ITT: 10/10 albums

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all of the above

I’ve never seen Allah-Las posted here before so I’m surprised but they are SO GOOD. I just started listening to that record about a month ago and it’s very addicting. Has a surf vibe that’s sorely been missed with all the pretentious generic shit that came along earlier in the decade. Also their contributions to the new Andrew VanWyngarden//Connan Mockasin soundtrack are essential. They take their sound in a more exotica direction while maintaining their spirit.

this one

Attached: hung-at-heart.jpg (480x480, 109K)

yeah that's probably because I've been on Yea Forums and /gd/ for ages and come by and check out Yea Forums. You like surfy vibes? You should check out The Growlers albums: Hung at heart, City club and Chinese Fountain