Musicians who are bad people

musicians who are bad people

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he stashed a phone in his butthole
mega lolz

Chuck Berry
Lindsay Buckingham
Chris Brown
Jerry Lee Lewis
Cee Lo
James Brown
R Kelly

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varg is a hero

I think this is the part where I'm supposed to tell you to have sex


Beat the shit out of Stevie when they were together.

There's also this blind


you're not a musician if no one's heard of you
you don't even really exist

I have 10,000 plays on my music

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He's funny but still

jack be nimble, jack be quick...

so your definition of a musician is a pop star? you sound like a retarded zoomer

>it's ok when white people behave like so-called "niggers"

there's that australian guy and that british dude

gary glitter and rolf harris

there's a lot of middle ground between literal who and pop star

my definition of a musician is someone who is popular

i mean i don't know for sure that there is bear shit in the woods
i'm pretty sure there is
but if no one's seen it how will i know it's real

congratulations, you're retarded

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does that really mean anything if a starving "artist" says that to me
i mean
are you really even human


what the fuck is this exchange even supposed to be

go listen to billie eilish you absolute smooth brain

All of them. Name one famous musician who is actually a good person

some braindead faggot's attempt to troll

Weird Al is apparently really kind.

I'm just explaining why this guy doesn't exist

MF Doom seems nice

thom yorke


dude tweeted for the first time since he made his account in like '09 to sell some FUCKING merch. fuck him.

>doesn't use twitter
based DOOM

micheal did nothing wrong. Corey Feldman out there exposing hollywood as pedos but still maintains micheal was a saint. I believe him desu

Brian Wilson

Jeff Rosenstock

Kanye West for supporting a racist, fascist scumbag president. Haven't listened to a single song of his since.

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Roger Waters is another well known pedo


what did Cee Lo do

wtf i like waters now

>Haven't listened to a single song of his since.
i'm sure hes devastated

he put his dog crate on top of the station wagon

oh well that's not so bad

some of his songs have some heavy cussing

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John Lydon is unironically a good person

That one guy from The Beatles

All rappers are inherently bad people

>implying thats the point

Bono preaches about saving the poor yadda yadda all the while evading taxes and hoarding wealth. fuck that prick

Based retard

he's a fuckin knob and a trump supporter

All the (yous) lol

I don't care what he thinks. It's my personal code of ethics to not support nazi scum. Just doing my part to bash the fash.

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here have another (you) you fag

Lol nope looks don’t mean shit

>"so called"
yeah ok nigger lover.

musician is a profession, the definition naturally follows from this.

The difference between the Wonderwall-singning guy at your party, and a musicians is that one can make a living, atleast semi-professionally, and the other cannot.

If you're well known or not doesn't matter.

Date me

it's 50/50 if hes good or bad, no one knows if the baby consented or not, because they cant talk. its like deaf women, you cant be convicted of rape with one, because you dont know if they they are saying yes or no.

i don't think we should condemn him until we hear the so called victims side of the story

Euronymous was a piece of shit, Varg did nothing wrong!

Thom Yorke is a good guy.

>"Inefficiency is the order of Africa, that’s how it works, or doesn’t – basically, they’re waiting to be bribed."
Anger is an Energy - John Lydon

You disgusting racist

You hypocrite

How did he get away with it?

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Gary Glitter. Got caught with CP back in the late 90s. It was so bad that their was someone on reddit who knew one of the guys who use to work at the shop where Gary left hid PC and had to work on that one, needed therapy. His scene in the Spice Girls movie was dropped. His career died. He spent the next decade gallivanting around 3rd world countries, got a women pregnant in Cuba and raped a few little girls in Asia. He was supposed to be executed due to their laws but was brought back to England. They also found out he raped a few young fans in his dressing room back in the early 80s on Jimmy Siviles show and that guy was a pedo too.

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He beat millions.

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Corey Feldman has already been JUSTed by Hollywood once, do you really think he wants to draw the ire of the Jackson estate's legal team now?

That user who posted the "me" comment doesnt really exist, this is Yea Forums 101 you newfag redditor
>inb4 based
Yeah, I know.

Steve Buscemi volunteered as a firefighter during 9/11 and never told anybody

He only wore that hat so Trump would free our nigga asap rocky from Sweden jail, seethe less and cope more you balding tranny

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He was obviously talking about Ringo.

The baby was a major lost prophets fan it's safe to say the baby would have consented if he could, free ian owo

What is it with Britain sheltering famous pedos until they get caught, kek. They knew about Saville about thirty years before he died but waited until after his death to allow a documentary on it to be released.

Gary is a national treasure.

He may just be the most talented musician to come out of Great Britain

There's no such this as good or bad. There's just people you wanna kill and those you don't.

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Literally one of the greatest humans of our time, and the kindest man ever.

How dare they blacken his name. Just watch his old interviews, he was so kind, so generous, so sweet.

Al Cisneros is a God

>imagine being this wrong
