Music feels dead

There aren't many interesting developments in electronic and experimental music anymore.
All the people who are making interesting music are so buried and obscured and usually don't put as much effort into their "brand" like people did back in the 80s and 90s.
You used to have bands like Skinny Puppy show up with this huge world they created with their albums, music videos and live shows and the artists themselves had this larger than life air to them.
Now days music feels like such a shitshow.
Also with physical albums sort of fading away and maybe eventually disappearing completely music doesn't feel as special anymore.

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Other urls found in this thread:

music is easy to make now. when it was more difficult to make, the plebs were filtered and you only got kino, or at least, people really passionate and crazy about it. now its a sea of pretenders who pretend also to not care about their music.

Music died with David Bowie. RIP Dwayne, RIP Phil Western

The truth is once you take the possibly of doing it for a living out of the equation then you kill the drive and desire to produce something that has to compete in a marketplace. You change the struggle from "this is what I want to be doing with my life" to "meh, it's a hobby" and you kill the competitive nature of someone's desire to stand out and make a unique name for themselves as an artist. Of course you have retards that claim music is Bette than its ever been and "real" artists do it because they love it but anybody who's experienced both sides of the shift in culture knows this isn't even remotely true.

We traded a handful of remarkable pieces of art for an unending pile of half-assed mediocre free releases online. The magic has been gone for the most part of 20 years now.

Finally some real niggas on Yea Forums.


There's still good music. Just as much, if not more, than the 80s and 90s, in fact. The problem is that the market is oversaturated with troglodytes that don't care about actual music as much as the clout they get from being a soundcloud rapper, and the fact that music is so much easier to create and release nowadays makes it harder to find the good stuff buried underneath

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You seem to place a lot of value in the world building and strong branding and promotion of today's artists but there's obviously much more to music than physical albums and entertaining extra-musical promotion. Find new things to get excited about in music, stop looking for the same old shit in new places, look for new shit in new places

we live in a society

The internet has homogenized culture. Even the experimental is cliche now.

This just isn't true, I'm sorry. What youre saying is completly ridiculous. All of the best records ever made were the result of a collaboration between many people who had become experts in their skill set. You had a band with one amazing songwriter and a couple of amazing musicians to bring the songs to life. Then you had someone record it who had become an expert at engineering and you might have had a producer to filter all the bullshit the band didn't know was trash. Then their record label set them up with some amazing designer for the record's artwork. Etc. There used to be so many more gears in the machine that made the mechanism of a quality worth paying attention to.

This kind of process is gone for all intents and purposes at this point. There isn't enough time in the world for someone to become proficient in everything it takes to put out a record worth a shit. If you're an amazing songwriter you're not going to have time to become an amazing engineer, it just doesn't work that way. Most artists are lucky if they can become proficient at one aspect of the creative process, never mind becoming master of ever single aspect of writing, recording, and release a record.

We're in the jack of all trades, master of none era of music and it sucks dick. You not knowing the difference between then and now just means you're a dilettante.

I'm sorry I can't get excited for subpar art. Not motivated to dig through slightly "less worse" garbage to find it either. I might as well just be listing to the kind of trash they play on the radio if I was so inclined. And seeing how everything except shitty pop music has exited mainstream culture I'm not alone in this feeling.

>Implying all good music in the past was created and paid for with millions of dollars and a team of 50 people
Dude, Nirvana recorded Bleach for 606 dollars and 40 oz to Freedom was paid for entirely out of pocket by the bandmembers. You fucking high? Or only listen to the top 40 in your youth? Some of the best albums in the world were made by some fucking nobodies back in the day.
However, I will agree that massive albums with millions of dollars and years of effort have been steadily on the decline. Having good, quality, worthwhile music and spending fucktons of money aren't mutually exclusive, though

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don't worry music-related doomers. i'll bring music back to life (or destroy it). just you watch...

Are you honestly pining for major label days?

Why do you want power to come back out of the artist's hands and into the big labels' pockets? Do you like stifled creativity?

I built up my hi-fi and it sounds amazing to me to listen to the normal music I've always listened to and now the acoustic music I'm starting to listen to. But I'm not sure I'll be able to enjoy it with someone who would enjoy it like I do or to an extent.

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Nice pseudpost lls

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>they dont know "major labbels" shapeshifted into spotify so people still consume corporate cock curated """music"""" and have their tasted manipulated and homogenized and absorbed into an indiferentiated mush
modern "creativity" my ass. EVERYONE making music is guessing how they will look in their youtube video promo. culture got absolutely corrupted.

>culture got absolutely corrupted

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no. how about we steal their product and see how they respond when revenue starts to disappear...welcome to today.

you doing ok user?

Punk music was always low effort garbage with no regard given to to artistic possibilities recording a record could entail, the musical equivalent to squirting diarrhea all over a canvas if you will. Like I said, either you're a dilettante or you're doing a good impression one.

>haha i can "steal" from megacorps
whatever you can do, they allowed in the first place, you pawn.

punk was a revelation for the industry. as powerful as it was the fact you could market an absolute farce like warhol, and sell it good.

Yeah. it's just that the topic of relationships has really been flip flopping in my mind. I keep saying I want to wait some more on a relationship so I can work on myself but I'll keep thinking to myself that I want to go out with someone again. It's hard finding someone who shares similar interests, as we all know

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>turns out you can sell trash to idiots!
lol burn

>You like music I don't? Y-you plebeian! Dilettante! Poser!
Fuck back off to reddit. God you're insufferable.

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I'd reply with one of those brainlet wojacks but I don't have one saved on my computer. Oh well!

what’s your hifi?

sounds great to me. I need to get a pair of stands for the monitors and that will most be an improvement over using a pair of shitty speakers as stands

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See 'Pink Flag'

Wire are beyond mediocre, you might as well have pointed to a Ace of Base record.

>dissing Ace of Based

There it is.

looks good, I wouldn’t be too concerned about finding someone who’ll be as enthusiastic about it as you are though.

even so, I have other stuff I'm enthusiastic about which I'm sure I'll find someone who likes them as well. I need to stop letting it get to me

It's been a slow decline since the Baroque era, with a brief respite, in terms of creativity, during the jazz period. Everything becomes more and more simplified to allow for the voice of a singer to shine through. It'll eventually be African tribal chants with just drums and maybe a bleep or bloop here and there. This is what Hitler was fighting against: the slow decline of musical quality and embellishment.

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You just sound like an uninformed luddite.
You're literally referring to a specific 60 year span of time in history, and a specific way music was produced and presented to the public... in a specific part of the world during that 60 year span of time.... Open your fucking eyes music has been evolving with us since the dawn of civilization. it is here to stay and will continue to evolve with us thousands of years after you are gone. Your take on music is very narrow minded and childish, or maybe you just miss the music that was coming out when you were a kid and don't know how to properly articulate that.

>music evolved!
>into half-assed shit made on a laptop in a bedroom that generates little to no interest among listeners!
Wow. Great argument. Inspired.

So your argument is that regardless of the evolution of music, past, present and future, the period of time between 1955 and 1985 was the pinnacle of music as an art form? Or you just don’t like how people make music on laptops now?

More like 1968 to 1998 but close enough. That seems to be the general consensus for the the time being though, so yes. Music ain't shit in 2019, demonstrably so.

Here's the question I posit: how can you revive it? How can you revive electronic music if it's to be the future of music? All electronic subgenres have been made. Electronic music will become more and more "minimal" because dubstep took the genre to its limits, although I believe Justice's Cross album was the absolute peak of electronic music - they did the wubs in Genesis that inspired so many dubstep producers.

So how do you revive music? I believe, at least to slow it, you do what Daft Punk did: use real instrumentation and eschew the use of too much synthesis (in my opinion, the synthesizer is a dead instrument, essentially because of dubstep taking the bleeps and bloops to the limit again), but that's assuming people would actually like listening to "busy" music. They don't. They like simple now - whatever melody is immediately catchy with little harmonic content. And the younger kids don't know any better. They think sterile digital effects sound better than analog.

There's so much trash music out there in "chill mix" and "vaporwave mix" playlists, etc. I'm not sure what can be done. We're running out of melodies. People are afraid of different chord changes. They're DEFINITELY afraid of diminished chords.

Music really is in a bad place. Dark times.

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There's a whole generation of kids who don't even know what dub step is though. Lo-fi chill mixes are going to be what kids of today look back on in 20 years and say nobody ever makes shit like that anymore! anyway you sound caught up in some dub step already pushed electronic music to it's limits bullshit which is a highly subjective sentiment that most people would not relate to. or maybe you're in the UK because dub step means basically skrillex in north america.

>Lo-fi chill mixes
They don't know any better. It's shit music. They think of it as music of their generation. Your point is meaningless.
>you sound caught up in some dub step already pushed electronic music to it's limits bullshit which is a highly subjective sentiment that most people would not relate to
That's not subjective. It has. There is no place to take electronic music. There is no possible way to innovate with synthesizers or guitars anymore. We've passed the threshold - all sounds have been created. It will continue to be rehashes of the past until blacks take over and then it's African tribal chants over drum beats from then on.

Over the past century, we've taken folk and blues and made rock. Rock went progressive with lots of instrumentation (TOTO), so a simplified version called punk took its place. Simplified. Then glam metal came around and was replaced by grunge. Music usually goes in cycles and a simplified version replaces the other.

The pinnacle of all music was the baroque period. This is indisputable.

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You have to bring in an incentive to strive back into the equation. No one likes to hear this but the incentive used to be the prestige of being able to support yourself by making music which boils down to money when it comes right down to it. Money is a hell of a motivator as is the social aspect of being a member of an artistic elite.

What can you replace money and a high place in a social hierarchy with? Certainty not with a Soundcloud page and laptop in a bedroom.

There has to be a complete upheaval against minimalism. A nu-Baroque period of music. Make electronic music by combining the over-complicated epic nature of Baroque or Classical era music and combine it with big drops. In other words, you need actual composers in electronic music and not button mashers. According to a study, composers are more likely to use predictable chord changes.

There are countless examples of songs where the music is essentially nothing but the singer, a bass line, and drums, however, the problem you run into is that people now like to sing the words and they want catchy hooks as fast as possible, so excessive instrumentation is unnecessary, and therefore... minimalism.

I need to think some more.

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Part of that is that listeners don't put the effort in. It's easy to get distracted, people scarcely bother to take in the "huge worlds" you describe.

Listen to Oloff and you'll see what I mean. He's possibly the best artist out right now and virtually completely unknown apart from on this sub. It's fucking retarded really but people just aren't interested.

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There's nothing really new that's been put out over the last decade. Rap is still rap. Rock is still rock. Metal is still metal. Punk is still punk. None of that has changed. Electronic music was burgeoning in the late aughts and we saw it taken to the heights of dubstep when Skrillex got ahold of it. There's unlikely to be another EDM genre that eclipses that one's success. Big room is the most popular, but that's going to be the most popular for a while because it's easily accessible and predictable. We very well might have reached the point where there are no truly new sounds to be discovered from synthesizers. From here on out, it's just going to be rehashes of the past.

EDM's bubble has burst, so it's unlikely that many new big room house producers will "make it".

The real thing we need to get at is why there is no true innovation. Musical progress has slowed considerably. Now "progress" is just combining styles to create a monster. There are no places to innovate in music. Originality is dead.

I recommend everyone read this:

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>this sub
Fuck off reddit.

sub-forum, not sub-reddit

you're talking about sound. But there's a lot more to modern popular music than just sound. The ideas are what's going to be important.

>too little pussy in music
>too little money in music
>too little stage time in music
>too many people trying to do it still making genres watery
>cocaine abuse cant be hidden so well anymore
>no industry support
i know many fools went into debt with record companies but at least they had a chance, nowadays you cant even get debt money for music unless they choose your pop act

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>just be hot and make shit music senpai

God damn why am i sharing a board with literal retoids. Like, i wish i could be so confident if i was just typing nonsense

If you want to save it you have to reprioritize and hold syntax over innovation.
Innovation doesn't matter, because chances are you don't possess the musical vocabulary to claim that every single thing that came before seems passe to you. The industry sucks and nobody really respects or trusts its leadership anymore. But don't sit there and tell me you use the language as fluently as you could be.
I know I'm not going to see it, because what I'm saying requires more personal risk than the other thing.

Still sounds weird.

I think that going over the Renaissance period will possibly have more of the answers you're looking for.
I don't think synth is a dead instrument, but it needs to be accepted as a pretty solid medium for crisp low mids rather than this magical thing that can do anything at all. That's marketing deparments' usual bullshit.

I think there are more dead are form than music. There are more good albums every year than good films or books.

lol you sound like an idiot

There is an infinite supply of high quality films, music and literature to consume. There is absolutely no way to consume everything worthwhile in one lifetime.

If you at any point feel that there's no more music to discover then you have burnt yourself out and should probably do something else for a while. It has nothing do with the quality of the tunes, the problem lies with you.

not just easier. fucking expensive and thats why you needed a good record label AND a distrubution deal AND a publishing contract...

Didn't Madlib make one of the best album this year using his iPad?
And decent popular instruments like guitar, bass and drums aren't that much expensive too. Anyone with a shitty job can afford them.
I can only see your argument working with expensive shit like piano.

It's expensive to be put in any position to get heard.

Is it that expensive to buy mics and a software? You can upload your shit for free on the internet too.

>listens to the hi-fi using studio monitors
right here!
is the reason music is stale. everyone is now the formost expert in music production.
its the culmination of the "dunning-kruger effect" (look it up)
go study basic sound design becasue you think you know what youre fucking doing here but you dont, you fucking dont

This isn't true either. But please feel free to name all the "high quality" albums that came out last year so everyone can laugh at you.

It's expensive to prioritize your music in search and recommendation algorithms.

dont blame desu for setting his bar low. like really low

the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability

this is 90% of Yea Forums right here folks

Dude just shill your work on Yea Forums, reddit or soundcloud lmao. Countless artists made their careers that way. They are shit, sure, but at least they making bank.

Why are you being such a faggot, dude? Acting like a pompous and jaded teenager isn’t a good look, homie. Sorry you’re too good for... everything i guess. What a miserable little fuck you must be.

>Countless artists made their careers that way
Not true. Every claim to this is propaganda.

that album was shit. fuck off

Year of the Snitch.

Sure, Will Toledo.

Then it's whatever you want to think in your case.

>he doesn't want to name any
Exactly. You didn't expect anybody to call your bluff and now your pitching a fit. The thing is I knew you weren't any smarter than that, your ridiculous reaction is all I was after.

I’m not even the same user lol. Besides, there’s no reason trying to have a discussion with little cunts like you - so blindly arrogant, yet dreadfuly boring and empty inside, lacking real taste and insight.

are you the user guy with a very low bar set for quality music?
>Anyone with a shitty job can afford them
yeah but is it good. on every shill thread here on Yea Forums 2 maybe 3 tracks are ok. the rest is total garbage. one track would be worthy of realise on spotify & thats after another 3 remixes & mastering

everybody does so it would seem. check out all the shill threads on the board

Oh you are the fag who's too good for everything.
You can suck a dick my man.

Meh. When you have something of value to say I might pay attention.

>illusory superiority
i like this
its basically most of Yea Forums

>listening to music on studio monitors means they're an expert on music production
post your setup

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if you think your dick's worth sucking
and it probably isn't

>he has shit taste and wastes his time on music that isn't worth listening to
lmao your prerogative I guess

Someone's upset with this thread. Shit.

That's the best part of shit like that, they literally have no clue how dumb they look to anybody with even some slight experience with audio playback.

my dude, you dont listen to a hi-fi through studio monitors, thats basic sound 101 no no.
unless you are a qualified sound engineer with expert knowledge and you have a mastering business with a mastering studio. then you usually have channel switch & you listen to the same track over & over through 6 different speaker scenarios & headphones (no not studio monitoring headphones)
and that's totally different to a "recording studio" and your lounge room hi-fi

Technology isn't going to solve the problem OP is referring to.

we are that 10% who studied studio recording. a rare beast on these boards evidently

and yet I'm having an incredible listening experience for what I've spent on my equipment
>unless you are a qualified sound engineer
stopped reading there

Oh man, go to /g/ and look at their battle station threads. You won't be tempted to ask for advice there ever again


>why yes, I do practice armchair psychology over speakers on the music industry plant discussion subforum on the creole terracotta consortium
>how could you tell?

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sounds like you're suffering from
>illusory superiority
because you just learned what the dunning-kruger effect is and you want to apply to everything you see

hahaha, ikr
oh don't worry i'm also one of the "stupid faggots" in /gg/ that shits on most pedalboard setups and gear photos

oh fucking touché waifu autist, you just did the same thing


>yfw people listen to music on these and enjoy it

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Greetings my brother.

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true, but the argument is "music is now so crap its dead"
part of this is todays easy access to music technology, gear, production & track publishing so its relatable in a way

sup my man

‘Hitler was fighting against”
Lmfao gtfo you beta nazi fag

i should clarify that in my original post here i simply read the thread title wrong and thought it said "music feels thread"

Hey if youre the guy who posted the pic of the hi fi setup, youve got some good gear but please for the love of baby jesus, go down to a 2nd Hand Shop and get some actual hi-fi speakers.
You wont be disappointed. In fact if you can get some decent late 70s/80s hifi gear made by a good quality brand the better. Good hi-fi speakers are really not made these days as they are currently out of "fashion"

I've looked at hi-fi speakers but the vintage JBL monitors are what caught my eye the most. I have another pair of JBLs which are the L100Ts, essentially the home version of the 4412 studio monitor and I love how they sound as well. but for what it's worth now, I'm satisfied with my 4408s

>I'm satisfied with my 4408s
I'm a nice guy so I'll break it down so even a retard like you can understand. Ok? Here we go!

Studio monitors sound like shit, you moron.
They're designed to sound like shit.
If you mix a track on them the ideas is that if you can get he track to sound good on a pair of shit speakers then your mix will sound goods on anything else. They used to be called "reference" monitors until they realized they could milk dum dums who didn't know any better.

Now pay attention, this is the important part: they're designed to sound bad so if you're playing music through them then it sounds bad.

You don't know what the fuck you're doing and you're thoroughly embarrassing yourself by claiming you like the way your music sounds playing through them. Make sense?

ooooow harsh but fair
i tried the nice approach

There really isn't though. Jazz music took traditional instrumentation to the max, and past that every genre has just been about the sound underneath it, be it industrial and distortion, acid and 303s or dubstep and FM growls.

Softsynths mean that there isn't any reason for different producers to use the same sounds like there was before when you were limited to hardware synths so there's no core sounds to hold genres together.

That's not the point though. There's obviously plenty of great music coming out, but none of it is new. There's never going to be anything totally groundbreaking like Aphex Twin or The Beatles again.

The Vryll Society - Course of the Satellite
Sports Team - Winter Nets
Peach Pit - Sweet FA
MGMT - Little Dark Age
IDLES - Joy as an Act of Resistance
Bad Sounds - Get Better
Art School Girlfriend - Into The Blue Hour

lmao good lord

>unless you're a qualified sound engineer

I was trying to order some monitors off Amazon but they wouldn't let me because I couldn't show them my sound engineer licence.
Thankfully my friend managed to hook me up with some 305s over the black market but when I turned them on all I could hear was white noise, so I watched a YouTube video on how compressors work and now they're the most beautiful speakers I've ever heard.

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Imagine getting Dunning-Krugered on Dunning-Kruger by posting about Dunning-Kruger.

Please go back to making TIL posts on Reddit

Why do you think kpop and jrock are so popular?

They both put on great live shows and can play their shit. While the western charts are filled with algorithm certified trash

They're not designed to sound shit, they're designed to sound flat and detailed. The idea is that they're the best representation of what the track actually sounds like so you're not mixing around things that don't exist on every speaker.

You use grot boxes to make sure that it still sounds good on shit systems.

Its a price I'm willing to pay for the availability of all the good music on the internet

I'm having the time of my life exploring YT/Soundcloud/Spotify and stacks of old records

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>they're designed to sound flat and detailed
i.e. like shit. A flat frequency response and hearing every shitty nuance of a recording isn't even a remotely desirable listening experience.

You know why you see Yamaha NS10s in every professional studio? Because they sound like shit. You know why Yamaha stopped manufacturing them? Because they realized they had a reputation for sounding like shit and Yamaha doesn't want to be in the business of producing HiFi speakers that sound like shit. As soon as they realized where most of the NS10s they were selling were headed and what they were being use for they pulled the plug on them.

Do us all a favor, don't pretend you know what you're talking about.

You are actually retarded.

Go read another Wikihow article, you might evn manage to get a clue eventually.

The NS10s ARE the grot boxes you mong. Everyone has NS10s for checking the mix but nobody uses them as a primary monitor because they sound like shit. If the only purpose of studio monitors was to sound like shit then you could just buy shit speakers for like 3 figures less.

Music gets mixed on monitors, if it's mixed well and the speakers are set up well it's going to sound good when you listen to it through monitors as well. It's not like you mix music on terrible speakers then just imagine what it'd sound like on something that sounds good. Sure hi-fi speakers would be a better option for a hi-fi, but don't pretend like monitors are going to make the music unlistenable.

Sounds like you're insecure about the fact that all the audio shit you feel smart for knowing can be learned in like 3 months by reading WikiHow articles lmao

Maybe next time you're at a party where people are jamming to music being played on monitors you can enlighten everyone with your elite hi-fi knowledge and finally make a girl like you.

Oh wow, you got completely btfo and you're trying so hard to recover now. I'm afraid I must snicker, sorry.

But at least you learned something today, right?
You're welcome by the way!

>It's not like you mix music on terrible speakers
not him but ask me how i know you've never once mixed a record or watched and listened while somebody else did it

I'm literally a sound engineer for live bands, I mix on an M32.

Its not true. Looking back in history its easy to think there were grander times but for every Nevermind is 100s of absolute trash music put out around that time. And it'll be the same for 2019

>club monkey doing mic checks
lmao it all makes sense now. no wonder you got so hot and bothered

Name last years equivalent of Nevermind.

Maybe one day your big brain aversion to studio monitors will land you a job too lmao

I'm old I don't follow trends but I like rosalia el mal querer

lmao yeah maybe then i can go around and dump the trashcans after the local coverband show like you champ

>some literally who
>equivalent of Nevermind

Part of it is a lack of focus on lyricism. Where are the joni mitchells and bob dylans of this generation? The defining voices? Who could write 'like a rolling stone' out of the subpar mix of current singer-songwriters?

I didn't mean the impact of Nevermind just the quality of album

I seriously doubt you believed that even as you typed it. Nevermind was essentially where punk broke in mainstream America.

I think your problem is there aren't any huge popular albums that everyone knows and loves and is new. If you divorce popularity from music you'll find good stuff, but that album got no 1 in spainish or whatever. What does cultural impact even matter to you anyway, you're a fat recluse

>I think
Judging from your replies so far this is highly in doubt.

But no, you were forced to try to divorce popularly from the music because the music you're referring to isn't good enough to attract enough of an audience to be popular. They have a word for this kind of music: shit. The fact that the common sentiment among so many is that music is in the shitter right now means it's fucking terrible by default. People are hungry for something good (and have been for years now) its just that the garbage you're talking about doesn't deliver.

Cultural impact would be a natural byproduct of good music right now, and it would be on an unimaginable scale if someone had the talent and resources to make that kind of visceral connection with an audience.

>Cultural impact would be a natural byproduct of good music right now
I don't think so. Obviously the music industry's changed. I mean its possible but really unlikely. You're not going to get monolith star albums right now, but that doesn't mean there isn't good music.

And that Rosalia album isn't trash just 'cause you don't like it and wan't big in your town

You can't argue that popularity equals quality especially for music, that's laughable. Crazy Frog was a hit song for instance.


>I don't think

We get "monolith star albums" (lol) now, you're wrong. That's all pop music is right now for the most part. Why? Because there's money to be had there.
>You can't argue that popularity equals quality especially for music
Actually I can and I did, you just don't have a rebuttal or a counterargument which is why that Rosalia album you seem to be so fond of is trash until you prove otherwise.

fuck eh i go away for a bit and the whole monitor vs hifi speaker thing explodes. LEL
ok next contention - do you hook up a bass subwoofer with the studio monitors for thumping bass?
please discuss (i know the answer)

The funny thing is like I said it IS popular, winning no 1 album in spanish. All this stems from me saying Nevermind instead of a high quality album that wasn't huge, I knew some idiot who misses the wood for the trees would hone in on that, and you are that idiot.

>sound engineer for live bands
wtf? do you even have any hearing left at all in those ears desu.
no wonder you have shitty sound gear for studio mixing - youre deaf

people have been saying that always about everything.

in 19th century physics was completely solved and well understand. In 2019 we have absolutely no fucking idea what's going on.

>it IS popular
It isn't. Not by any real metric. But you already know this, hence you separating it from a real huge album like Nevermind.

Pro-tip: if you want to give an example of a "forest" then next time don't name a few trees and then proceed to try to pretend you don't know the difference. You'll save yourself the kind of embarrassment you've experienced here.

He's gone. He got all butthurt and hauled ass.

You mean El Paso.

You mean kys you haughty spic trash. I've never seen a race of people enjoy a tragedy since Jews and the holocaust.

What does real metric mean? lol whether you like it?

By the way I never claimed the rosalia album was on the same level as Nevermind. All I said was I liked that album from 2018. In fact, I said I don't know what an equivalent would be of that year. Again your stupidity shines like the reflection of a sewage pond

And I quote
>Looking back in history its easy to think there were grander times
>but for every Nevermind is 100s of absolute trash music put out around that time
>And it'll be the same for 2019
>admits he can't name an album from last year that was as big as Nevermind
This post is you losing the argument and capitulating.

Better luck next time.

What are earplugs

It might be a foreign concept to you, but I don’t get invested enough in internet arguments to spend my entire day refreshing Yea Forums threads

Again you're conflating popularity with quality. You can try and twist what I was saying but you're wrong. I'm not up with trends, I don't know all the albums put out last year, only a few, but there probably is a high quality album from last year. Just because I don't know it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'm not going to keep repeating myself with you dum dum

Lmao, yet here you are!

I didn't twist anything you said. You claimed there were hundreds of shitty albums for every Nevermind and that this holds true for every year. Then when I asked yo to name last years Nevermind you couldn't.

You've lost the argument until you do.

you know what? cevin key needs to do a collaboration with Don Gordon from Numb and Jack Dangers from Meat beat Manifesto. he also needs to release his Pearl SY-1 clone.

I feel like it’s the other way around. With music being so easy to make, you have an ocean of ripoffs of popular artists who are trying to ride the wave and make it big. Leading to a load of uninspired trash

That's an easy game for you to play. You could ask me every great album from each year then claim I 'lose an argument' becuase I can't.

If you are serious about all this and not just triggered by me, then you can go and listen to the top rated albums of last year from all the music sites. You'll probably find something you like, but I guess you'll have to check whether it was popular before you can sincerely like it.

You made a claim which you can't provide any evidence for which invalidates the claim..

Sorry, pal! It's over!

Why don't you read what I wrote again and suck it.

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The truth is today in order to chase "making it big" you have to have the time and financial means to do so, there aren't any advances from the Indie record labels anymore. This means "chasing the dream" ends up being the exclusive territory of rich kids who have nothing to say but want a vanity project for the prestige and Instagram flex.

Lmao, why? It won't change anything, you're still going to be wrong.

I could never get into Skinny Puppy but I get your sentiment. Something about the modern music landscape feels lacking; it's often more stimulating to sort through old 80s releases. Stephen Mallinder from Cabaret Voltaire is releasing an album this year and the single sounds pretty good

suck it

whip it out and see what happens

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But user Aphex released almost 300 tracks in 2015, that should hold you off until the next SoundCloud dump

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This makes no sense, everyone who agreed with this is autism

Ngl chatting shit on this board is really fucking fun. I’m so glad there are still parts of the internet where you can just sperg out for days over some tiny obscure thing that most people don’t even know or care about.

Forreal I get what you’re saying about hi-fi though. If you’re buying a system specifically for entertainment then it’s a much better idea to buy speakers designed for listening. Even without all the other stuff, monitors are gonna be far too directional for you to put in a living room. Monitors aren’t bad speakers though. Being able to hear recording defects isn’t a problem if an engineer has got rid of them, and the flat eq doesn’t mean the music is flat, it just means you hear the eq the engineer wanted you to hear.

Kept on reading that wikihow article, huh?

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I mean, I literally learned enough audio engineering to get a job in it just from Googling shit. The majority of it is a meme that people use to sell you overpriced equipment.

Nah, real niggas like me'll plebe filter you before you get past the secretary.

I'll think of you next time I'm mixing a band ( ˘ 3˘)

>it's half empty!
>it's half full!

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what about when you're cleaning the venue toilets

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Just dig deeper. They are few, but there's still good artists making music. You can also just stick to old music. You haven't listened to everything there is to listen. Try Susumu Hirasawa, who has been making music since the 70s and is still releasing stuff. His discography is big and diverse: He's made prog rock, new wave, post punk, techno, progressive electronic and more! Most of his music doesn't even fit any genre, though, his late 90s as well as his 21st century solo work is a strange combination of techno, rock, pop and classical. Hirasawa is just one example though.

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I can only speak for metal, but the quality has gone down on so many levels.

Bedroom producing killed the genre and lowered the bar for everyone: digitalization and all sorts of guitar amp simulators and Superior Drummer, triggers etc.

It is a huge contrast listening 90s Death Metal records that were produced by the legends like Scott Burns etc.

You would think the sound would get better in 2 to 3 decades but it has actually gotten only worse, not that the people listening on their laptops can tell the difference.

The DAW mindset, "mixing tutorials on youtube", people just turning knobs having no idea "if it sounds good it is good", oZONE mastering. I could go and on.

ople don't buy CDs, people don't pay for professional studio, everybody does home recording that sounds like shit. Zoomers cannot differentiate between youtube quality and CD quality. Zoomers don't care about production, they cannot even tell what a good production sounds like.

My 16 year old brother "doesnt care" about the differences between youtube quality or low mp3 qualitty and CD quality.

I played him 2 versions of a same song, 1 being a cd quality version and the other being a 96kbs mono mp3. He had no preference. They both sounded pretty much the same to him.

Nobody cares, zoomers care even less. Most people don't care either because they make and listen some sort of bleep bleep music which sounds like something AI would randomize in any DAW.

It is only going to get worse, gladly the underground scenes still understand the importance of physical copy as medium, they most likely still record analog etc. some good stuff coming from there.

OP here.
It just so happens that he's one of my favorite artists, the Paranoia Agent soundtrack is one of my top five favorite albums of all time.
He's a legacy/pre-streaming/piracy musician though which is outside of what I'm talking about in this thread.

My point in this thread is that the state of music since the 2010s has gone downhill, It feels hollow and dumbed down now compared to the 90s and early to mid 00s where you would have these larger than life acts and groundbreaking autismo masterminds pushing the boundaries of sound and art.
Today there exist net labels and bandcamp, you have things like Abstrakt Reflections, Maletine Records and Bunkai-Kei to name a few but if you listen to everything you'll notice it's all so amateurish and bland, it lacks that professionalism and soul that the big acts of the 20th century had.
And then you have the soundcloud and bandcamp world with the millions of independent and small time bands doing their thing, but even if you do find someone who has some talent and is creating unique and interesting sounds they don't take their brand/band very far, it feels like just a bunch of normal people sharing sounds they made in their free time, it doesn't feel like artists creating a complete project.


In the 90s for example you had MTV, artists like Nine Inch Nails would come out with these really amazing music videos that stood on their own as unique works of art.
You had these megalithic concerts with so much gone into the presence and experience, then there came the dvds and VHS tapes that were professionally produced, compare "Beside you in time" and "And All That Could Have Been" to the random videos compiled by fans and uploaded to youtube.
When is the last time Trent made a video like Closer or We're in This Together?

Tell me, is there a single artist to come from a net label or bandcamp/soundcloud that stands out enough so that you would feel compelled to travel out of state to see them live or put one of their posters on your wall?
No, these days it's so disposable you find something slightly interesting and that's all there is, the songs in digital format (a lot of up and coming musicians don't even have physical releases) and after you have listened to it you move on to the next thing.

It feels like we have entered a dark age for music.

Also it says a lot that Sweet Trip is the hottest thing on Yea Forums right now.
That album came out a decade ago.

Agreed, personal computers and affordable daws were the worst thing to happen to music. Why bother learning an instrument or songwriting when you can just drag and drop epic bass drops and bleep bloops. The real question is why did we, the people, allow it to get like this? Where did our standards go??

Making music as a hobby even if it's horseshit is still a better use of time than twiddling your thumbs in front of a screen for hours.

lmaoing at anyone who says its "hard to find good music" in the age of the internet

>Studio monitors sound like shit, you moron.

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