I keep pretty eclectic in terms of genre.
Newest track:
I THINK its chamber pop, someone correct me if they have a better genre to label it.
Funk-Bluegrass dance tune
Synthy gets both bright and dark
Electronic blues
This was freaking intense, but not in a way that scares folks off.
This one's sparkly and fun but there's something kind of unsettling underneath it I think.
There's a lot going on in the elevator this song plays in.
Those instant change-ups really sell this one, stellar stuff.
There's a lot of variety in here. My favorites are Flying So High and Summertime 2.
Your muzak doesn't suck.
Very smooth, got a little boner.
You really would sound right at home next to a older post-punk bands. I seriously dig it.
More than the song, I appreciate a fellow "keep the stock image label on the art" guy.
I actually ran into your stuff randomly on soundcloud when I was on a roadtrip a couple weeks ago. Cheers!
Sounds like someone getting pissed and punching an old game console to death.
You mix these two genres together really well.
It's simple acoustic guitar stuff, but I'm still liking it.
I'm find myself curious where you are going with this next.
Hands down the coolest thing in the thread, and the art is fantastic too.
Attached: Babys_First_Scales.png (1300x1304, 680K)