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Other urls found in this thread:

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she doesn't look too happy about it here

Attached: 9cafd90.jpg (1200x1800, 493K)


Attached: EBgJFkMUYAES9ux.jpg (1708x1962, 1.02M)


Attached: vlive_photo_1565004258098.jpg (960x960, 118K)

cope. yuri is the prettiest jap in kpop by a long shot

Attached: tenga.jpg (1024x1802, 226K)

the fuck is this marble mouth even saying

only niggerfaggots say it, just ignore them

Attached: 1537665845270.jpg (1334x889, 245K)

izone j line mogs her hard

Guys, I'm shaking. I'm fucking shaking. I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Tzuyu. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Tzuyu pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would JYP create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.

Attached: wm.webm (474x860, 2.92M)

Attached: 006kicK4ly1g5t8ps0um3j32801o0x6q.jpg (2880x2160, 2.94M)

don't think about that

Patrician taste chingu.

looks like a poor mans squid, also every AKB thot is more blown out than a 50 plus Russian hooker

Fuck Takahashi Juri

Attached: unnamed-53.jpg (862x1222, 59K)

>twiceshitters are mad
so what's new today

looks kei x chaeyeon

Seriously tho it's Sana.

Are kpg bros playing classic?

Attached: E59DB24E-6EC5-4D63-8549-2A907ABD9C73.png (1080x1349, 2.19M)

she doesn't even look like a nip

Attached: EBiXTffVUAAp9mZ.jpg:orig.jpg (1362x2048, 532K)

I flipped a bottle and it landed on the table just right.
kpop for this feel?

Attached: 1565362420944[1].webm (900x1080, 1018K)

Don't forget to drop your PhD program and your long term relationship for her

Attached: 1529677791993.jpg (1095x1642, 372K)

Us Izone Chads are just chilling posting our waifus hanging out

lol, maybe nako but not the other ones
have sex
she does at some angles

Attached: tenga.jpg (1600x1203, 277K)

hitomi and sakura are ugly as well

Attached: 034915.jpg (750x1125, 105K)

juri looks like the third chae sister

hiichan a pure

Attached: EBeSBRlXsAIIuKH.jpg (1199x800, 108K)

Is it just me or does this look like a chubby wonyoung?

Attached: Fat Wonyoung.png (302x355, 214K)

Attached: 1565356307977.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

that guy needed that wench out of his life, she sounded like an insufferable cunt

Attached: 1554614771714.webm (360x640, 2.9M)

thats an understatement

cubuggu lewding jeongers

Attached: 1565361291948[1].webm (1920x1080, 1.98M)

jew day

Attached: 1564290093165.jpg (1200x800, 79K)

Attached: image_readtop_2019_608012_15651748313856532.jpg (500x657, 434K)

stop taking drugs

need a cute yejibro bf

Attached: momo074.png (800x1200, 992K)

her IQ is small
she's clearly a homo
you guessed it right
it's twice's momo

Attached: 1565362356105[1].webm (608x1080, 2.93M)

she's cute not uggo

kino nose

Attached: EBdE5FhVAAE2q6O.jpg (3453x2407, 2.86M)

look at that brown-haired loser failing hard at bottle spinning

Attached: 1565322305992[2].webm (1028x1080, 2.94M)

Sauce please, sounds tasty as fuck

Love my tight little Jizzoo so much bros...

Attached: 1545916391816.webm (700x1244, 2.27M)



95% of Momoland

Attached: 1546649284879.webm (818x856, 1.01M)

how can you call this worse looking than Juri

Attached: 1564828192055.jpg (750x750, 89K)

video evidence cub hates chewy

Attached: 2019-07-29 01-53-50.webm (374x666, 2.97M)

Attached: 1565362158439[1].webm (626x360, 984K)

I love her so much, bros.

Attached: Yerin_1280.jpg (1280x853, 257K)

Attached: momo_wants_cock.webm (614x556, 2.13M)

Attached: 173929.jpg (954x1500, 183K)

she's gorgeous

what a bitch

you posted the wrong link, friend

man-ape in wig

remember "twicebond" ?
me neither lmao
yubin sings jenga

based winter lover

if you go to the twice or kpop subleddit, find the megathread about chewy's isis apology video drama, and a link to the thread and the follow up is down the bottom.


Attached: reddit_gf_foundout_about_kpop.png (1411x527, 76K)

more like chewy hates cub
cub was all happy coming to participate in the live, but chewy turned her face around, stopped smilling and pretended cub wasnt there

even as her korean stylists attempt to slut her up, she remains pure and white as snow...

Attached: EAqwV7HUYAADtn6.jpg (800x1200, 78K)


Attached: reddit_gf_foundout_about_kpop2.png (1530x851, 125K)

Attached: EBiXTffUYAAzemU.jpg:orig.jpg (1352x2048, 493K)

My favourite group
Reason is obvious

how fucking ugly and out of touch with reality you must be to call someone like sakura pretty
get out of your room, faggot. she looks like a rat.

did you pick out a bad picture on purpose? she can't even compete with juri
I also heard she has a bad personality

Attached: tenga.jpg (682x1024, 64K)

Attached: 173852.jpg (1067x1500, 212K)

Sakura is pretty

God your blind

Attached: 1563992200562.jpg (718x713, 78K)

I see her boyfriend was a man of culture.

Attached: D9LTPP4VAAAvPUO.jpg (683x1024, 98K)

Attached: EBc3LF1VUAEemXF.jpg (4096x2903, 3.64M)

how did she find ice cream that looks exactly like her

Attached: hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

Sakura is pretty low tier even amongst the IZ*ONEs. I say this as a big Wiz*one fan.

i just wanna say kpg has ruined all groups for me

Looool ty for this, I agree she's a cunt why would you expose your SO like this.
She's just looking for an excuse to feel good after dumping him.

kirara asuka and shibuya kaho....

Attached: EBgtM7TUwAAFlL-.jpg:orig.jpg (1440x955, 240K)


Attached: 1560793155630.webm (358x640, 1.45M)

Any squidman in?

Attached: 1552382408614.webm (640x1018, 2.78M)

Do you really find that shit attractive? I don't know if its a really bad case of yellow fever or just a basement dweller weeb.


Attached: EBgtM7TUYAAyJpf.jpg:orig.jpg (1545x1024, 204K)

Holy shit she actually wore this for a performance ?
Hitomibros ...

Attached: 1552950442730.jpg (850x880, 109K)

she's jap and "plays" video games, of course weebs are gonna orbit her like flies

>I don't care ife he listens to the music or is a fan of the group AT ALL, but a grown adult in a committed relationship obsessed with a teen, regardless of gender, (famous or otherwise) sets off alarms.

thankfully I'm not in a relationship

Attached: tumblr_oor83pBUMk1rnh655o3_r1_500.jpg (500x500, 43K)

It's opposite for me desu


that's quite a normal kpop style

low tier amongst IZ*ONEs is still better than most other girl groups

tzuyu wouldnt want people spoiling their relationships over her.

>he essentially told me to fuck off and that I was jealous of Tzuyu

based boyfriend telling it like it is

Post your bias profile

Attached: Sua side profile.jpg (750x1219, 135K)

Is it just me or is chewie too fucking happy all of the sudden? She used to be like a fucking robot, now I see this webm of her where she looks super happy and actually displays her emotions. Guys I know this is hard for you to hear, especially for chewie stans, but I think chewie definitely is getting pounded on the daily...

Attached: 1565294985065.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

I don't disagree

This is the real one

Attached: visuals.png (1064x581, 323K)

She is pretty for asians. The girl has an impressive fanbase in all asian countries solely for her visuals, she can't do anything else. That alone is a testament of her being "pretty" for asians.

She got the D from JYP

Attached: D4yXTstW0AERkPn.jpg (2048x1365, 477K)

Yeah, maybe i'm blind.

Attached: wtf.jpg (318x324, 21K)

this sounds like a LARP to be honest, like some /kpg/ autist wrote this whole shit

She's gonna debut solo one way or another and she knows it, screencap this.
Twincebond NEVER EVER.

The actual context is
>Chewy starts, walks around the room for members to say hi to the stream
>Cub sneaks into the stream, they do a small bit
>Cub starts walking off
>Chewy: Do you wanna have a food stream with me?
>Cub (didn't hear): Sorry?
>Chewy doesn't hear either and they both just stand there awkwardly until Cub leaves

she's been harvesting data for years now, human personality simulation was bound to surface at some point from the chewbot program
this is not an unexpected development in the formation of her AI ok?

she's just happy that mopey bitch mina is gone and twice is finally coming to an end. she can't wait to fuck off back to taiwan and be heralded as a literal goddess among peasants. by the time she twice is over, she's probably able to pick and choose which billionaire she wants to marry


Attached: sakura pillow.webm (640x640, 1.83M)


who wouldn't be happy with a turbochad being all smooth with you?


Yeah but I prefer the superior version.

Attached: 12314514125.jpg (690x1035, 74K)


Since you fuckers think Sakura is ugly and assuming its not bait im gonna keep posting sakura

Attached: 66101679_126361235295031_6109259955078072743_n.jpg (1080x1350, 102K)

>squid sister
>two members that look like chimps

trader joe's version you mean

Have to disagree this is the superior squid

Attached: 1537445541789.webm (404x720, 2.8M)

That guy sounds pretty based. Fuck his wench of a GF.

this shit is gold yo

Post Minju please.
I think the frog is really ugly.

What performance is this ?

yeah fuck you kpg

chimp is still pretty cute
not the best

3 chimps but one of them is cute (chaewon)

I fucking love Hann.

gonna need some more of those yenas

No one is trying to stop you from posting her, but don't try to shill her as anything close to pretty.

Attached: bora_0504.jpg (2048x1536, 726K)

Jo Yuriz are A tier

have a wet froggy

Attached: 1562762384256.jpg (1080x1350, 149K)

Attached: ugga ugga.jpg (270x263, 25K)

> Eunbi and Hitomi below Yena and Yuri
Try to hide your bias next time

does chewie like white guys?

Attached: tz6.jpg (2048x1658, 371K)

This means I'm right

Attached: 1563279126909.jpg (961x961, 80K)

God Sua is amazing.
She was born the same day as my best friend, no wonder she seems like a total bro/gal, I would marry the shit outta her.

Her stage presence is great as well. Her algorithms are getting really nuanced.

Attached: UnitedPettyGoral1.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

We don't like her

Attached: 1555551507457.jpg (1102x673, 173K)

My fav pic of kkura

Attached: 66427817_2433644923576479_7194093219281146333_n.jpg (968x960, 64K)

Only taiwanese billionaires

>I didn't think this was entirely weird until I saw how old your boyfriend is. 31?! He's a full-fledged adult obsessed with a very young looking 16 year old girl? That is just...fucking weird. I'm sorry.

>I'm a female who likes kpop, particularly because of the dancing and beats that are good to work out to. And I will admit, the girls are pretty. It's fine to think they're pretty. But to be obsessed to the point that your boyfriend is very, very strange. I would feel like I was completely put on the back burner compared to this Kpop celebrity who has no idea your BF even exists. And missing work for this? Jesus.

>I mean, like everyone else, I think you should definitely tell him it's bothering you. But I don't blame you for being uncomfortable - this behavior is really strange and creepy considering how old your boyfriend is.

imagin if they heard about keklo

Attached: bora_0503.jpg (960x720, 147K)

Attached: Sua gun 2.jpg (1333x2000, 259K) if you don't got CH+ then you gotta get it from elsewhere


>paying to watch vlives

nigga what's wrong with you

>that busted granny
>better than chewy

Attached: 1536255838835.jpg (815x850, 149K)

is that little door for nako?

Attached: 65061363_118507896089526_6555174264154747645_n.jpg (961x961, 160K)

anyone have the real webm of this?

Attached: sakura year.webm (600x338, 2.46M)

Post her ass

Proper tier list

Attached: Toer.png (994x501, 256K)

Attached: ddgzonrf0bz21.png (961x961, 1.67M)

Oh no no no

Attached: 1.png (359x448, 44K)

Attached: bora_0320.jpg (865x1125, 138K)

Imagine being an idol and being in the same group as Chewy, how despised with life would you be?

I cant believe I've been her for so long and posted just few pics of my gf

Attached: EBSlrhfU4AAHfNy.jpg (1000x1500, 322K)

What about Ahin and Daisy? Are they the other 5%

Attached: ahin_legs.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

>My little sister was obsessed with k-pop, I think she still is but has been less vocal about it since she entred her twenties. K-pop does stuff to you! She made me watch a reality show in which a boy band takes care of a baby. First I found it cute-ish but I ended up watching the thing start to finish at least 5 times. It was freakin adorable! I also developed a crush on one of the members, he was smart and mature and developed such a deep bond with the baby, it even looked like a mini version of him. It didn't go as far as plastering my everything with photos of him but I looked at pictures of him in secret.

>Why is that weird? I'm everyones female bro. I've been a no-nonsense rocker since I can remember and I don't do cute. I used to make and sell game inspired figurines (just got back to that passion weee) for living and doing chibi/kawaii would have tripled my profit but I refused to do it. I turned down contless cute custom orders cause I saw them as a personal insult. And yet I got hooked on a reality show about a boy band and a baby in my mid twenties! Something good came out of it tho, I was dead set on not having any kids, well not anymore, now I can't wait to start my own family.

>Thing is, around the time I got obsessed with that show I was coming out of a mentaly abusive relationship, he just wouldn't let go of me and made that break up drag on forever. I was lost and depressed and the only thing that made me smile was that group of teens playing with a baby. My sister had some issues too during the time she was completely obsessed with k-pop. What I'm trying to say is- maybe that girl is his escape from reality. Any major changes in his life recently? You should consider this an option and have a talk.

I'd give Chaewon a D, if you know what I mean

why do gook men dislike chewy?

everyone post your twice tier list

Attached: my-image.png (1064x452, 221K)

It was only a couple dollars and I'm not renewing the subscription since I've watched all the vods already.
Next time I go to the grocery store I just wont buy apples or some shit.

SEETHING barbadosn*gger

Attached: 1544439472219.webm (1280x720, 1.33M)

For me, it's twice

Attached: bora_0393.jpg (630x960, 49K)

>I think, if I were OP, it would just creep me out that he's 31 and she's very clearly a verryyyy young looking girl. I mean I know that there is the stereotype that asian people don't age or whatever, but this is a whole other level... She straight up looks like a child... I don't think he's necessarily creeping on her in that type of way, I just say you mention she was pretty and wanted to check it out and holy hell!

>The skipping work thing is also insanely weird...I thought it was all maybe something much deeper going on but apparently, based on all these other replies, it's not that out of the norm for k-pop fans? There seem to be a LOT of scandals....

fuck you dude. seriously just stop grannyshitting!! Your embarrassing yourself.

Attached: urgg03bilaf31.jpg (1365x2048, 175K)


>all of a sudden
>post a 1 year old webm
also chewy has always been happy since debut

so did chaeyoung rolls her eyes or is that another one of those asian eyeshape things?

They probably don't, they just know that they need to be in the 0.01% of all males to even have a slight chance to be with that absolute goddess, so they just even bother

Attached: tz8.webm (702x1080, 843K)

who's the girl beside jeongers?

>cripple defending chewy
Your newfag is showing
Her face is already melting nigga

Attached: 1545441154816.jpg (655x1600, 144K)

ranked by looks since idgaf about them

Attached: my-image.png (1216x467, 225K)

Attached: SuA3.jpg (1200x1620, 254K)

Attached: EBiJDpGU4AAWLnp.jpg (1200x1800, 428K)

What happened to Daisy?

Attached: daisy_dab.webm (921x720, 2.5M)

Shit taste

>Got into it in my late teens and early twenties. It gets old after a while because eventually the fan's idol group will get hit by scandal after scandal (or military service) and eventually disband. I got over it after a couple of years and my baby sister is into it now. She's also in her early twenties.

>One thing is for sure, idol groups have a pretty short shelf-life so OP's boyfriend will get over it with time. Furthermore, the company OP's boyfriend's crush is signed with is known to drop artists due to national level scandal so OP's boyfriend might get disillusioned fairly quickly.

2019 and Twice still stands strong, get rekt roastie

extreme closeups with hard lighting looks bad on anyone
we're all covered in skin..

dubu is in the wrong place though

Attached: dub4.jpg (1280x1920, 250K)

list is about the same as mine cept I'd switch mina with dubu

>The group is Twice and the girl's name is Tzuyu. They're cute girls, I probably would've liked them when I was a little girl too but he's not a little girl, he's a grown ass man!

once btfo

Attached: 1540846718145.webm (600x338, 1.16M)

Uber cucked.
Said she was dating.
The guy's company denied it.

yeah should be at the very bottom if i think about it again

Attached: 1563741754301.jpg (1365x2048, 609K)

What are we going to do about waifuhoppers? They change waifus every month based on what's popular. Very shameful behaviour

go watch those music bank arrival videos, a lot idols look fine under the same lighting conditions

blame iz*oneshitters and blastershitters

Attached: s.jpg (1538x2048, 442K)

lmao fuck that bitch

Im not a Sakura fan, but fuck
Sakura is prettier than Juri

>Hobby: Collecting Socks, Shopping, Walking Alone, Search for Good Music, Search for good restaurants

Attached: 1562443525185.jpg (1200x630, 88K)

if you hate her so much. Why you have so many pictures of her?

Attached: D9lczsBUwAEjbsl.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

Not me

I am a loyal Wizone

>a very young looking 16 year old girl
here's what really happened: the wench looked at chewy's anatomically improbable wide hips with tiny waist, and her brain exploded because she can never, ever look that good. young looking my ass, she looked like a woman before she even joined sixteen.

IZ*ONE has been around for close to a year. How are we waifuhoppers?

This. She could have passed as 19-20 since debut.

I dont change, I just add to my harem.

Attached: EBifIZIUwAAPWnQ.jpg:orig.jpg (1372x2048, 535K)



Attached: 1557937115557.png (1064x423, 208K)

Im going to Kcon
Which Itzy should I make a sign for?

I was here last year when they debuted, and yeah, you guys are a bunch of waifuhoppers

Attached: EBc2vtXUIAAj_8P.jpg (2445x1581, 1.17M)

Sounds like Yea Forums

Attached: twiceboyships.png (474x617, 241K)

>Walking Alone, Search for Good Music, Search for good restaurants


Attached: somi_clap.webm (555x791, 178K)

i don't hate her, you started shit trying to compare that granny with chewy

ive been supporting my waifu since when pd48 was still on so how am i waifuhopper?
blame those retards who started forcing Juri down everybody's throats

>Twiceleader on B-tier
B for Busan wh*re

is twice boy still a thing? I thought she is twice lady now.

Attached: (914x514, 69K)

>New group cannot get fans

Might be the first time I see anything Somi related in this thread.

>good music
Why are you guys lying to themselves like this?

>Something good came out of it tho, I was dead set on not having any kids, well not anymore, now I can't wait to start my own family.
western culture/education anti-family mindset cured by one single k-variety show. maybe our governments can look into a quota of kvariety on talmudvision to help reverse the declining population problem


Dubu skin disturbs me

Attached: dj.webm (1920x1080, 1.18M)

is boy with luv actually a banger?

have sex, pedo incels (but not with children)

Juri is everyone's pick retard

who's your p48 waifu

Mina is in D right now because she disappeared.

Attached: my-image.png (921x467, 220K)

i am mildly disappointed the text on the back of the fanship card isn't in korean and english

>iz*one debuts
>suddenly the amount of gfriend and omg being posted goes to almost zero and everyone is posting iz*one members
Also the archive is your friend




very much so

dubu lands it three times and sana not even once

Attached: 1530846953490.jpg (1200x800, 140K)

it's not me doug. I just came in to defend my top girl.

Attached: D2AijJdU8AE4RHH.jpg (960x1200, 129K)

I like Somi

Attached: 1551019637114-1.jpg (1000x1498, 428K)


>Mina is in D right now
normally the D is in Mina

t.juri shill

t. Daniel-san

Attached: suabeliever.webm (400x656, 2.54M)


the only one jap was good

Attached: 1556829945013.webm (1220x1076, 1.92M)

for me it's ot5 twice

Attached: 1564922376043.jpg (2048x1452, 410K)

one of the worst threads ever

Attached: ctl.png (1064x463, 223K)

Attached: suabeliever2.webm (400x656, 2.55M)

>happy all of the [sic] sudden
that webm is from 180722

that guy is just mad that no one likes his nugu group anymore

She too pale, looks sickly

>sana and jeong

>Having Jihyo as S after recent events

Sua Is legit a better dancer than Momo, she has better attitude, stage presence and perfect curves as well.
Dreamcatcher as a whole is one step above Twice in dancing as well, they're pretty fucking based.

>still no Twice Fantasy Park DVD/Blu-ray rips

Attached: D__haSiUYAYK9DU.jpg (576x1024, 80K)

Attached: 1553933000598.webm (640x692, 660K)

It is just going to be Chewy left soon.

I know just what you want

Attached: 1544850439952.webm (600x538, 361K)

clc isn't nugu

weak falseflag. try to be less obvious next time

Attached: bora_0321.jpg (2000x2332, 2.65M)

it just confirms that she is willing to get it.

Attached: n0zn4jd199a31.jpg (654x368, 31K)

here mine

Attached: 1554526889868.jpg (2766x2048, 1.44M)


someone uploaded the whole concert to youtube...get while you can

Attached: Offical Twice Tier List.png (734x522, 246K)

From those who made it :
Chaeyeon for the hard work she put throughout her career.
Yena and Eunbi cause they're pretty good.

From those who didn't make it :
Miru for the seks.
Jurina if she hadn't pussied out of the competition.
Kim Nayoung cause pure and cute.

Attached: 1551019782778.jpg (1500x2000, 267K)

>having no loyalty to your kpops
Fuck off honestly





Attached: 1556678865121.jpg (1200x875, 155K)


Attached: sanaconda.png (306x426, 170K)

i'm running out of shelf space for kpop shit and have no idea where i'm going to put these next 2 fan kits

? I'm a Chewyposter I'm not ff anyone, fuck you.

this is what an actual cuck post looks like everyone

TZUYU > Jeongyeon > Mina > Sana > Momo > Chaeyoung > Jihyo > Nayeon > >>>>>> Dahyun

Attached: EBg6SI1U8AEnOxr.jpg (1200x1800, 206K)

>when nugushitters try to shill some nugu as the best dancer they always compare them with momo
Really makes you think...

Attached: 1445368417057.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

As much as I shit on her for her looks I'm glad she found success
>Yena Eunbi
My 2 waifus
Yes pls out with Minjew
Maybe, having her and Sakura would be a shitshow
Don't know too much about her although she seemed pretty cute. Wouldn't put her in IZone tho

spoonfeed me please, I cant find it

Attached: 1562852747107.jpg (1000x667, 410K)

just did it to a japanese lb

Where does that mesh shirt end?

I miss Cheer Up Jeonger's hair

Attached: cheerup_jeongers.jpg (1200x1920, 876K)

throw blackpink in the trash

Attached: 1544378222364.png (611x669, 432K)

Attached: EBc5Tg1U8AERyEh.jpg (800x1200, 104K)

I can't wait for them to save kpop from this perpetual shithole that is 2019-kpop

Attached: ioi-show-champion.jpg (900x1200, 248K)

Attached: my-image.jpg (1203x467, 75K)

On her pussy

Attached: 1555412861609.png (379x671, 479K)

nevermind im retarded

i don't even have any

>>>>>>>>>>>> izone

Attached: E9C2B8A0-B3A8-4810-A3ED-45E5E5E4A9A6.jpg (1200x675, 156K)

All twicecucks are mentally ill


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9 0 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 8 10


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>Maybe, having her and Sakura would be a shitshow

She dropped from pd48 precisely because she couldn't cope with the fact that Sakura's fan base in Korea was larger, and that the jury was more biased towards her. She had won the 1st place in that year's AKB election, Sakura got 3rd place.

It isn't even a competition. It's a slaughter.

Cheer Up Jeongers was prime, especially the fan part

this is my list too

Attached: Twice TIer list.png (1064x469, 223K)

when is the reunion? do you think they will eclipse izone?

DTNA beats it

this guy gets it

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make it a dawon thread

this webm reminds me of when you see an exotic animal like a lion in a zoo do something humans do - you think oh wow, they yawn just like us

based comment

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for me it's disbanded twice

Especially that Idol Room ep

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looks like twiceshitters woke up so it's time for me to dip
by fellow wiz*bros

Possibly, she was very sexual that summer

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a doy thread

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No one gives a fuck about you or your produce shit group

Badaya uriwa gachi nora, ah
Barama neodo ijjogeuro wa, whoa


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saved this under my thighboy folder

It's photoshopped

>IOI relevant in 2019

IZone would shit on them without even trying

Wow cuckie is mad hahahha

[cute gook gibberish] aha ~
[more cute gook gibberish] you and me

Are you ACTUALLY retarted?

Somi and the two from weki meki

That's it