Attached: 1530549556578.jpg (800x1200, 168K)

Other urls found in this thread:밤비노 직캠&sp=CAM%3D

we wanted a wony thread

I fucking love Hann.

cutting it close

Attached: 1564447807122.webm (480x480, 844K)

our freakin girls

Attached: 1560526505176.jpg (1334x750, 88K)

for me, its twice

don't be looking at my yunky like that


Attached: 1557808527214.jpg (1200x1862, 240K)

your yunky?

crying on her birthday noo

Attached: idolradiokorea-1122750917189591040-20190429_023413-img2.jpg (1429x2000, 436K)

Attached: 1562775689409.webm (720x1280, 2.51M)

we wanted a seulgi thread
jennie's theme

나는 지선이다.

Attached: D7DHZYWX4AIwMV5.jpg (800x1200, 146K)

damn...didn't even need to show up to win.

Attached: 1565398058746.jpg (1920x1080, 353K)

Attached: 1549171166652.webm (640x642, 2.91M)

Post the cutest photo of your waifu
I'll make a folder for the best ones

>You are already dead.

pinky's feet
my mouth

Attached: 1554036604642.webm (1920x850, 1.88M)

Portuguese women have mustaches, I'd much rather have Korean women

It says "For me, its Jisun"

Attached: DwzCywgU0AAVHh9.jpg (855x1400, 226K)

based chinese billionaire

Attached: 1558844836850.jpg (1367x2048, 207K)

Attached: hf_dreamcatcher-1109440573348302848-20190323_090339-img1.jpg (1334x1776, 391K)

what is the alleged age of yunkyoung?

juribro did nothing wrong

reminder to watch her b-day stream @ 7PM KST

i have millions it would take years

Attached: 1556438326680.jpg (720x899, 82K)

Attached: 1541066033963.jpg (1636x1636, 1.21M)

Night fellas, take care of yourselves, have a nice day you deserve it

Attached: 1543502965229.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Why is she doing that? What the fuck is wrong with her?


Attached: 1562756262462.webm (800x720, 2.43M)

she's dancing ya idiot

Attached: 1550016041675.webm (480x480, 877K)

can't wait for Irene to reveal she's a lesbian

Attached: ReenyNiku2.webm (880x494, 2.83M)

you too buddy

>there's lots of us i s-swear

Watching the thread...

Attached: Eunha2.webm (562x1496, 2.63M)

that's fucking guy...
nobody deserves to enjoy such delicacy

6am my time.. i think i'll catch the vod

Attached: hf_dreamcatcher-1141580918894690304-20190620_013755-img1.jpg (1538x2048, 531K)

Attached: 28.jpg (667x87, 8K)

the company said no wang

Attached: Zhou.Jieqiong.full.69479.jpg (1773x995, 164K)

I am Spanish, every Portuguese is inferior than me and their "country" is naught but a rebellious province whose time will inevitably come.
This fact is reflected in the mass acceptance of Spanish men by Asian women and their disgust at Portuguese "men", small, brown and with unkempt hair.

노지선이는 나만에 행복이다.

that too.

Attached: i13912735711.jpg (1365x2048, 485K)


Attached: GFriend-Yerin.jpg (599x798, 46K)


the koenigsegg of kpop idols

Attached: 1554135464518.jpg (1366x2048, 367K)

I left my home for the first time today after 6 months home. I'm very happy friends

You also typed 조선 instead of 지선. If this was a joke, I am impressed.

Attached: fromis_9.vn_67570068_909701569376310_7175756707824485956_n.jpg (1080x1350, 143K)

Cutest girl in the universe

Attached: 1564743420719.jpg (1000x1000, 100K)

congrats friend

this, I should be the millionaire

Attached: 4674e6b42fbfdf6efef850040626270b.jpg (682x989, 91K)

you can't say no to him
he would just buy the company and fire everyone

Attached: yejudnight.jpg (424x637, 98K)

Only the rich can have her.

nice nose bitch

Is she dreaming with midzy?

you'll never be anything because you're a cuck content with masturbating to pixels on your pc

i think you mean wealthy

Attached: 1538811925392.jpg (2048x1365, 384K)

Attached: 52813665_1457939947674684_9179182344733709152_n.jpg (1079x1350, 130K)

>you also typed
nigga i don't even know how to make those letters
maybe google auto fixed

Thank you friend. Now I just need to have something to do outside so I leave more

I meant what I said.

Attached: i15550246575.jpg (1365x2048, 234K)

Underage faggot detected.

rich men can't afford wony

Attached: 1540818089946.jpg (1500x1003, 179K)

No, dreaming of sharting

wow this song is great, i really liked the chorus, more stuff like this?

take it back she's not a whore

Yeah Jisun is a name so it would try to translate into Josun.

I can see that happening.

Attached: i13993559228.jpg (800x1200, 162K)

our whores

i love jizzun

Sana would never love a moortuguese, she belongs to Spaniard men

I'll take it back you say Jisun is pretty.

Attached: EBcj5gFVUAoihZ_.jpg (1366x2048, 253K)

post that slut everyone likes

projecting much user? I don't gett off to the idea, just find the whole scandal funny

Attached: 0000030477_001_20170526121138560.jpg (2000x1331, 313K)

Attached: 1537866369820.jpg (1364x2048, 402K)

i was gonna sleep but i feel like staying here for a little longer

Attached: 1565356307977.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

Attached: 1543219839300.jpg (1333x2000, 953K)

Shes a feast, for the eyes and the mouth.

Attached: D2XI99kWsAAYl-E.jpg (684x1024, 84K)

based semen demon poster

Attached: 1555581048273.jpg (683x720, 54K)

why are these europoors so clingy

Attached: 1562259956173.jpg (873x1402, 198K)


Attached: shotthroughthe❤️.webm (974x890, 2.95M)

I see, you named your fleshlight after her. Clever.

well that's true she is pretty especially when she looks sleepy which is almost always

I would put my penis in Jisoo's butt desu.

Our country is older than yours retarded cunt

are you korean/asian?

Attached: 73754.jpg (1000x1500, 309K)

Attached: D_cpl17VUAA9L8o.jpg (3276x2184, 1.63M)

>live young
any kpop like that


Attached: 01.jpg (1400x1920, 1.46M)

Attached: 1560595472667.webm (908x1334, 2.92M)

post that yuna webm

Why are there so many IZONE shitters lately?


You're such a faggot. I'm Portuguese and we're ethnically the same. Perhaps you've just described yourself, but I'm not brown.
BTW, I live very close to Spain and I see Spaniards as my brothers. I guess you're just trying to be edgy. Oh, I'm 1.88cm. I doubt you could top that, manlet

Attached: 1560877078664.webm (444x720, 2.83M)

I hate this stupid chinuggo

i just wanna know where she gets those customized blue airpods

ok now im going to sleep
see yall later

Attached: IMG_20190806_191953.jpg (2094x2618, 718K)


Holy crap and yuna is only 15.

cya bro

Attached: 1555243745769.jpg (1000x1000, 67K)

My city:

We have an identity unlike the balkanized mess you call a country
>tfw CLC will never beat me to death with baseball bats

prettiest group and good music combined
that's why

Attached: p6pO95b.jpg (1999x3000, 606K)

this shit is worse than buenos aires

good work JYP

i'm looking for a blastable group without any charming personalities. any suggestions?

Stray Kids

We should be united, but that comment of yours is making me regret my mindset unless you're falseflagging...


Guys, i need new IZONE content.
My life is empty without yuri, wony, chimp and minju밤비노 직캠&sp=CAM%3D

As a tall Portuguese man I choose Kim Doyeon as my wife

Teaser for comeback is coming on Monday. Don’t ask how I just know these things

Holy shit (((They're))) everywhere


>tall Portuguese man

so eta on kr come back?

kpop for this feel

Attached: seung_monkey15653266752106434964567556169_9224392067.jpg (1080x1080, 1.31M)

post hot twice

here you go

I like Kim Dahyun because she has a charming personality, is funny, very cute and also very kind. She also has a nice voice and wish she would sing more instead of rap. She can also play the piano well.

For me, it's Kim Dahyun.

Attached: 1564933114564.jpg (2708x4096, 2.75M)


mogs saerom and we all agree

Attached: 1512756887652.webm (936x1080, 1.03M)

We're all tall and look down on plebs trying to undermine our millennial ways and the fact that money doesn't change the fact that our land is one of the best places on this God-forsaken planet

forced smile, is she cold?

mid sept
la next week

Attached: 1561163606131.webm (1382x1042, 1.49M)

good choice

i love dubu!!

Attached: 1535416131228.webm (646x700, 1.86M)

Thighwan is so fucking hot


Attached: DC3DCA11-09F5-4528-8DE2-8817D254D62B.jpg (329x448, 46K)

mogging a man is hardly an accomplishment

what does she have to do with saerom

Attached: seung_monkey15653266752106434962663353350_9224392067.jpg (1080x1080, 1.33M)

Too bad she's not natty

Attached: UnevenWanCaterpillar.webm (350x532, 1.18M)

binnieshitter is throwing one of his toddler tantrums again

Why do Koreans do this?

Attached: 1564884339192.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

guys i'm going to marry again
say something nice to me

black dress is a banger why didn't you fags tell me last year


Attached: nature (5).jpg (1999x1392, 1.71M)

Wow, she's beautiful.

girl in the middle looks like she fucks sea guys

for your entertainment

shoulda put it in her pussy like the japs do it

Attached: 1558809082840.png (720x715, 686K)

Attached: 1544785030880.jpg (1800x1089, 1.01M)

i unironically have a tentacle on girls fetish

Gahyeon eating!

Attached: 3C8915D4-9E7C-411A-8A7D-B9DA52BFB085.jpg (715x1128, 164K)


Attached: sun.webm (1200x674, 2.76M)

Since 2016 for me, it's Jeon Basedeon.

Attached: 13a79881bc9bd96550c8346e9ba0b60d.jpg (1000x1500, 277K)

Attached: 55910185_1959987727434208_9109339350101336949_n.jpg (873x643, 48K)

he said without charming personalities

He said without any charming personalities.

Attached: tight slug ass.webm (700x1244, 2.88M)

she is so beautiful, post more

who gives a shit about mamamoo lmao

me :)
too cute

Attached: 1545893049486.jpg (687x941, 102K)


im sorry but if you dont like this you must not be a straigh white male

this is what white men want

wew lad

Attached: EBkucuQUwAEXYy9.jpg (1638x2048, 423K)

she is so hot! Looks so tasty

i really want her to birth and raise my children to be hardworking contributing members of society like their mother

there are quadrillions of us and we are called

Attached: 1556554100116.jpg (4128x2322, 2.32M)

suyun is so tall wtf


cute bustedfish

So on average what's the percentage of actual gays in kpop groups?
I'm guessing it's pretty high

too many uggoshitters here

no such thing you idiot they all speak english pretty well and she doesnt do that or have that fuck you it's a cute girl voice

who's your waifu?

>your 500 albums

She seems like she'd be a tiger mom

goddess post

Attached: 1563704319082.jpg (2048x2728, 1.4M)


Attached: EBicG6VU0AEdxer.jpg (1364x2048, 448K)

My plump waifu

Attached: A878F3B9-6FC1-4546-AF29-A4CB2DE7E1D5.jpg (667x1000, 73K)

we like uggos here

Attached: omg.webm (1600x900, 2.67M)

Attached: 1492480666494.jpg (561x808, 40K)

Kpop without Twice would be dead.
Blackstink is soulless
At last non-gaypop kpop

very pretty girls especially the one in pink!

because us westerners have never faced dire circumstances like famine, when you're hungry you'll eat anything that walks.

literally perfect


i'm sorry but their other shit just isn't any good

just you and your discord buddies actually

reminder that Kim Doyeon is not for manlets

>us westerners have never faced dire circumstances like famine

Attached: 1.jpg (148x140, 9K)

she's so nice and MEATY

Attached: EAPyFAUU8AAWbP1.jpg (800x1199, 120K)

blackpink are the most soulful and without them music would be dead

what twice members really dont like each other? with proof please

I honestly feel like I could get Doyeon under the right circumstances

>tfw no jgf

Attached: 67497658_703658793407328_8602810800874192896_o.jpg (1600x1072, 142K)

Attached: DvBwRRHU8AAzB5T.jpg (1280x1920, 293K)

webm unrelated

jesus christ how horrifying

That stink in my area? No, thanks

you are the only one stinking in your area fatty

Attached: 1552296806589.jpg (630x1223, 79K)

handsome aryan turbochad over 6ft with a great sense of humor i presume

Attached: 1551414499250.jpg (1980x1322, 591K)

This girl is so boring.

okay so they have two good songs

there she is

I'm black that's why I feel like Jennie would love me

Twiceboy hates everyone after the gang rape incident

Attached: IMG_20190730_045823.jpg (465x495, 37K)

our uggo slampig

she wouldnt and she is pure

imagine unzipping it


Attached: Drp8hb_V4AEfU_U-orig.jpg (1200x1800, 207K)

I'm Southern Euro and I'm 1.87cm. I look pretty much like the average Italian

Attached: 1537083535038.jpg (866x1300, 172K)

you didnt post anything

all you'll get is some autists fanfic

that's sunny

don't post pictures that make hana look old friend

this is freakin cute thanks for making it

Attached: 1536943299694.webm (700x1244, 2.27M)


In Nigeria we all love Jennie because she feels like the girl you could get on a night out.
Blink forever!

i'd fuck sana in a heartbeat
i wouldn't fuck sunny, she's just a regular pig

I want to be that bag strap...

Attached: original.gif (268x400, 2.93M)

I know, it's semi-manlet status by Euro standards

seulgi's velvet sky high arches

Attached: EA4bCb6U4AA-rjZ.webm (480x480, 219K)

thinking about nako

Attached: DMLRT0iU8AETpX-.jpg orig.jpg (1000x750, 88K)

Attached: 1486454455384.jpg (1200x1166, 176K)


bah gawd she killed him


what a cute semon demon

Sana is for tender loving, not "fucking." Please be respectful.

Attached: 99C5573B5C51BE0627.jpg (900x1350, 238K)

Attached: tw4gboioh9c21.jpg (2520x3426, 810K)



>hana is boring
by boring you mean the most flawless korean woman?

My daughterdaughter

Attached: 1541882512340.jpg (1280x960, 976K)

Attached: Dtsz3TtX4AAiOVA.webm (730x410, 282K)

looking there

slide right in

purest girl, an angel


Attached: hayoungglubglub.gif (498x392, 2.06M)

what eroge is this

Attached: 1565354755167.jpg (775x1730, 579K)

Don't you dare. Her hobby is collecting water tumblers. Can't get purer than that

Attached: 1536861871842.webm (720x960, 2.9M)

Attached: NnYXIz2.jpg (2048x1536, 705K)

Don't. Looking that is illegal in several jurisdictions!!!

Attached: 1562973944319.webm (790x1080, 2.96M)

i just want 5 minutes with Joy

Attached: 1544269332693.webm (742x720, 2.87M)

Anyone drinking tonight?

There she is.

Attached: 1545721141478.webm (576x558, 376K)

it's cool i have diplomatic immunity

It's from the official IZ*ONE™ mobile game

Attached: 1544501705412.jpg (1280x960, 1.45M)

Attached: SWY Pounding.webm (780x438, 2.38M)

No. Eating korean fried chicken though

Attached: I0nABY0gN9zblUZW.webm (240x240, 136K)

Attached: 1542599775046.jpg (1389x888, 189K)

Attached: g8MOTya.jpg (1400x1080, 422K)

natty goddess

pure delusion

Attached: tGkxra7.jpg (1080x1468, 429K)

I love this retard

She’s soft and meaty

Attached: B49C3C37-B014-4400-BB91-C1FF1969F04B.jpg (538x438, 82K)

stop spamming

Attached: 1560284093294.webm (1920x850, 1.88M)


Attached: i_cant_believe.jpg (500x481, 98K)

Attached: HckxIeShHSeXTJxy.webm (320x180, 73K)

sana gf...

Attached: PEP0g4k.jpg (1080x1601, 459K)

us shartmen must stick together

Attached: 1565065695528.jpg (720x960, 95K)

No one likes that fugly bitch
did she hook up with any fromis members?

Attached: 1562216873948.jpg (750x1010, 139K)

And then they named the group Sperm. Can you believe it?

Attached: 1556819996057.webm (720x1280, 2.51M)

shartman unite!

Attached: hayoungEat.gif (500x500, 3.96M)

I am looking there

Attached: 1533948219840.webm (700x1244, 2.71M)


Post the one with the tongue work. Why can't I find her compilations on youtube? People don't like her?

>Tenderu rovingu?
>With Sana?
>Oh hyo oh hyo oh hyo


shartleader reporting in

everybody loves the toy

Attached: 1562319650781.jpg (1364x2048, 184K)

>remove a letter and the word becomes another
how scandalous

freakin cute but dont or else

Shartman forever!

I dont have that one, tell me where to find the clip and ill make a webm of it.

im looking there now as well. it looks good

IDIOT i literally just said dont

based americans

Are there pics of Hyunmin's dad? I only saw that one pic his mother.

And then they named the group Bulletproof Boy Scouts. Can you believe it?

we want a seulgi thread

Well, perhaps. I'm a loser now, but I've nabbed a girl hotter than her imo. Under the right circumstances who knows? She's probably sex-starved, suppose for some reason we both stayed in bungalows next to each other in Bora Bora and she was bored to death. Perhaps I could chat her up. I really mean it.
The fact that I could afford a trip to Bora Bora is the most unrealistic part

next thread will be dedicated to all the whores in kpop

Nan jjeuwirago hae
Mujakjeong insahalkka
Nae jeonhwabeonhoya
Jjokjireul jugo domangchilkka
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
No No No No

we want a yeji thread


BP gets spammed all day already

so not blackpink


