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need more shit like Methodrone
Listen to Bardo Pond
What would you rec based on this?
It has the perfect balance between noise and dreaminess for me and didn't find anything related to it so far.
Does this qualify as Shoegaze?
listened to the first kinokoteikoku album. i liked it but didnt hear THAT much shoegaze despite it being of the genre tags on rym
do the other ones have more shoegaze influence?
Just give them a try.
i will but i just wanna know what to expect
I assume you listened to Uzu ni Naru, that's the first one.
eureka definitely gets more shoegazy.
yeah, i listened to uzu ni naru.
looking forward to eureka
This album is a solid 9/10.
Holy fuck this is great.
Who's seen Ride, are they any good? They're playing in September but tickets are rather expensive and their new stuff is just a bit shit, do they still play their old stuff well?
I haven't been to a concert for a long time now and don't plan on going. Just chilling and listening to what I like.
.neon is one of my favorite albums ever. is there anyone who has the same opinion?
For me it's Loveless and MBV. I started with them and still listen to them.
Very fine piece of shoegaze here.
I'm almost halfway trough and this is very good. Thank you so much!!
What the fuck is going on in here, anons?
Give this a try, guys. It's amazing.
Can anyone reccomend me some good noise pop albums?
One of my favs, but not sure it is what you're looking for (Not a massive noise pop fag)
Is this /shugazi/?
none of KT it is that shoegazy, have you heard Yuragi?
G-guys, I have a problem. It's the third time I listen to this album today. Am I retarded?
Uzu ni naru was a great disappointment to me
Listen to Luminous Orange instead.
This is very good, maybe I'm one of the few people that puts it above ceres and calypso
I'm just crazy about it. That and Luminous Orange whenever I'm in a mood for a more "dance" stuff. I don't know if dance is the right word, but I feel like dancing to it. (Drop your vivid colors)
Any album you would suggest me to begin?
why, user? it is not very consistent and it kinda gets worse with each track but even then its still a good album
Drop your vivid colors. It's entry level for Luminous Orange.
no, should i?
Then try Rhapsody in Beauty by The Novembers. Maybe you like it
Suggest me some "dance-funk" vibe shoegaze/dream pop/noise?
Yes, they only have two EPs, you should listen to both, starting with night life
Bowery Electric - s/t
Easily my favorite shoegaze release ever. The band is more known for their second album Beat, which is a lot more trip hop than shoegaze.
It happens to everyone at some point
is it weird that i dont listen to my favorite shoegaze because the feels are too powerful and i dont feel worthy of listening to such beautiful music?
yes just enjoy this beautiful music with us
Yes, it is weird. Just plug your headphones in and enjoy an album or two, then listen to more shoegaze!
Surely you are a beautiful person user. You can listen to the music you want because you're worth it.
Is Sakura Swirl the second album to go for after finishing with Drop Your Vivid Colors?
thank you, i decided to start with still dreaming and i love it. can you rec me more japanese shoegaze?
I just posted it. Also pic related.
thank you so much user, love you and everyone in this thread
No problem ,senapi. Ly2.
post bossa nova
What do you think about this finnish shoegaze. Their new album released this year.
Don't know if it counts but Koibito he by Lamp. And I don't know if bossa nova has something to do with shoegaze or dream pop
Fuck, I forgot about it. I have it in my playlist but didn't listen to it yet.
Ok, just started. Will post after it ends.
Done listening to it. Personally, I think it's a 6/10. Not good, but not bad either. The first three tracks are pretty bad, Turbulenssi was a very good track and it's a classic shoegaze piece of work, then the rest of the tracks are decent-good, especially the last one Sametti.
Don't know if I'll listen to it again, it felt repetitive in the beginning.
why would you listen to something besides my bloody valentine
based retard
Here you go anons.
If you're not listening to Dynamo after Soon goes off you're doing it wrong.
retardation is strong in this one
Based. Shoegaze is the patrician choice.
every shoegaze band seems to be either a my bloody valentine or a slowdive
Nice bait senpai.
Lurk more
This really grew on me. I loved her EP and I will listen to this tonight.
Listened to this today for the first time in a few years, it's really great, but a little forgettable. I get why people don't talk about it much anymore
8/10, in my top 10 of 2019
guys should i get mint condition mesa boogie mini rectifier or dual rectifier amp to play shoegaze/dreampop inside my house?
>playing music inside your house
Fucking based. I wish I could put that shit at max volume but my neighbors would be killing me. I don't know shit about amps tho.
Fucking wholesome.