guess personalities edition
no lazyposting >:(
/chart/ thread
Other urls found in this thread:
2814 - 新しい日の誕生
Your chart seems like you're both a boomer and a zoomer in equal parts lol
The Doors - LA Woman
This Heat - This Heat
Dog Faced Hermans - Mental Blocks For All Ages
XTC - Oranges And Lemons
The Va-11 Hall-A OST
in college for some normie degree clearly
stereolab - dots and loops
you would be cooler if you were gay
horace silver - song for my father
Never had a Gf
Would let me suck his dick
Honestly I have no idea what to say
I wouldn't let you anywhere near my dick with that taste
lives in the city but hates it
even as we speak - nothing ever happens
you seem to have built up much of your taste from visiting this board. i hope you use these charts and reccomendations to break out a bit
id recommend
Here come the warm jets - Brian eno
Amanita - Bardo Pond
Nico & Her Psych Subconscious- Mr.Elevator
Dummy- Portishead
Eccsame the Photon Band - Lilys
Listen to Alex G, based off Modest Mouse
Sigillum Luciferi - Cough
i love galaxy 500 and pere ubu, nice chart
with codeine and galazy, im probably sure youve listened to band bedhead
Breasts-Breasts, impossible to find this album online because of the name. Short project involving Clay of Duster
Live from a shark cage - Papa M
Marshmellows - the for cartnation
Notekillers- The Notekillers
Dog Faced Hermans is extremely based and more people should listen to them. Check out Alternative TV - Vibing Up the Senile Man (Part One)
The Fall and Windy & Carl are great.
Belong - October Language
Good Night and Good Morning - Narrowing Type
Harry Pussy - Ride a Dove
this is the part of the thread where this poster gives up. he disassociates himself from his own chart until it becomes just an image. this is not something that could happen to anonymous; it takes places only on a music board. but he refreshes now, and shakes himself awake. he has rejoined the other posters. come, dear anons, rate no more. there is only recs now.
the junipers - cut your key
pos - we dont even live here
mj lenderman - s/t
jana winderen - the wanderer
beagles - 2
i want to know your opinion on come in/glass beach and how you think they compare to tf especially considering lgbt narratives if that's something that you think about lmao
personally they have not yet grown on me the same way but i think that is largely how six or seven years ago tf influenced my own exploration of identity. i think they will potentially be cult classics and influence people in the same way. time will tell.
>it's another "guess personalities" episode
"guess personalities" is such a copout for having to give recommendations. I post my chart to get recommendations based off my current taste so i can expand it, not so someone can guess im a depressed virgin college student, tell me something i dont know.
did I already rec you purling hiss - s/t?
new grape - new grape time
Fugazi - Repeater
Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime
Rustin Man - Drift Code
筋肉少女帯 [Kinniku Shoujo Tai] - 蔦からまるQの惑星 (Tsuta Karamaru Q no Wakusei)
>did I already rec you purling hiss - s/t?
yes a few times i think lol. its a good one for sure thanks for it.
I missed seeing them live when they were opening for ty about a year or so back, that sucks
dissolve - third album for the sun
has a cute penis
walter wegmuller - tarot
cool chart
I'm not joining your gay discord.
my bad, feel hesitant to rec something else now thinking I have done the same already lol
Feeling like absolute shit tonight bros, rec me something that will fuck me up.
Pretty much anything by The go-betweens, try 16 Lovers Lane.
This one is great user.
Summer in my veins obviously, but you already heard it.
and you definitely need some Windy & Carl, check out Depths
Shores - To Volstead
Pinebender - The High Price of Living Too Long With a Single Dream
Candlemass - Nightfall
Teenage Jesus and the Jerks s/t
Thanks bro I listened to Antarctica by Windy & Carl a while back and loved it I'll be sure to listen to Depths. You'd probably like Foxtails - III
King Crimson
Techno Animal
John Coltrane
Boy Froot
Dean Blunt
Big Black
Sd Laika
David Allan Coe
Big Black
The Angelic Process
Hans Krusi
Angel Witch
Tommy 86
Death in June
Giles Corey
Michael Jackson - Off the Wall
Bobb Trimble - Iron Curtain Innocence
Loretta Lynn - Blue Kentucky Girl
Robert Gorl - Night Full Of Tension
Ruins - Stonehenge
Lowlife - Diminuendo
Tommy Wright III - On The Run
>daft punk
>Minecraft volume alpha
yep this is cringe
looks like he didnt have much of a developed music taste, probably just started coming here due to instagram music meme pages and fantanbong, and slapped together this chart
left-wing, very rebellious, likes punk girls/boys
travels a lot and loves rick rolling people
smart but violent.
is into a good mystery. works odd jobs
does drugs yet religious
likes unusual time signatures and swimming
well i mean heres my chart from 2017ish i think when i first joined mu. i just like what i like i guess lol
likes being alone, smoker
boomer put actually kinda cool
celeste is neat. fantano drone
really fucking likes chopped simpsons edits
what the fuck, oblivion access in there is confusing
loves japanese culture but hates being called weeb, probably studies arts
seems interesting, what are the mermaid and tiger albums at the bottom?
mexican art hoe
has tinnitus
depressed, religiously listens to obscure asiatic shoegaze
no fucking idea
on your twenties, most of your taste comes from your family.
indie hoe
big fan of southern/east coast, based hiphop taste
mermaid and tiger are
contrastic - s/t
sissy spacek - s/t
what seems interesting? :0
thanks for recs evceryone else
u have dyke friends
u heard of rym less than 2 months ago at least
nononono ur not allowed to copy my chart nigga
sike naw but u look like u own either a pair of black filas or some old ass kobes or kds
posh af, would conversate with if u were a thot
u smack ur shmeat to charlotte sartre and if u don't kno already u would still prob like it if u searched her
Kepler - Missionless Days
Crescent - By the Roads and the Fields
Anguish - s/t
anguish kinda nice low
good looks
alvvays - alvvays
solid spread of taste, no idea what to recc
i hate the boomer zoomer thing, how is that codeine album?
just tried loveless finally and it was meh, OPN is solid tho. Try En Route - Then is a Song
October Language is one of my GOAT drone albums, there's a /bandcamp/ thread guy called Dogs in Reverse that has some cool noise/drone works. Good overall taste
True, but some of them are hilarious and/or painful af
you've probably seen twin peaks like four times through
tim hecker is a god
everything about this hurts my eyes
i need to let Microwave know they're infringing on the band name. Very 60s
i listened to spiderland in the car yesterday and i don't get it?
Shoegaze/Dream pop/Noise pop recs welcome. Don't want to guess personalities so you don't have to either
Shinsei Kamattechan - Tanoshiine
Rei Clone - Wet
MBV - m b v (unironically reccing this)
Power Snuggle - Cop A Feeling
Boredoms - Super Roots 7
Plumerai - Mortality
Can't rec anything, to be quite desu. Kinda based taste but if I had to rec something, probably Plastic Flowers - Absent Forever
Black Tambourine, search for their complete works, it's like 24 mins long, too bad they didn't make more
>how is that codeine album?
their best work IMO, its more stripped back than their earlier stuff but it works out really well. I like frigid stars, but its definitely a more immature record than The White Birch both sonically and lyrically.
+This Heat, Fishmans, Sufjan, O'Rourke
-Olivia Tremor
Foghorn - Thanatos
Started listening to music in 2004
A massive Chad but no one knows it
you all seem like rrlly cool ppls
espec and
Errosmith - Superlative Fatigue
has been on Yea Forums for 2 weeks
homestuck virgin
goes to bars sometimes to tell strangers about the last manga they read
40 year old white guy living in Detroit
kind and quiet white guy that sometimes casually drop the n-bomb
doomer with a pain fetish
Extreme pleb
Extreme open
Entry level pleb
Major pleb
Racist pleb
Entry level avant teen pleb
See above
See above
Major pleb
Wannabe avant teen pleb
Eternal pleb
Greasy pleb metal manchild
Lord of plebs
Wannabe avant teen pleb
Homosexual commie pleb
Normie pleb
See above
Ebin pleb
Wannabe avant teen pleb
Basic pleb
Wannabe patrician pleb
Deep pleb
Greasy metalhead manchild pleb
Doomer pleb
New pleb
Stoner pleb
New edgy pleb
this is just a bunch of youtube rec music
I'm a man now
wants to get into traditional indian music
gets offended whenever someone uses the term "gay" as an insult
is in a music discord server
frequents RYM regularly
25 years old
recs pls
>Droning me
Fucking mongoloid, get your own fucking taste.
>Wah mean patrician insulted my pleb taste, I better insult his taste so I can look cool.
t. thinks he is special because of he’s music taste
You are a depressed virgin college student
>Eumir Deodato
>Bobb Trimble
>Ash Ra Tempel
>kenny g
Caetano Veloso -s/t (the one with the bland cover is better)
Gino Vannelli - Storm at Sunup
Nino Ferrer - Nino
And Radiah
also his Enregistrement public album if you know french/like chansons
Guess you might also like Walter Wanderley's stuff it's considered "elevator music" like Kenny G but actually good
OP said no lazyposting you stupid faggot
>the fucking minecraft soundtrack
>OP said no lazyposting you stupid faggot
mean i just have very basic taste
lurk more
i have some more obscure shit i like -- stuff i never see talked about on here -- but none of them have any favorite albums of mine currently
ok so dont lazypost
How was it a lazypost. Those are my favorite albums currently.
You didn't recommend anyone anything you dumb nigger that's why it's a fucking lazypost you dimwit
BECUZ I Dont have anything to recommend ppl
you didnt reply to other charts with recommendations based on what you saw, yet you expect others to give you recommendations. The point of these threads is to give then recieve recommendations.
I'm sure you checked every chart in the thread carefully, found out that you dont have any common albums or have similar music tastes with other anons in the thread then claimed that, right?
Just fuck off.
>i have some more obscure shit i like -- stuff i never see talked about on here
>BECUZ I Dont have anything to recommend ppl
listen to Yea Forums global rule #2 please
>*Tries weed once.*
Wears shirts that let his nipples press through.
Wears glasses.
Probably cute.
Fine i'll recommend shit
Pearls Before Swine
REMINDER that there are dumbasses who still give recs to lazyposters.
Me, the retard, still
also recommend Pearls Before Swine
Wonderful Rainbow by Lightning Bolt
Have you ever heard of this band called the Beatles before?
Me the autist i have dumb stupid disoprder in my brain
enter the vaselines - the vaselines
Could you upload this with names on the side? I want to look these up and I don't know the names.
EVERYONE's about to bully you for lazyposting and you're gonna cry like i did :(
Well they're retards and if they're not interested in the albums on my fucking chart idk why they're in this thread. They should go kill themselves because the world would be better off without whiny little over privileged suburban pricks with first world problems.
fuck lazyposters
you have a very very good chart. so i think you have a pass for lazyposting
Nevermind the bollocks...