Left early because I was surrounded by art hoes and couples and I couldn't stand it
Just watched Weyes Blood live
have sex
do you have autism?
Going to a female artist what did you expect
Try Tinder bro
That's the problem m8
Tinder didn't work for me
Goddamn I'm a sad sap
Going to shows in small venues by myself is always comfy as fuck. I honestly think I enjoy that better than going with somebody. Sorry you had a bad time, OP
im a 30+ year old single indiechad, gonna go see weyes blood this fall, if i dont hook up with her, im def gonna hook up with her 18-23 year old art hoe fans.
cant wait.
going to see movies alone is comfy as fuck, going to a show alone gives me anxiety, even though i have to go alone because im the only one who likes indie music out of my friends.
Thanks, pal.
I was supposed to go with a girl but she couldn't go so I went alone instead. I just felt kind of depressed.
buy a whore
just so he can contract an std? rather be celibate.
Yeah, concerts suck when they're just a soundtrack for negative thoughts playing through your head. Definitely been there.
you have a problem
>surrounded by girls
Every time I go to a show I get multiple numbers. Just stand next to cute girls who aren't with a guy and enjoy yourself. Absorb the feelings of the venue and channel it through your presence.
Sometimes girls will talk right into my ear and say stuff like
>This is my first Animal Collective show!
and start the interaction.
usually I'll just say something casual like
>I love this song!
then smile and walk away. Then a few minutes later I'll come back and if they thought I was attractive they'll be happy to see I'm back, and want to talk. This is how you make an impression. Act interested and aloof at the same time.
You can repeat this for basically every cute girl there. Just walk around and say casual things to girls, smile, and walk away or if they're immediately interested start talking to them and get their number.
>tfw I'm slightly autistic and I just want girls to leave me alone, but that doesn't always happen
>not wearing condoms
>not saving up to pay top-dollar for a high quality escort that can't afford to depreciate her literal SMV by getting an std
what a pussy lol
i even have chest hair and pubes that are starting to come in grey, townie art hoes love it.
i get more pussy now than when i did in my 20s.
The problem is I'm an imbecile and I look creepy as fuck just by being an Indian man
Also, I'm emo as fuck these days
Damn op it's so funny I'm listening to weyes blood rn and, consequently, just hopped on Yea Forums for the first time in forever to see if there were any kind of hornball/obsessive threads for the lead singer because desu I'm watching her live shit and she is making me swoon so fucking hard. I'm glad you appreciate this music, her voice is so husky and emotive, and I truly wish u could have had a magical time at the show but in all honestly I'm envious of you for even being able to see her live.
Live shows can be a tough avenue for interactions, some people seem to want to mingle others seem to want to avoid interactions with strangers. I really wish u tho best tho user, I hope the next show u go to brings u tenderness.
im going to see her play in about a week and i cant wait
Condoms exist, honestly though, op needs to snap out of the fantasy that some beautiful hole will love him for him. Hire a whore or otherwise stop whining
Based pajeet incel
I always feel anxious during concerts. I saw her in Austin and there were a lot of “art hoes” and guys who seemed more lively than me. I just try to focus on the music but at the end of every show I go to I always feel more inferior than usual, even though I know that’s not the point. I’m probably just a covert narcissist for even processing things in the way I do. She was great live though.
>go to Weyes Blood show
>leave because its shit
Why do you go to events designed for people on the extreme end of the normalfag spectrum? Of course this would result in a mental disaster
this whole thread is actually a very nice look into the psyche of the lonely alienated young male. calling people that aren't anxious and lonely "normalfags", getting angry at them and yourself, feeling inferior to them. very interesting. i suggest finding psychological help though.
The secret is simple: just drink excessively. Went to a Messthetics show alone a little while ago, got absolutely wasted, went right up to the front of the stage and had an absolute blast
Your lot is so arrogant that it's unbelievable. You probably don't even notice it in your self-adulation. Giving out paternalistic advice with a clear disgust to elevate yourself above. You're the yang to the yin you postulated.
i do not give a fuck whatever you just said. no i do not have much sympathy with the oppressed male.
If you just saw her in San Diego then I was there as well. There were so many beautiful women there. The entire experience was mesmerizing even though I went alone.
Yall are taking g this lonely sadboi role too far. I was a loser too when I was young but you just have to mature, do sports, get fitx study, do something with your fucking lofe.
Utter retard.
reminder that if you go to a show or to the movies by yourself you're pathetic and everyone seeing you by yourself is thinking about how much of a loser you are.
Nah I don’t think that, I think that people who enjoy themselves are great and you are an insecure faggot.
reminder that real men don't give a shit because they don't rely on other people to feel better about themselves
When I go to things by myself, girls come up and talk to me and sometimes share food.
Maybe it's just your bad vibes.
Not if you dress correctly, look in shape and not acting like an insecure little bitch
>tfw no art hoe gf to see weyes blood live with
I saw her a few months ago it was pretty comfy but yeah almost everybody knew each other and there were a lot of couples so I was a bit uneasy on that part
The Chad Concertgoer