Is Kanye right on this?

Is Kanye right on this?

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Yes, but Princess Mononoke is better than either.

baste taste

No, he's fucking retarded. The Akira comics were awesome, but you couldn't possibly transfer the whole story to one 2-hour film, which is why the film seems so patchy and incomplete. Akira was never lauded for being a "great" film by any means, it was lauded for groundbreaking animation elements and for having a fantastic story. The movie is pretty good, but definitely not great, whereas Spirited Away is an absolutely PERFECT film with NO flaws or holes in it whatsoever. It's not like his intellect is even close to being high enough to understand either of those movies anyway.

I was with the manga until it turned out Akira was alive and the story turned into Japanese Mad Max. Lost interest very quickly.

so you're saying you have shit taste?

Ghost in the Shell pls

Cringe tranny taste may as well recommend porco rosso and kiki's delivery service too

Dude, we're discussing anime movies. If you think you're some sort of high-test alpha, you're delusional.

akira is a more impressive technical marvel of animation, but mononoke's a better film, if only cause it's not a shortened adaptation of a manga

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is acutally the best gibby movie

I'm saying the story turns into a load of shit.

and i'm saying that's a garbage assessment

Tough shit.

>references blacked awkwardly on Kimmel
>anime fan
>dumbass /pol/ level of politcal awareness/views
>sampled King Crimson
When did he start lurking. What year?


This. Spirited Away is not one of Miyazaki's greats

but user, the manga is the intended ending. he made the movie before finishing it. all the side characters actually get character development, where the movie just shoehorns an ending for the main trio of kaneda/tetsuo/rei that makes their characters more archetypal and less relatable


Fuck ya hes right.

>Akira was never lauded for being a "great" film
How deep inside your ass did that come from?

>he can't into the movie's ending
And you call others plebs

i like it, but the manga is more satisfying because otomo put more care into its ending

Are you stupid? Anyone with a music taste past surface level knows King Crimson.

Only brainlets would disagree. Akira is one of the greatest things ever made. And the movie is better than the manga

Gimme ghost in the shell 1995 over Akira any day.

>implying Yea Forums didn't meme Robert Fripp into existense.
The fuck outta here.

The End of Evangelion and the Rebuilds of Evangelion are the best anime films thus far produced.

Literally retarded.

>implying a significant portion of Yea Forums has listened to anything beyond itcotck

Spirited Away is only good until the 2/3rds point and it goes to shit after the stink spirit scene. But Akira is only good for the first 10 minutes and it immediately goes to shit after the motorcycle gang scene in the beginning. So no he's wrong, Spirited Away is better.


the only people who think this saw the movie first and got butthurt when they learned the manga was different


He’s right, Akira is for adults also not kids

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Meaning not as good.

Wrong, I read and liked the manga better at first, but nice trips

Perfect blue and Paprika shit on both of them, Kon was operating on a level that nobody has been able to touch before or since

no, he's wrong. both are great but Spirited Away is superior

1. GiTS
2. Jin-Roh
3. Kara no Kyoukai
4. Princess Mononoke
5. Macross DYRL
6. Akira
7. Patlabor
8. The Girl Who Lept through time
9. Paprika
10. Sword of the Stranger

Attached: MD Geist.jpg (800x600, 95K)

>2. Jin-Roh
film fucking sucks and would be utterly irrelevant if it didn't have the cool looking future soldiers for /pol/ to adopt as right wing death squad mascots

The film has had a strong following before /pol/ even existed. I didn't care for it much the first time I watched it but loved it the second time.

>not perfect blue
i love me some paprika, but damn

I like Kiki's Delivery Service...

What's your dilation schedule like?

i used to think it was boring when i was a teenager but it's grown on me immensely

And Angel's Egg shits on them all

>Angel's Egg

he isnt wrong.

Perfect answer.

>Akira and There Will Be Blood are equally my 2 favorite movies of all time,” Ye tweeted in 2015
is he a pleb?


Imagine being an anime fan in 2019

Attached: DbBl31jU0AAgsOx.jpg (935x1200, 84K)

is that you?

>is kanye right
Kanye has never been wrong.

you certainly are if you don't think twwb is top-tier



Well, he is a Akiraboo afterall.


i completely forgot about this song/video/album

>Spirited Away is an absolutely PERFECT film with NO flaws
except that continuity error with the cake at the sister's house that i can never unsee...

Asa Akira is my favorite Akira

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Is these tweets are for real, she sounds like a fun slut to be around.

You fucking retard The End Of Evangelion is the undeniable best film of animation of all time

for the time, akira was a mindblowing accomplishment. even at vhs quality.

I unironically agree with the first one
haven't watched the rebuilds though

I think it's unfair to compare EoE with other anime films since it's not really meant to stand on its own, serving as a series finale and all that