
Ayden Perez
if they wanted to be cute they shouldn't have hired a bassist for the album in the first place
Owen Stewart
Robs best years were with suicidal tendencies
Anthony Ward
Exactly. Doesn't have to be perfect to be a classic. Without that missing bass element it would just be another 'Tallica record in their prime. By removing the bass it sends a loud fuck you to the universe for taking their friend and makes the album a more potent statement. That's why it's metal as fuck. There's real anger there. Enough so that they would sabotage their careers as a tribute to Cliff.
Nathan Wood
Can't argue with that lol
Tyler Evans
That’s pretty stupid, I hope you don’t seriously believe all that
Jonathan Williams
Then why even hire a fucking bassist you mong.
Hunter Gray
that's the faggiest thing I've ever read
it's okay for albums you like to be flawed you know
William Long
I do. I prefer artists that do stupid shit versus following the predictable path. People are still arguing about this shit after 30 years! 30 fucking years! Mission accomplished. True art causes a reaction whether positive or negative.
As much as I hate St. Anger, I think their intention with that record was admirable. The problem with that one was the songwriting.
Alexander Cooper
I'm not arguing that it's not flawed?
I mean isn't it obvious in the way they took out their anger and trauma on Jason? He was a punching bag so the money machine wouldn't slow down
Isaiah Gomez
Oh, and of course I would have preferred to "hear the bass". I just appreciate that they didn't give a fuck
Nathan Martinez
And one last point, I'm old enough to remember a time when the AJFA lack of bass wasn't a big deal. It seems like it didn't begin to happen until we entered the digital age and everyone had access to programs that could analyze the audio.
Cameron Phillips
fucking this, gay nigger trolling faggots was gold
Andrew Robinson
>By removing the bass it sends a loud fuck you to the universe for taking their friend and makes the album a more potent statement.
You could interpret it that way. Or you could say they were being petulant and stupid and letting out their grief in an unreasoned fashion with no artistic intent behind it whatsoever.
>"Waa our friend died!!! turn down that bass!!! also fuck you Jason >:(((("
Wow so metal.
Brandon Green
I said earlier that I wish they would say that. Obviously they haven't hence why this discussion still happens
David Lewis
Justice for Jason!
Nolan Rogers
only in ajfa. from there onwards the bass was more audible than ever