Attached: EBdGvZtVAAA58xq.jpg (1000x1500, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazing thighs

it's jiholy so i'll allow it

Attached: EBbTXgAUYAYJsHB.jpg (804x1200, 145K)

which disneyland did blackpink go to

Attached: 1563576579014.jpg (874x886, 141K)

[cute gook gibberish] aha~
[more cute gook gibberish] you and me

where my fellow based wujucucks at

Attached: 1552178102013.webm (640x1136, 1.19M)

where is my post


Attached: a60cb5be6953e79ae9d0afcf4a45969e.jpg (564x705, 77K)

For me, it's GFriend.

Attached: GFriend-VL03.webm (854x480, 2.53M)


our FREAKIN girls

Attached: 1537998887502.jpg (2047x1151, 159K)

Tfw 20k Nancy pics

Attached: 2019-01-07_BsVsOoGFmwl.jpg (1080x1351, 86K)

>w-why are t-twiceniggers still posting here instead of their t-thread?

Attached: 1547807871322.jpg (848x637, 59K)

>harry potter
They went to universal studios

post Jisoo's thighs friend

any of them good?

we wanted a seulgi thread

Attached: dragon1.webm (562x1000, 2.98M)

Attached: fucking slut.webm (742x686, 241K)


she's so cool

well that makes more sense

you should love her face more than her thighs

Attached: 1564057433029.jpg (960x1200, 216K)

Attached: 2018-05-11_BionTfbAFZo.jpg (858x858, 790K)

and then twicefags wonder why everyone hates them

Oh yeah?

remember when jisoo wetbrapped on lisa as a joke that one time on blackpink house episode 3

I now realize why she never smiles, looks like a man when she does.

her body is unreal

>his waifu doesnt make his gallery explode

Attached: 1563557339949.webm (352x800, 2.92M)

she's so shiny

that didnt happen you idiot i watched the entire show 3 times

Attached: 1549465484936.jpg (764x1000, 92K)

that's a big folder

jizzoo has a hairy pooper

Attached: 2018-10-07_BooHLJXAiB-.jpg (1080x1350, 114K)

Rose seems like a nice sweet girl that will make an excellent mother.


Attached: Yerin _Akgae.webm (1920x1080, 1.83M)

Attached: squishy thighs.webm (470x636, 805K)

Based Daehwi, writing one of izone's best songs

For me its Yujin

Attached: D-YDuYyU8AAiRHg.jpg (960x960, 151K)

just intonation is a meme

Shartman can you hear me?


Attached: Windys_Day-859040247367163904-20170501_154209-img2.jpg (1500x1125, 177K)

shartman unite!

shartmen and wetbrapmen (jisoobros) have a lot in common

Mogging innocent bystanders

Attached: seolhyunaris-1019149395600609280-20180717_111845-img3.jpg (1334x750, 180K)

i thought jeong was the one who molests not gets molested

stop ruining the thread you twicecuck

after she is married of course

not a thing you idiot dont call jisoobros that

Attached: 1548587835010.webm (720x1280, 2.51M)

Attached: 1548485411777.jpg (1080x1921, 236K)

>a-and then t-twicefags wonder why everyone hates t-them

Attached: yulmao.webm (800x450, 1.15M)

big folder for a big girl

Subtle cheeks

Attached: nancy_intl-863505534305144833-20170513_232537-img3.jpg (1367x2048, 401K)


dubu hehe

Attached: 1565217086738.jpg (750x721, 60K)

Attached: 1552265817884.webm (1920x850, 1.88M)

I remember when lisa showed her troll feet in one of the episodes.


Attached: thigs.webm (640x1138, 1.21M)

she looks like a giant toddler in all that pink

Attached: 1533106991357.webm (460x780, 2.62M)

Attached: 1556478054478.webm (640x360, 1.25M)


blackpink have the best feet

Attached: 1564059271076.jpg (1024x692, 67K)

yerin is always on top of her game tho even in situations like this. this was perfect

jisoo wetbrapping on lisa’s troll feet as a prank

Attached: Windys_Day-832244470233968640-20170216_160518-img1.jpg (1500x1125, 194K)

s-she's coming back right???

Attached: 1565144840989.jpg (486x503, 15K)

Attached: 15511121125730.jpg (760x1325, 107K)

Attached: 38740232414_03343dde72_o.jpg (838x1200, 92K)

Attached: kyla.jpg (682x1024, 87K)

What a lovely lady that I'd love to kiss on the lips (the ones between her hips)

Attached: tumblr_ppli3709Wq1wy49h9o3_r1_250.gif (177x311, 2.77M)

twicecucks fuming

Attached: EBbMGx8UEAE3ty4.jpg (1200x900, 212K)

Attached: 190411 러블리즈(Lovelyz) 서지수(Jisoo) - 지금, 우리 (Now, We) [호국음악회] 4K 직캠 (3840x2160, 1.81M)

holy shit that's so hot
>slave on her knees shyly tries to get her master into the mood
God my literal DICK

Attached: Windys_Day-869415391109316608-20170530_064916-img4.jpg (1500x1125, 250K)

WHAT the hell is wetbrap

Attached: 1535124650677.jpg (720x720, 58K)

aye, shame about the face tho

My girl, perfect girl.

Attached: Yerin Cake.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Attached: hyunjin.jpg (510x368, 67K)

this is the most perfectest gif ever with the stupidest comment ever

Attached: 1537795890791.jpg (1080x1350, 171K)

A shart.

Who can even compete?

Attached: Windys_Day-1005755658568851456-20180610_121649-img2.jpg (2000x1500, 379K)

Attached: 1559494743862.jpg (1200x799, 107K)

I like her face

yeah jisoo doesnt do that

Attached: 1543564701152.jpg (1536x2048, 301K)

bona is on the loose

Attached: 1560450185157.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)


Wonder what's going on under the table that's got her in such a good mood if you know what I mean

Attached: 1544477812253.webm (828x1080, 2.98M)

Attached: 1530994551704.webm (846x638, 2.93M)

definitely playing footsies with lisa and she's ticklish

Attached: 1536241869950.jpg (1080x1350, 177K)

More pure music like this?


Attached: 2019-02-04_BtcxSQolf7H.jpg (1080x1045, 78K)

you always know jisoo used the restroom last thanks to the wetbrap evidence splattered on the walls of the blackpink official toilet

Attached: 1555266703028.webm (1120x1306, 1.73M)

who's the other girl?

Attached: 68981e901a05cd575bceb06f5ae17971.jpg (800x1200, 136K)

early iu

They all have their own custom shitters

Attached: 1557978843339.jpg (1000x1000, 94K)

i already said that doesnt happen you idiot shut up

they're all cute too

Attached: 1544763115999.jpg (1080x1349, 454K)

Attached: 1554623093313.png (354x286, 28K)

Attached: 1554622424809.jpg (800x1422, 286K)

cute. seethe more twicenig

Attached: 1563756001415.jpg (1732x1024, 185K)

Keklo why did Rose and Lisa try to eat a candle? I'd expect this kind of stupidity from Jisoo but they seemed smarter than that.

why are you so mad bro? mommy didn't make your tendies?

Where do I sign up for the "pinching Nancy's cheeks" job?

Attached: Windys_Day-944210811139919872-20171222_151934-img1.jpg (1398x2100, 568K)

she really likes it

Attached: 1560707822660.png (598x598, 944K)

i love this song so much

what candle and jisoo isnt stupid fuck you

Attached: 1552974087788.jpg (927x1241, 208K)

tfw mental breakdown after jihyo dating news and started drinking again

Attached: 1561141725514.webm (882x700, 1.1M)

Still the prettiest, purest angel

I miss her

Attached: 1563807415845.png (840x1260, 1.27M)

>there's a shitposter who posts with us in this thread who could give us inside info on all the twice qts and who they're dating
>and would never be believed because he says it here
>and he still keeps his mouth shut

Attached: bangchan.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Attached: 1546665110354.jpg (2730x4096, 1.45M)

Attached: EBcdwqSW4AE17-y.jpeg.jpg (1241x1241, 118K)

blackpink house episode 5 scene 3 when jisoo wetbrapped in lisa’s americano for the lulz


Attached: MMLD_Official-982497662850052096-20180407_075751-img2.jpg (960x960, 62K)

Lisa eating candle

Attached: EBcdwqyWkAEzRBh.jpeg.jpg (1111x1111, 85K)

violeta is soty


girls like to experiment
and what the heck they put adidas on the cake
they advertise everything

STOP you didnt watch it

Attached: 1554846871350.jpg (1500x1000, 763K)

Tzuyu and dinner

Attached: 8mcdcdcdsfetc4l8621.jpg (719x960, 111K)

oh no no no

Attached: blackedYP.jpg (1600x2696, 631K)


Attached: 2018-11-07_Bp4ml88AscX.jpg (1080x1350, 87K)

Too bad Sana only likes BBC

Attached: 1565136601950.jpg (805x673, 93K)

where tf are my slugbros at??

Attached: 1534948133014.jpg (1000x1500, 177K)

Why didn't you watch the vlive

getting all that shitposting out of your system before you have to go back to school huh

i took a nap and missed it and i am waiting for subs now

Attached: 1551371401198.jpg (640x960, 94K)

put the folder on gdrive or mega broo

cringe have sex

>tfw lagdroid

Attached: Please_be_patient_I_have_autism.webm (1100x618, 378K)

I need a gf like this so bad

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.png (580x548, 293K)

Attached: 18 - DVws6E4.jpg (736x1104, 101K)

tzuyu for dinner

you could be learning korean instead of shitposting, what's your excuse

is she still?

Attached: HvkamM5.png (449x451, 287K)

jisoo ate paper when she was young
maybe she still does

Attached: 1556438777307.jpg (640x960, 103K)

as a proud twicecuck, i love this. thank you jyp for promoting globalization and a beige future

Attached: 64432745_234756514150195_6536122068867462967_n.jpg (1080x1079, 139K)

I'm learning japanese already

Attached: 1564493943624.jpg (1080x1080, 86K)

You missed out on Rosé saying I love you guys to the mountains n back and to the far far hills n around europe n australia back to the states n china n all the way back to korea n I love you to the clouds n through the universe across mars all the way to the sun and back I love you guys so much and Jennie, Lisa, and Jisoo looking at her like she's retarded.

why learn a language for a race that will be completely gone in 20 years

No, just mass download all the fansites and Instagram fan pages and then run Visipics or something. My upload is garbage.

Attached: nancy_intl-806625594918260740-20161207_232502-img2.jpg (1365x2048, 384K)

only reason I would learn korean would be if I lived there

what did she mean by this

Attached: 20190808_141801.jpg (576x813, 214K)

japanese is also useful, it's actually best to learn both

that is so FREAKIN CUTE
it wont be the same when i watch the replay
i am never sleeping again

Attached: 1564394854971.jpg (720x720, 58K)

Attached: MMLD_Official-1112008843804827648-20190330_160903-img3.jpg (960x641, 50K)

Did you have a stroke?

Any slugchad have an album of her like this

Attached: Slug best ass.webm (1080x1920, 2.73M)

Attached: 1536844079977.jpg (1080x956, 604K)


you wot mate

the fakest smile i've ever seen, but nice try

nah bro, you gotta learn it so you can watch the shitty tv shows they have

Attached: MMLD_Official-974287659479658496-20180315_151414-img3.jpg (960x1280, 162K)

which lovelyz member is this


Attached: bc639020a9cdf2a33e9977f0ec989ae8.jpg (564x691, 48K)

it's not fake she's just this busted

100% Natty

Attached: 2wu94qmyj6f31.jpg (3840x2160, 707K)

you've got to give us something, lad

imagine ryujin or yeji wearing this...


Attached: 2019-03-15_BvCIVujFyLS.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

a-aight then

that 3rd photo, holy shit

Attached: mina2.jpg (386x430, 44K)

>No, just do the same work again for literally no reason


Attached: 08_569035_82367.jpg (600x777, 85K)

is natty korean for busted?

Very true

You literally lose value the moment you speak Korean to them, you stop being the exotic tourist that can barely understand them but want to fuck them senseless anyway.

i'm off blinkbros to play wow classic cya

Attached: 1542026919126.jpg (1600x2400, 1.07M)

Good night

Attached: nancymcdpics-754338014533300224-20160716_173252-img2.jpg (600x800, 49K)

Attached: CdNQaFS.jpg (1000x1500, 405K)

there was a megapost on /r/kpopfap

Say that again and I will bust on your face

Attached: 1565246392434495.jpg (1000x1489, 277K)

the ugliest and most hated mongoloid shart



>this faggot here pretending to be a chad on 4ch
never gets old

bonas gums

fuuuuuuck mina is so perfect

lisa has the freakin cutest reaction ever

hurry back friend

Attached: 1542015634005.jpg (2500x3390, 317K)

Attached: 201908081516777092_5d4bbe8672b4e.jpg (2243x4187, 2.14M)

>she stayed back in hawaii for an extra day for THIS

Attached: 6270.jpg (1280x1612, 172K)

>that side profile
what in the fuck

Which one the the 13 year old again?

yeji vs jizzoo in a shart meets wetbrap match

>i'm a complete loser so everyone else is too
never gets old

i love them

Attached: 1536003495136.jpg (2047x1151, 161K)


Sorry, why do I need to be a Chad to fuck a random Korean girl?
If you're aiming for idols then yeah get fucked, but any normal dude can get laid abroad retard.

Attached: 07_568768_54643.jpg (600x769, 93K)

Attached: EBcj9_GU4AAcqUg.jpg_orig.jpg (1346x2048, 749K)

the north will survive after the south collapses

why are you bringing our jisoo into this you idiot

Attached: 1562058881548.jpg (1080x1080, 1.13M)

My math tutor

Attached: 20190807512611.jpg (512x746, 543K)

Who wants to fuck a non-idol?

>i need to post about getting laid on a mongolian throat singing thread on a taiwanese message board
never gets old

can't shitpost on ilbe and dcinside without some korean behind you

Attached: n9xcuP0.png (660x826, 831K)

Attached: 1564831395450.webm (626x360, 2.92M)

please stop with that shit
evey girl posted is beautiful and also you guys aren't attractive, so what's the point

ok maybe you have a point. it's just not something I would ever consider doing, why go for the uggos bro.

This cheer up dance part is so fucking hot

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (801x438, 601K)

i'm seething again


Attached: 1538031084138.jpg (4032x3024, 1.67M)

Momo is just begging for it

Attached: 1558899432772.jpg (1242x1227, 166K)

I'm really good looking and would mog several gaypops

Normal people? Why limit your options to a glamorous, skinny thot when a gookie next door can fuck you as well or better.
Don't get me wrong idols are the hottest shit but not worth the chase as a normal guy (what chase? It's impossible)

Attached: 1518586178341.webm (604x1080, 2.92M)

twicecucks make me seethe

every somewhat good looking korean is cast as an idol


forgot your dubuggo

i like it too

Attached: 264B5387.jpg (1350x1990, 1.3M)

A man can dream.

Attached: bambino.webm (540x960, 2.93M) any meganbro

makes me cum buckets when sana does it

blackpink could be on the ransom remix with lil tecca and he says i got black i got pink instead of black and white

spotlight uh
moonlight uh

Attached: 260px-%28%EC%9A%B0%EB%A8%BC%EC%84%BC%EC%8A%A4_%EC%8A%A4%ED%83%80%29_2018%EB%85%84_5%EC%9B%94%ED%98%B (260x230, 12K)

Attached: 1463242929180.jpg (472x595, 68K)

so what if hyunmin is black? don't like black people?

i can drive an hour to a nearby college town and find dozens of koreans/other asians that are hotter that most idols

binn lookin like a schnack

Boram and her sister.

Attached: borams.webm (540x540, 1.42M)

No :)

Attached: KYL6pPz.png (181x150, 45K)

i don't doubt that for a second

>hotter than idols
please don't drink and drive

thanks for proving my point

i have only seen one at mine that could be considered an idol so i doubt that

Attached: 1562704781356.webm (1920x1080, 1.29M)

lisa is fucking hideous

Attached: 1565284027743.jpg (1350x2400, 613K)

stfu monkey

Attached: 201908021447774311_5d43cf1288f69_1024x.jpg (1024x1626, 238K)

>t. nigger

Sure you can

Attached: 1563987622500.jpg (720x1280, 46K)

the timestampped girl is good looking

Bay area Asian girls are way hotter than the average idol.

You're right, but it stops being about looks at that point.
K-pop girls don't just go for hot guys (they're surrounded by them), they go for the most rich and powerful.


they are not

Attached: 1543766473015.png (489x571, 446K)

Attached: 15165363015370.webm (606x1080, 2.91M)

that girl unironically mogs half the industry, imagine her with kpop styling and makeup


i don't doubt what he said for a second, just look a those uggos in twice, and crop that shit

>what did they mean by this?

Attached: 123.jpg (1722x652, 397K)


Attached: 27240F36581CA33832.jpg (2169x1446, 2.27M)

any sharkmen?

try 80%
she's prettier than chewy too

damn son you just proved his point

>uggos in twice
Didnt know I was talking to a troll or roastie

Attached: 1544449426970.jpg (767x960, 68K)

lisa is one of the top 4 prettiest girls in the world

Attached: 1542422368054.jpg (1080x1349, 232K)

i want to date her

Attached: 3312a0ba79b06e9ad77486c1144cdf37.jpg (564x1002, 80K)

crop that shit newfag, or do you want a distraction from their busted faces

>koreans have to literally all wear the same thing
>after 2 years you aren't allowed to wear that thing anymore
imagine living in such a hivemind hellhole, no wonder they popularized zerg

she looks very comfy and would most likely be a wonderful partner

Attached: 1560296274746.jpg (1124x1385, 150K)

i'll crop my dick up your ass fag

>she's prettier than chewy too
LOL you think someone that looks better than chewy could just walk around the city like that? she would be an actress, idol or model already

wow, they're beautiful

Attached: 151141296075_20171124.jpg (640x420, 18K)

>she's prettier than chewy too
let's not go that far

how would we know what she does for a living? maybe she just isn't extroverted

i think you guys are just jealous because lisa is much more attrac-

Attached: lisa.jpg (653x726, 84K)

finish your sentence

Attached: 1538227437075.jpg (1080x1350, 107K)

it's not far at all

Attached: 1564739544720.webm (800x450, 2.74M)

Attached: 15118879317890.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

Attached: Han_Hyun-Min_%28Howard_Han%29-p1.jpg (640x800, 59K)
is this commercial of the year?

Attached: 1559681501418.jpg (2047x1151, 153K)

imagine the smell

Is tzuyu extroverted? People in chewys league of looks can get paid millions just for being beautiful, no women like this would work a normal job

Why is the thread so dead

yo this is a story all about how

Dahyun is fucking Hyunmin backstage

Attached: 1565124973982.jpg (775x1730, 579K)

i think everyone's watching the commercial

Attached: 1561254963123.jpg (1146x1242, 98K)

Attached: D0FA9EED-672F-476C-82B7-420B20CBC544.jpg (828x828, 117K)

spat my drink


good christian girl doing her duty for god

>gookie next door can fuck you as well or better
she suuure can

very true

Attached: D4SHi9kUIAAtpEN.jpg (1200x1800, 275K)

why is everyone talking about that slave today

Attached: 1563487612239.jpg (1200x1800, 440K)

Ooh nice contrast just imagine him on top of her plunging in and out..

dubu is no one's slave not even jyp's

Boram's sister group was good too. Killed by a turncoat as well.



Attached: 8a3d8843c921c64a9cf46b5e6c1f9191.jpg (564x705, 61K)

blackpink thread next

Attached: 1541025553748.jpg (850x850, 77K)

all i'm saying is korean genes seem weak

if you don't like blackpink you don't like kpop

freakin this

Attached: 1554603232176.jpg (576x1024, 105K)

just listened to bp
kpop sucks

blackpink are alright, all of their music up to aiiyl was great. it's just most of their fans are fucking cancer, so no good people post about them so as to not be associated

Attached: 1563486720567.jpg (1350x1800, 272K)

this is why koreans wore those retarded see-thru cowboy hats

some guy who was "cool" in medieval korea did and because of their conformist nature everyone just kept on wearing them for all time

cringe and deaf

every song they have is good and name no blinks are cancer at least not here

Attached: 1562205492881.jpg (1024x576, 95K)

>see-thru cowboy hats

who keeps killing these threads

love my tight little wony so much
i told you guys they were just getting started

Attached: 1544318087061.jpg (768x779, 263K)


non early non ban evader thread

Attached: twicetagram_180505_06_BiMFD-Cl72y.jpg (959x959, 107K)

Your post gave me cancer.

Attached: 60i4.gif (700x700, 3.87M)

Attached: little wony.jpg (607x780, 64K)


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