Other urls found in this thread:
Bomi is just getting better with time.
my group cries everytime...
>about to go to sleep
>kpg suddenly becomes based as fuck
fuck you best posters
this cant be real
we wanted an eunha thread
Why do they keep putting this actual black in all kpop shit now?
loona has to be the ugliest girl group I have ever seen
park chaeyoung
I want his ass.
all the girls demand it
cute and pretty
Daily prayer
check out twice
this thread will probably get deleted it's was super early just look at when it was created
gayest post of all time
seek help my dude
that dude has been covering kpop for a while now he's not some new guy
he's less black than sam
we wanted a seulgi thread
no one is uglier than twice
based newshit
i didn't say anything funny
have you been gone for a few months or something?
any sharkman in
Crayon Pop is just a cradle of whores. First Ellin and now this - Way teaches us how to make a vagina out of a towel.
don’t lewd exodad
if you don't to have amber's babies you have the big gay
these girls changed my life
Okay, I'll bite.
very true
how to get gains like this?
not a fucking clue who those two are
do loonashitters really think anyone in loona can compete with tzuyu?
does choerry still look like that?
oh naw naw naw NAW NAW LMAOOOO
but not even half as based
yeah, fill me in
What did she mean by this?
we are always here
Nice DSL, bitch
this but wrong pic
oof nice hands
fucking based
Perfectly blackened, as all things should be.
i wanna bite sinb..
>mfw rape monster is blacker on the inside than any of those two
why do kpop whores always try to be "badass" and "sexy"?
praying for mina's aborted baby
chewy can't even compete with nayeon or cub these days
we're here
"nigga" - rap mongol
why do armys always ignore this?
are you really...
blind uggoshitter
bully time
WOW that face is busted
oppa didn't mean it
Doyeon is the best and she only likes white dick
I really liked Yeri and Eunha's things
doy doesn't have to try she's just naturally sexy
finally a beautiful woman
stop laughing already idiots
loona is below average but mamamoo and g friend are worse
why does eunha make roasties seethe so much?
kyungsoo is the male yuki
She’s definitely been blacked in Itaewon
whenever I take a break from this thread I can feel my IQ go up
I must be damn near 160 iq but now
looking forward to the next twice dating scandal to shave some points off my big brain
lovelyz and gfriend are the ugliest tho
this is worse than paboopa shit
gfriend, lovelyz, mamamoo
freakin cute egg friend ^_^
Post more girls who have been blacked
oh no he's cute
did you know many of our loona's music videos can be seen here in 4K?? check them out 4Kbros
just because she didn't put any effort in doesn't mean stylist noona wasn't working overtime
me in the front
how do we cure doyeons white fever? she's making a fool out of herself and basically the whole of korea
no but they will never admit it
send her to france or germany
whenever I take a break from this thread I can feel my IQ go up
I must be damn near 160 iq but now
looking forward to the next twice dating scandal to shave some points off my big brain
doy is a goddess even bareface your point is invalid
I remember Nancy has pretty much the same shot. Would be cool to see side by side
Fuck I thought this was bang chan. Should I kill myself?
Yeah? Eat my shorts.
she got the pits, the tits, the hips, the thighs and the feet on lock down
that's a big beautiful face
very true
there is no cure
i do know that, matter of fact i already downloaded them all
bowlcuts only sabotage lay’s true beauty
it's certainly an option
are you the OG eggposter? why do you always post nerd pics
oi where did all this black and white shitheads come from? can you not?
For me, it's Jeon Basedeon.
the white man's toy
and the triple lids
3 in one
user, you need to stop thinking about black penises
Fuck you retard
his bowlcut makes him cuter
all gugudans are beautiful but Basedee more so
what's his background anyway? is he hapa? he looks quite dark-skinned for a blasian
the ladies seem to love him regardless
fucking slut
my gorgeous plaything
jimin you slut
Noo hes hot
brutal ass mogging
not him but nerdsoo is CUTE and we love eggposter for it
100% natty
seoyeonnie mogging
wow she's beautiful
because he looked really cute on those days
one of my favorite looks of him ever
they seem like a falseflagger who’s trying to get egg made fun of lol
tae tae...
user is black, he is self inserting himself just like white doyeon user
lets them be
in the transexual competition
impostor detected
just wow
Is Dubu natty?
>mcgriddles in first class
So CUBE is getting investigated next, right?
Purest of the pure, bros.
SeolA is ug- WhoA!
she still has Sixteen ptsd so she always cries when the attention is on her
>being a nigger
Hyunjin is literally tzuyu lol
defend it doycucks
>play dirty
the saturation burns my eyes fuck everyone that does this shit (unfortunately everyone does this shit)
except fat and flatfaced
goddess tier
fuuuuuuuuuuuck where is this from
he's honestly pretty handsome desu
Two monkeys
return the J-line at once
Based Buddy
there's just no comparison
cringe and gay
are those the only pics you have? ksoo has a lot of good dates
why do all gfriends have the same weird sewer rat faces?
love me some of that sweet suga suga
based eunbi only touches it with a stick
this has nothing to do with j line, i just removed the impure
i’m dumb, is this real or shopped
kindly f*ck off
dr. kim was sleeping on the job
why do people act like sowon is a skeleton
What the fuck is that snoop dogg?
Don't disrepect tzuyu like that ever again
i mean, he's a model for a reason
here's a more natural one
Article: 'Rookie soldier in training' EXO DO's picture post enlistment... 'dependable + handsome visual'
Source: Sports Seoul via Nate
1. [+923, -27] He's looking like he did back in 'Along with the Gods' ㅋㅋ
2. [+920, -156] He looks like any ordinary person because he's short ㅋ
3. [+579, -20] He's not there to film 'Along with the Gods' again, is he? ㅎㅎㅎ Reminds me of his days as a soldier in that ㅎㅎㅎ Have a good service~
4. [+41, -22] He looks like any average soldier his age... ㅋㅋ
5. [+39, -23] He looks like a handsome non-celebrity ㅋㅋㅋ he really looks so average
6. [+35, -22] There really isn't much to celebrities ㅋㅋㅋㅋ they're nothing without their make up, hair, and clothes ㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+29, -13] He looks like such a narrow-shouldered, short non-celebrity here ㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+25, -3] He has that look of kids who adjust really well to army life
9. [+21, -9] I guess even a celebrity can't pull off that stupid looking uniform ㅋㅋ
10. [+16, -6] Wow, super average looking
10 10 10
10 10 10
10 10 10
v has so many different men
post his chef comments now
on the cuck scale
Maybe they're just trying to emulate your face.
but poonani'zed
finally a pure girl
cute pic tzubh
he owes them compensation
nancy please... my gallery has exploded enough...
>ionow ionow ionow whyyyyy
is there a bigger wakeup call in kpop?
I love twice
why dont they like egg?
standing next to healthyfriend she is
holy shit her face is so damn fat
he looks pretty cute there
she cute
>when you google hyunjin you get a gaypop
loona is so irrelevant
red sun
and that's a good thing
ot9 or ot8
>actually looks cute while smiling
definitely not tzuyu
steph curry really had to settle for that repulsive roast when he had jessica on standby the entire time....
looks like a regular kr uni student
he's prettier than her
I think they’re just criticizing how average he looks for an idol but he’s still handsome and extremely talented
she's usually more sticc than thicc
twiceshitters ruin another thread
wow he's beautiful
i only have folders for my favorite dates
lol i was gonna show you a pic but we hit image limit already
she's not a stick though
Im Nayeon
Yoo Jeongyeon
Hirai Momo
Minatozaki Sana
Park Jihyo
Kim Dahyun
Son Chaeyoung
Chou Tzuyu
nice try roasties but no one knows who that is
no one is spamming loona
another saturday night, another marathon of crack videos on youtube
have you considered saving pics of everything for each member? it’s honestly more helpful in the long run that way, i always see people sharing good stuff on twitter or here
stop bullying sana
we want a seulgi thread
fuck you, man. daniel k would be too busy doing his very important ceo work and practicing to post on this dumbass foreign website. just because he's dating a (very talented and special) twice member doesn't mean he spends all day posting her. he doesn't even rely on her for money, he has his own. shut the fuck up
>kpg getting comfy
>twicecucks come out of the woodworks to shit up the thread because someone mentioned loona
twiceniggers are mentally ill what else is new
he’s pretty average looking desu
Sana's beautiful melting plastic face!
she sure ain't thicc
comfy is just a code word for boring dbh
post yourself : bitch
why do they gotta come for kyungsoo? he dindu nuffin
just because you think the thread is boring doesn't mean you have to go apeshit when people talk about groups you don't like
>loona trannies spending all their free time shitting on twice but act like victims when someone says anything bad about their group
she's got fucking cancer, have some respect
My group is so fucking irrelevant that talk shit about twice is actually more interesting
can't imagine the mental gymnastics people go through to justify hating twice
take your meds oncel
not really theres too many to save kek i usually only post egg anyway
i should start saving bacon and kai pics though, at least my favorite looks for them
loona tranny...
do you guys think anyone from fromis date?
twicecuckies really are insufferable these days
wow she was a total dork
Based user
Cos he's black in korea and jews want to destroy their culture