Modest Mouse fucking sucks

Modest Mouse fucking sucks

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Yes but at the same time no.

You and me against the world, OP

I like float on, then I tried to get in to them but yeah, they fucking suck.


(not true by the way)

Modest Mouse feeding seeds

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Modest Mouse 1996-2004 was the greatest thing that ever happened.

I can't listen to Modest Mouse. Modest Mouse just makes me think of balling my fucking eyes out over hipster girls.

they don't even have 5 songs about girls

he's right you know

interstate 8 + half the songs on We Were Dead

>balling my eyes out
Thanks for the graphic image of some sad virgin taking a melon baller to his eye sockets. The word you're looking for is bawling.

A hot take OP, but a fresh and undeniably true one nonetheless. Modest Mouse belongs to a subgenre I like to call sophomorecore. They're the band a Yea Forumstant gets into in high school because he's sad, Isaac's sad, and the albums are all pretty accessible to those in the teen demographic. Then later on after his tastes mature the Yea Forumstant looks back on his Mouse phase and laughs at how silly he was to fawn over such a basic sound.

Attached: opp.jpg (500x416, 33K)

What I'm getting at is Modest Mouse bridges the gap between pop rock and experimental near-perfectly.

imagine listening to teeth like god's shoeshine and thinking it sounds basic

Cynicism, anti-establishment vibes, and allusions to mall culture thrown in a blender with angst and steel guitar is pretty basic. The Lonesome Crowded West is even dated thematically: nobody gives a shit about suburban sprawl, coastal erosion, or the midwest anymore.

yeah well you could have imagined a sad virgin throwing money in air or something instead fag

thats the point of the fucking album. that all that shit is getting built only to be useless in 10 years time. honestly pretty based he had the foresight to know that in a time there was no real reason to think such a thing.

LCW is about the PNW not the midwest you pleb

Nobody gives a shit about the PNW either you seething Seattleite
Be that as it may, the issue of climate change and what's gonna happen to California is a dead simple theme, and the fact that it's so easy to pin down probably contributed majorly to a lot of anons getting into this band in high school, which is my original point.

huh? i dont give a shit about the lyrics, i was referring to the actual music


Imagine not realising that Moon is a literal masterpiece

Moon is great but honestly I'm more of an LCW man myself

Hahaha, fuck, you got me dude.

and Building Nothing out of Something filters another pleb

OP sucks dick for a living.
Listen to Long Drive and Lonesome Crowded West and tell me they suck.

I wish it was still possible to write music this simple and get famous

I've known modest mouse is shit since I listened to them for the first time and that was in middle school, gave them a second chance in high school and still found them shit. Modest mouse is for a specific american white guy demographic, the kind of kid who never has any real problems but still wants to feel sad cause he's bored and horny. Everything about Modest Mouse sounds so fake, derivative and embarrassing. You're right it is a phase band, but specifically for annoying weak sadboi gringo teens