Music to help me cope with this BULLSHIT

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Other urls found in this thread:

Possibly Epstein's account:

They can and will.

Big iffy true

yeah right

>"found dead in cell"
>On suicide watch
>Where the cell has no tools capable of causing self-harm
>Where the guard checks on him ever 5 minutes
Big doubt.

>the Clintons' kill list be like

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/pol/ is having a field day with this though

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You just know normalfags are not going to pay any attention or give any thought to this highly suspicious death.

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can someone redpill me on this whole thing havent been following it.

it's trending on twitter and on the frontpage of reddit, and every single comment is claiming bullshit so you're already wrong

The most fringe liberals will believe that Trump had him whacked

inb4 there's a fire in the evidence room too


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Not music
Don't care

>He never heard Epstein's mixtape

>they keep getting away with it

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what did he do? hes just a pedo right? so he died this is a good thing.

Damn the capitalist elite keep getting away withe everything. Better create a cult of personality around the poster-boy of the capitalist elite and vote him into office all the while disparaging socialism

He was killed so he couldn't rat out the other pedos

yes it is a good thing

don't look further into it. the details are boring and overly complicated

He had dirt on a lot of powerful and influential, I would've preferred he stayed alive a little longer just so he could rat on the scumbags that flew to his private island.

damn leonard cohen is wylin

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hes been in jail a while now hasnt he at least a few weeks. wonder why he hadnt already ratted. or wonder if he did and the people he told were pressured to keep quiet. hmmm some fucked up shit.


fuck off back to /leftypol/. oh wait... you can't.

How are Qboomers handling this?

they're taking their baby asprin

Who got away with what?
Epstein's dead.
He didn't get away with it, ultimately.

t. epstein associate

death is the easy way out
also he was probably killed so he couldnt speak out about other abusers for leniency

>sex trafficker is a would-be billionaire without any legitimate source of income
>friends with just about every wealthy/powerful name you could think of
>took big, big names to his private island
>all the details, now vanished, like tears in the rain
they got away with it

it's astounding how utterly retarded trump cultists are. republicans always have been and always will be the biggest sheep in america

wow what a coincidence

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He had a good run bros, but all good things must end eventually.


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Tbh I've always had a strange fondness for Bill Clinton, can't bring myself to hate the guy, even if he is a pedo.

Jewish people are fucking cancelled in 2020.

No matter who wins, the electorate is increasingly anti-israel, anti-AIPAC, anti-war and anti-bank, and staying home from Hollywood movies.

What do you retards think socialism is going to do? The same corrupt assholes will still be in charge, except now they're not just in control of their own money they're in control of your money too.
>God I hate the elite so much I want them to fuck my ass so bad.

he seemed like a fun guy at the time, pretty much the democrat version of "a president you can have a beer with"
if he's part of this though, then fuck him

socialism isn't communism and nobody advocates for actual communism except a very tiny fringe of idiots

Democrats are nasty people.

unless trump wins, dummy

Epstein was running child trafficking ring. Gets arrested. Earlier incident happened in prison, "failed suicide". Names start getting named earlier this week. Epstein dies of "suicide" while on suicide watch.

Everyone has been itching to see all the names hopeful it might implicate Trump or Clinton but who knows now.

Damn... this

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Daily reminder that he did nothing wrong

trump's going to look into this right guys?

Dems and Republicans are one in the same

dems aren't great or even good but it's extremely disingenuous to say they're equally as bad as repubs. but i'd agree that both parties should be nuked and america should try again with hopefully more than 2 parties this time

Nah this is too obvious. In a way it's the best thing that could have happened because it will destroy a bunch of normie's blind faith in the justice system and validate all of the "conspiracy theorists" who have been predicting this would happen since his arrest. Definitely an accelerationist move

They are the same party is what I'm saying partisan fren, choice is an illusion

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If you don’t like the future
You’re better off dead
Cause a pound of protection
Beats an ounce of lead

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