Why do so many musicians take drugs, that sometimes even lead to their death?

Why do so many musicians take drugs, that sometimes even lead to their death?

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Cause successful musicians are usually complete fuckups that get alot of money so they can afford drugs

Because death is magnetic

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Is he high on heroin in this photo?

THE ROCK N ROLL LIFESTYLE IS DOING DRUGS MAN!!! Or at least it used to be, todays musicans are a bunch of straight edge pussies, no wonder music sucks now

>hell be fine

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No his dog is licking peanut butter off his ballsack

Didnt he live to 70?
Amazing he made it that long

He never used heroin though. Just like Ozzy.

>Amazing he made it that long
no heroin no coke just speed

Never understood it either. "The pressure of success", what the fuck are you talking about, just quit it then.

Because they have access to them. I love drugs and I'm not even a musician.

The pressures of fame and the constant feeling that you're never out of the spotlight or sight of the pappo or some journalists wanting to make up stories about you and attack your character does major damage to some people. As a result an instant "fix" are drugs and alcohol or... suicide.

No he's just making le silly face
and no i'm not even joking
but he might be a little high too

In Big 5 terms, higher Openness is correlated with both increased levels of creativity and openness to new experience (as well as somewhat inversely related to lower Conscientiousness, a trait which generally makes people more cautious and reliable). So it's partly a personality thing, the character of many creative types has a predisposition towards a chaotic life, combined with the fact that drugs are omniprescent in the industry, and perhaps to some degree there's a romantic view of drugs as well. Also, a common way to cope with the life stardom entails.

Most musicians are just regular people who would be working some dead end job if they didn't get lucky with getting famous that's why. The ones who come from well off homes with education usually don't but you still get the off kid who wants to rebel against his parents for no reason so they pretend to grow up poor.

Because drugs are fun

>just quit it then
It doesn't work that way.
Even if you "quit", the paparazzi will still hound your ass whenever you step outside.

Drugs is rampant, even for artists that paparazzi doesn't care about.

Your explanation model falls flat.

Speed and legendary amounts of Jack Daniels

because drugs are based

It's not the Jack Daniels that killed him (even though it's the most shitty bottle-shelf whisky on the market), it's the copuious amount of Coke that he mixed with him. Pure cancer in liquid form.

bottom shelf fuck me

Because they grow complacent and indifferent to anything but the most basic stimulation.

they arent doing them becaus of "fame pressure" people usually used drugs way before they ever got famous. lots of musicians come from shitty backgrounds and have emotional issues. people end up using heroin because of depression and anxiety generally. the fact these musicians got famous just means these fucked up people suddenly have more money and easier access to drugs.
but also being in the "spotlight" is pretty crazy and anxiety inducing yeah, so even if these people quit drugs along time ago, being in a band is just a recipe for a relapse. kurt was young, emotional weird kid in seattle, he definitely used dope before nirvana got huge

his first time was apparently in aberdeen in 89. so yeah it wasn't the fame.

Pleasure, change of perspective, creativity, mechanism of cope...