>/ic/ has actual artists
>/r9k/ has actual wizards
>Yea Forums has actual writers
>/sci/ has actual scientists
>Yea Forums has teenage retards making retard trap beats
Huh, what's up with that.
>/ic/ has actual artists
>/r9k/ has actual wizards
>Yea Forums has actual writers
>/sci/ has actual scientists
>Yea Forums has teenage retards making retard trap beats
Huh, what's up with that.
>what’s up with that
Hater you
Fuck off
bitch yous a mark fool
>traptards are this afraid of the truth
!remindme 2 days
Yea Forums has no writers. just a bunch of really bitter humorless cunts attacking each other all day
>>Yea Forums has actual writers
>Yea Forums has actual writers
>things required: pen and paper
>things required: be a massive loser
>things required: pen and paper
>Only people who care about science are scientists, unlike music where everyone cares about it at least to a degree
So it’s basically book Yea Forums, plus a lot of masturbatory vocabulary
To be fair, the degree of literacy on Yea Forums is about the same as the degree of tech savvyness on /g/. And it's not much, but it is there.
They're both miles ahead of Yea Forums in terms of adept-to-shitposter ratio though.
There are no artists on /ic/.
Yea Forums is full of obvious zoomers so you can't compare the two at all.
Yea Forums is the only board arthoes ever go to and in general it attracts the most normies and plebbiters so that's why
>/r9k/ has actual wizards
maybe 5 years ago
This. Yea Forums is more along the lines of Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums or basically things easily consumable by mass media. Christ OP is being extra faggoty this day.
Can confirm. Had an arthoe ex from here. She was about 65% based but the rest was obvious trendwhoring and compensation on her behalf for being a soulless cunt.
>>/sci/ has actual scientists
it's just math freshmen
>/p/ has actual photographers and filmmakers
>/fit/ has actual fitbros and gym trainers
>/fa/ has actual effay people and some work in the industry
>/out/ has actual out guides, forest engineers and off grid pseuds
This one's for you BUSTAS!
>Yea Forums has actual paedophiles
>Yea Forums has actual mass shooters
Scientists in /sci/ hahahahahahahahahahahahah
Im a musician then
Do any of the other boards have something resembling Yea Forums core? Or have as developed a "culture" as Yea Forums? I have no interest in this site outside of this board so genuine question.
every other board have some sort of culture
but in the sense of guides and recommendations
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /ic/
Yea Forumscore is universally considered to be trash though which is why it's not really discussed here anymore. I mean 4 of the albums on it are irredeemable shit memes.
so is Yea Forums full of real anime characters?
/ck/ full of celebrity chefs larping as full blown retards
and Yea Forums full of directors shilling themselves and putting down others?
lmaoooo its so true. Fucking sad really.
Kanye West is a tryhard faggot and MBDTF is a giant pile of other people's ideas that's not even good and could only be critically praised in a world of incompetent shit eaters.
True and untrue. It is a good entry point to the board.
/ck/ is full of retards pretending to be celebrity chefs while "ironically" shilling whatever fast food sandwich they had for lunch that day
spoken like a teenager retard
Hey, be fair. Every board has their own mass shooters.
>/r9k/ has actual wizards
ive never been there what does this mean
/fa/ is in a terrible fucking state lately
>/p/ actual photographers and filmmakers
In the sense that some schmuck with a camera is an "actual" photographer or filmmaker
>/fa/ has actual effay people and some work in the industry
In the sense that Yea Forums also has people in the "industry" (has a soundcloud page where they post their mumpletrap)
Only the real niche (except /fit/, who's not really niche but isn't exactly famous in the site for having good exercise tips) boards have people who are the real deal. There's no real reason for you to hang around those boards unless its your hobby.
maybe, I don't go there
very nice board but fuck off we're full
30+ yo virgin
>In the sense that some schmuck with a camera is an "actual" photographer or filmmaker
>In the sense that Yea Forums also has people in the "industry" (has a soundcloud page where they post their mumpletrap)
guess how i know that you haven't lurked on these boards
>Yea Forums has actual writers
>/sci/ has actual scientists
your average Yea Forums poster has no idea on how to make music. the average user also has terrible taste in music, cannot hold any sort of discussion pertaining to music without devolving into shitposts and mudslinging. the average user is responsible for feeding into the retarded bait, waifu, etc.
my favorite threads are the ones that insecure musicians make asking about insecure delusional musician things. i love those threads because i am one, but it’s nice talking to someone in that headspace. this bird would be a lot better because i feel like musicians have a completely different taste in music
based as fuck
underage newfags should really leave
>only reason you'd care about /p/ is if you like photographing things, not watching photographs ( then you lurk or go to a different place where it's all photographs)
>only reason you'd care about /fit/ is if you like working out, not watching people working out.
>only reason you'd go to /fa/ is if you like fashion, not watching people dressing up
>only reason you'd care about /out/ is if you like going outside (out guides, forest engineers and off grid pseuds like going outside), not if you like watching videos of people walking outside
People go to Yea Forums because they like music, a very basic hobby literally everyone on the planet likes.
Pacol is unironically good
people are only on Yea Forums for like 2 years tops
why do you think that is?
the only correct one is /r9k/, the rest are a mix of freelancers and freshmen and would argue the few music students here are as knowledgeable in their field as the average /sci/ poster
I think the closest thing to success was that guy from Yea Forums that managed to land a spot in an NFL roster, even tho he sucked
No, I've been here for six years
Can tell you exactly because I remember Government Plates by Death Grips being released shortly after I started posting here (don't care about the band but I remember it)
>/r9k/ has actual wizards
Have you even been there? For years now it's been normalfags.
>>/ic/ has actual artists
Since when?
No one cares about how "adept" a meme board is