Holy shit

Holy shit...

Attached: cover.jpg (1425x1425, 1.45M)



Holy it's shit

It's pretty good.

Now listen to this infinitely better album

Attached: cover.jpg (1200x1185, 660K)

liked him before he became knock-off death grips
+he's sjw as fuck

>He'a Sjw as fuck
Fuck off! MachineGirl just wants the government to completely fail and society to collapse so that he can hack people to death with rusty meat cleavers while quoting Gingersnaps without getting in trouble.

But yeah his Deathgrips knock off shit is pretty boring.

This is cringe vro

literally me in middle school
i didnt have many friends back then huh

like how he got all of shit stole from his van by niggers a few years ago then goes on facebook and complains about white people being racist

Jesus Christ this board is cringe


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This is really pathetic and lame of MG wow

Ghost and the gabber song are the only good tracks.

MG literally sounds nothing like Death Grips

this album in particular is a rip-off of Bloody Fist folk like DJ Tron. is this board just filled with retards

Shut up dickhead. Get the fuck out of my thread.

fuck off fantano, not all digital hardcore is death grips.

>caring about musicians politics

have you heard his last lp you triple retard?
i wasn't talking about wlfgrl

I just don't like to support idiots.

Anthony is a fuckin idiot for this. MG has way more rave/breakbeat/footwork sounds going on
They just wanted some exposure dude, ugly art got a high score and eureka on TMT.
Also I wish there was more modern digital hardcore, the end of Status where he goes into full metal vocals drives me wild. Need more shit like that. I think BECAUSE IM YOUNG is the better of the two hardcore albums though, in retrospect.

you have to be at least 15 to post here

The only reason anyone gives a fuck about MG, especially this album in particular is because it sounds like DG instrumentals.

they should try making some good music for exposure

no, WLFGRL is much closer to the genres i mentioned