Now that the dust has settled, you think he regrets touring with her?

Now that the dust has settled, you think he regrets touring with her?

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He still defends her like a father defending his kid.

WhoA mAn D cUpS SHe a ThIcCY -mayo mccheese

So nothing relevant to the discussion?

beep beep milk truck arrive ;)

yeah let me get a shot glass out hang on

Either because he's a white-knight, or he knows he'll get paid in the end.

Kek, is that Harvey Weinstein in the back? Nah I don't think he regrets a minute.

alright buddy cmon now

You faggots. Anyone who pays attention to either of these "artists" is not a real music fan, period. Commit suicide subhumans.

Denzel has made a few brilliant albums.

Billie on the other hand is a talentless hack.

You do realize having breasts that big can kill a woman's back, right?

>Billie on the other hand is a talentless hack.
nah she has that vibrato but her art is eh

She can barely sing her own songs live.

She has a couple of good songs. I hate the starving artist act though.

>real music fan
I really want you to die.

He got money + fame and don't forget nightly access to those milkers from going on tour. I think he's happy.

I don't understand the hype surrounding this girl. Sure, her music may sound a bit different than what's on the top 40 but it's not like we haven't seen this done better by Lana or Lorde, or virtually any alternative female act in the past decade. "She makes music in her bedroom" is only impressive if you leave out her family's industry ties and all the money her label has poured into her to ensure she blew up big. It's like Clairo but at least Clairo admits her privilege.

It's her personality. She fits the "goth tiddy gf" thing. The "not like the other girls" crowd. The hip hop crowd. The clout crowd. The tumblr crowd. The "she's so quirky" types.

She's "black" enough to be considered a part of hip hop (despite not being a rapper) yet white enough that she can easily be adored by soccer moms in middle America.

The whole thing is a marketer's dream.

people really want to believe her industry outsider status. They're also drawn in by her " quirky personality", especially "alternative" women. Honestly, everything about her outside of her music disgusts me for some reason. Whenever I watch her be "quirky" i'm offput.

She also got a lot of fetish niggas after her 3 minute monologue about pooping and apparently she has big knockers that go honk honk underneath those XXXL soulja boy hoodies

t. john horseradish jr

And that's what pisses me off about her, even though I admittedly like some of her music. She does whatever she can to portray her time in pop music as a struggle, going so far as to claim she grew up in poverty and had to fight with her label numerous times, or that her viral success was so big it compelled the label to keep and promote her despite her being such a little rebel. Anyone who knows anything about the industry and her background knows it's all a fabrication or exaggeration on her part. But just to give Billie the benefit of the doubt, I'm sure she's ignorant of a lot of this herself, like she truly wants to believe Interscope needs her more than she needs them without realizing she was always a puppet on a string.

wtf is a real music fan

or she's pop enough for the forever 21 crowd yet alternative enough for the hot topic crowd.

I'm fairly certain that her brother is much more responsible for her success than she is personally. Obviously she needed a base amount of talent, but she doesn't sing as well as some people i know. Obviously her brother and mother's industry connections were responsible for her success.

Her brother de facto runs her career. He's standing behind her during every live performance and interview. Those "edgy" beats she whispers over are entirely his creation. Take him out of the picture and she's just another dime a dozen alternative chick.

Curry has never made a bad album.

eh people give the brother too much credit. I don't think he has as much input as we think and more or less he's riding off her coattails.

He's definitely responsible for all of her music. Her image, not so much.

dude is your caps lock broken or something, wtf? lmao embarassing post

I feel bad for Denzel. Every venue was probably 95% Billie fans and I highly doubt there’s much crossover in their fanbases. Her fans would definitely listen more to artists like juice wrld, post malone, drake, uzi, cardi, and migos. Rappers with more pop appeal

> (You)
>>real music fan
>I really want you to die.


I would pull your fucking tongue out of your face with my teeth


He still got to pipe though so it was worth it

You have absolutely no worth as a human.

Denzel has a lot of fans who fucked with him as far back as his RK days.

Meanwhile Billie's fans are primarily white girls who were fawning over Melanie Martinez three years ago in an identical fashion to how they fawn over Billie. In other words, they're easily swayed by whomever is the It Girl of the moment with the quality of music coming secondary.

""My bad""

why do you pay more attention to media and magazines than music dude, if you like it just enjoy it, stop beating yourself up over it and trying to rationalize liking popular things.

and before melanie they were all fall out boy fans.

lol now you're taking the piss

it's not wrong. billie's fans seem like they'd be more inclined to be melanie or fob fans.

You listen to garbage talentless music

You are not human, you're scum to be murdered and shat upon. You are literally everything wrong with the world.

not that guy, but the fact that she lies about everything kinda pisses me off. I'm not a fan of her image either, it kinda disgusts me. The only thing that appeals to me about her is her music, and that's even hit or miss.

user they're not fucking old enough to have been fallout boy fans get your head on right, they broke up nearly a decade ago and only regrouped for one album in like 2013

Unfortunately, I can't imagine anyone making this sort of response seriously.

Because Billie's image and backstory are her biggest selling points. Her music isn't unique enough to be cutting-edge in itself. Thinking it was recorded in her bedroom with just her and her brother who are sooo anti-industry and counter-cultural is what its appeal is.

Then why go out of your way to read her interviews or anything like that? Just skip them, that's what I do. It's not like it's hard, you don't get any of it if you just listen on spotify or download music elsewhere. You have to go out of your way to read that stuff. It's easy to just listen to music and enjoy it for what it is.

Maybe to you, dude. I don't give a shit what she looks like or what her backstory is. I have no idea what it is.


Plenty of people do though.

I don't. I just get frustrated by everyone sucking her tits all the time, and I don't say any of this shit to their face so I post it here in her online threads because i'm anonymous so I'm not ostracized in my social life for disliking things that my friends like.

They don't even perform their own duet together. A real shame too since Billie could have brought the audience to tears singing that hook.

That's their problem, isn't it? Why should you or I get worked up about it if we don't care?

Hes corny af.

He has a gf and she’s not Billie.