Single-handedly converts Anthony Fantano to hardcore liberalism with one hit piece

>single-handedly converts Anthony Fantano to hardcore liberalism with one hit piece
>articles sound like something out of a reddit fever dream
How are they so based?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Thom Yorke, Dave Grohl, and Micheal Gira among others all received substantial paychecks to push Shillie Eyelash beyond the zoomer demographic

>Thom Yorke is also a fan, allegedly telling Eilish in a "perturbed" voice that she's "the only one doing anything fucking interesting nowadays.”

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not this shit again

Or maybe they just have better taste than you. Get with the times, Grandpa.

>"Old Man Tries to Look Cool to Youth"
The real headline


>"Old Man Tries to Look Cool on Anonymous Image Board"

Fantano unironically retweeted marianne williamson the other day

I'm not old so that makes no sense.

this. reminds me of bowie saying he likes DG or lou reed reviewing yeezus

go AWAY stupid millennials
Yea Forums is a ZOOMER borad now
4channel is a WHITE SUPREMACIST website

>"Old Man's Alzheimer's So Severe That He Forgets How Old He Is"

>shit musician has shit taste
Wowee zowee

>Yea Forums will STILL defend radiohead
>Yea Forumswill STILL deny that radiohead is fucking redditcore
Why do I still come here? This board is obviously full of retards.

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Yorke has garbage taste if he actually believes that. I don't even mind Billie but saying she's the only one doing anything interesting is ridiculous

What other musician will endorse her now?


trent reznor


Radiohead has always been shit

Thom Yorke is a fucking idiot

daily reminder:

I enjoy Radiohead but Thom is a tool and a complete idiot/possibly MKULTRA'd.

I haven't even listened to "billie eilish" but I can tell just from looking at the dumb bitch that she is a brainless, talentless zombie that has nothing to provide other than being a fashion statement and flavor of the week.
The fact that this is all kids have as far as pop music goes at the moment is very depressing.

>Two major hacks selling pop music to the masses


did you just assume that I am post-op? fucking racist bigot

Trent should have released Bleedthrough and then killed himself.
This timeline is a mistake.

>tfw liked in Rainbows
>never got into Kid A, OK Computer, etc
All i know for sure is that my disingenuous radar is very good

>man completely out of straws grasps at last straw he thinks he still has

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what a sad fucker

god thom is such a faggot. ruins radiohead for me.

>"Man Attempts to Change the Subject Because He Fears His Imminent Age-Related Death"

She sounds like she's making music for a fucking Abercrombie and Fitch store. How is that interesting?

all shitty "artists"

The only good Radiohead album was OK Computer and it was because of Godrich's production and choices.

Thom Yorke is finally a senile old man

Boomer artists just regurgitate what the music media tells them they should think about hip new artists

Since when Thom York is some authority in anything? His music is trash and Radiohead is trash.

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Dude yer so edgy wow I bet all the lads in middle school think yer pretty edgy too

>Dude who cares about John Lennon! The Beatles are bad music!
Put a permanent sock in it grandpa

Are redditorhead fans the kings of seethe?

elaborate on the linked clip

>telling the truth is being edgy
Excuse me
I was talking about Thom Yorke

Thom and Dave are just out of touch boomers, Dave especially has always had shit taste. Gira doesn't really listen to music and only said she seems like a decent enough person for his 11-yo daughter to be listening to

Thom York has shitaste too. He's a massive U2 fan.

Look at what all three have in common, they have middle - high school aged daughters. The target demographic of Billie.

I guarantee you they probably heard one or two songs from her and just said "oh I guess that's better than your jonas brothers phase"

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Yikes. The edge on this one.

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>you're the only one doing anything fucking interesting nowadays."
thom obviously hasn't heard death grips like fuck

billie eilish is fucking trash music for "depressed" rich white girls who post "dont hmu" along with a booty pic on snapchat every other day

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Damn, that loss against Khabib really JUSTed our boy Conner huh?

Shit likethis makes the “industry plant” accusations fall flat when it may very well be a thing

Supporting the extension of the welfare state is not "hard-core liberalism"

What a pathetic cuck. Her sound is generic garbage and he knows it "but she's just out there and weird mayn"

Thom is about to get me too'd
Literally the next Ian Watkins
Buckle up, Radioheads.

>comparing Bowie to hacks
Okay retard

You’re a brainlet if you can’t see the flip

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>I've never listened to it but it sucks
Please stop posting

Who's this Fandango guy? He seems like a real faggot.

above 23 years old is old you fuckin boomers

I love how he masks his shilling to try to make it sound like a sincere statement. That affected cynicism about how music is anymore is hilariously contrived and predictable. Everyone thinks that's what a "real artist" is like for some reason.


>Dave especially has always had shit taste.

Husker Du
Dead Kennedy's
Bad Brains

If you think this is shit then you are uncultured.

Yeah alright I've seen him talking about shit like getting into heavy music and hearing voivod for the first time, he's a cool guy. He's still stuck in his old ways and has talked trash about modern and electronic music like a typical old man. He's definitely out of touch. Also Flipper sucks

Billie Eilish is better than Death Grips. Death Grips are dogshit.

>He's definitely out of touch
Yeah most old musicians are, even the greats.

>Also Flipper sucks.

Does he only listen to mainstream radio or why is he saying that? She´s ok, but her shit is kinda boring, She´s also terrible live. Watch her Glastonbury performance.

thom, lead singer of the most overrated band of all time, passing the baton to his heir

Radiohead are overrated af but Thom Yorke has more talent in his finger than Billie Eilish

speaking truth

No, they are just dumb old boomers that fall for simple marketing tricks.

She sucks eggs

I listened to a couple of Radiohead songs years ago and I never fucking understood why people like them.

I guess e's including himself in that statement.

>thom represents all of radiohead and their discography
everyone knows jonny carries the band

>I guarantee you they probably heard one or two songs from her and just said "oh I guess that's better than your jonas brothers phase"
Not gonna lie I would agree that Billie Eilish is better than the Jonas Brothers.

ok, but the only one? really?

Not really.

>you're the only one doing anything fucking interesting nowadays
For someone who has pretty decent taste in bleeps he sure has retarded taste in pop music.

Billie Ellish most overrated untalented hack that ever graced the planet earth. She should be thankfull that her brother is somewhat talented and is doing 99 % of the job. She literally has no talent. She has mediocre voice, cant play any instruments, has no personality, no charisma, no stage presence. Its bland "depressed" hack from rich house with big music industry/hollywood ties.

Grohl, Yorke and Gira are hacks anyway, so who cares what they have to say.

Creep was his only good song.

trash taste my man

Or her nudes.


yeah she probably fucked him

>The only good Radiohead album was OK Computer

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>Sepultura instead of Sarcófago
Shit taste confirmed


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