What's the next best album in music's history after Appetite for Destruction?

What's the next best album in music's history after Appetite for Destruction?
Hard mode: no Use Your Illusion I & II

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Probably like, Ice Ice Baby or something

Nevermind smoked Guns N' Roses so hard they became irrevelevant only months later.

Nirvana are overrated as fuck

Both Nevermind and Appetite are two of the most overrated rock albums ever made

probably trout mask replica

Gn'R were still bigger than Nirvana around the time Gn'R broke up...Nirvana was a "hipper" band, but Gn'R had the majority of the country in their palm. Then they self destructed, and so did Nirvana anyway....and grunge got fucking overthrown by rap metal and all the Korn and Limp Bizkit kids said "Kurt Cobains a faggot bitch lol" Lmao.

Nevermind is, Appetite deserves the love though.

Fucking why

Because it's pure, fast-paced Rock n' Roll with 11 perfect songs and one dud (Anything Goes).

Anything goes is still good filler. Its no dud

Pet sounds

It's not rock n roll, it's otherwise generic 80s glam metal that's given a bluesy dress-up to trick people into thinking it's different or special. Slash is one of the most uninspired guitarist to ever be hailed as a master and Axl Rose probably ties Brian Johnson for the title of most obnoxious and grating vocalist in rock history.

Slash is one of the few guitarists who I can actually recognize in a song based on his playing. He's anything but uninspired.

>It's not rock n roll, it's otherwise generic 80s glam metal
Gn'R sounds nothing like Poison

If you think this
Sounds like this
You need your ears checked, or you're not as stupid as you act and are just trying to be edgy contrarian guy

>Implying GnR is Glam Metal (It's not)
>Also implying Glam Metal is bad (It's not)

November rain is some embarrassing glam metal shit

>Implying shitty boomer rock made is good (It's not)

t. favorite band is radiohead and cries himself to sleep after jerking off to traps

>Implying shitty Gen X rock is good (it's not)

Nirvana is boomer too, only diference is Nirvana's fanbase is gay boomers while GnR is mostly hetero boomers

But I wasn't talking about Nirvana, who are also a shitty overrated band, I was talking about Radiohead.

Imagine being this fucking dude

I think Nevermind was the next best album. But what was after Nevermind?

In Utero came out after Nevermind

More like GAYdiohead

(What's the Story) Morning Glory?

Best Album by Decade
60 - Pet Sounds
70 - Television Marquee Moon
80 - Thriller
90 - Appetite For Destruction
00 - Kid A
10 - Not Released Yet

Appetite did not come out in the 90's