What bands did you used to like and now do not anymore? I'll start:
>stereolab >used to be one of my favorite bands, loved their music >look up lyric translations one day >wtf it's all marxist shit >look deeper into it >apparently these fucks are inspired by some french socialist, I forgot his name >now I can't fucking listen anymore, hate commies with a passion
feels bad man but socialists and commies can all get the rope
I never said Stereolab was shit either, their music is objectively good, I just don't like the propoganda so I won't listen
Brandon Watson
an interest in politics is worse than brain cancer those who aren't apolitical should get the fuck out of art, they don't deserve it
Dylan Scott
Just don't change your mind dumbass.
Landon Bell
This. Stirnerian egoism is the sole exception.
You don't even understand the fucking lyrics, so the "propoganda" is irrelevant to you.
Unless you're using some sort of faggy streaming service, the band won't be paid by your listening anyway so you can just ignore the political messages and enjoy the music. Stop policing yourself with some retarded political ideology.
Rage against the machine only band I ever changed my mind on
Anthony Sanchez
>just don't pay attention to politics bro just let your country go to shit because I'm le edgy cool nihilist
Kill yourself
I know most artists are leftists but as long as they aren't obnoxious about it I don't care
Benjamin Sullivan
found the incel
Andrew Mitchell
arctic monkeys red hot chili peppers the killers
pretty much bands that i was into when i was younger, but then got extremely overplayed by friends (who still exclusively listen to these bands and nothing else)
Chase Carter
listening to music from my teen years became uncomfortable after seeing a 40yo man wearing skate socks with shorts and converse and a lumberjack shirt
>I just don't like the propoganda Cringe. If you succumb to propaganda just kys.
Cooper Wood
honestly why do people call each other snowflakes when we're all a bunch of triggered assholes?
Justin Hill
You say that like its a joke when that is literally what you should do
Kayden Bennett
>I'm so weak-minded anything I listen to influences my every thought and decision
Wyatt Harris
so you're saying as long as the music sounds nice and you turn off your brain, the message and lyrics don't matter
jesus fucking christ I share a board with either literal brainlets or underdeveloped teenagers. Either way kill yourself
Parker Collins
Juan Phillips
If you are going to prioritize the lyrics and message over the actual fucking music being played, you should read poetry instead. Good musicianship overrides lyricism.
Ethan Reyes
tfw the triggering of /pol/tards just makes you enjoy Stereolab more.
I'm not prioritizing it but yes the lyrics and message of the song is a factor in my enjoyment of music. If you're going to try to act elitist because you're such a brainlet that you turn off your mind to listen to music, then I don't what to say because that is collosally retarded
You don't have to be a /pol/tard to not be a filthy commie, retard
>DURR LISTENING TO THE MUSIC IN MUSIC IS TURNING OFF YOUR BRAIN XDDD I never said lyrics can't be a reason to like a song more. I said musicianship overrides lyricism, therefore liking a song solely for the music it contains rather than the message it espouses is perfectly valid and infinitely better than having your head up your ass about the ideological allignment of the arranged noises you choose to listen to.