What is your favorite Beatles song?

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I'll Follow the Sun

ticket to ride


Martha My Dear

me on the left

Strawberry Fields Forever


dear prudence

I could never decide

I always liked Let it Be but Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was the song that made fall in love with them


You Know My Name

extremely hard choice but maybe while my guitar gently weeps

I still think my hunt for a song as good as Strawberry Fields Forever is why I got into music seriously in the first place.


While My Guitar Gently Weeps and it probably always will be

any with paul singing rather than john lennon screaming about black people or something

we can work it out

A Day In The Life.

Yellow Submarine

Happiness is a warm gun.

That's a close second.

Best Solo Lennon Song:


Rain or maybe I'm Only Sleeping

I've never heard that one

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Mean Mr. Postman

respond to my post you absolute faggots
i spent 15 hours crafting it

Never mind the beatles! youtube.com/watch?v=jAck0dnO36Q

it's a good one
>I could never decide
>I just stayed inside
>It's just so over

In My Life was the song that turned me into a Beatles fan.

awful taste

Come Together

I'm only sleeping

I Want You (She's So Heavy)

Based taste and nice digits

That song is amazing, what are you talking about?

Sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band

Oloff - Doing It Stealthy

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Dear Prudence

helter skelter or glass onion

Across the Universe

Helter Skelter

Under My Thumb

I feel fine

Rocky Raccoon

Look at Your Game, Girl

It's a toss up between Goodnight Goodnight and A Day in My Life

Maxwell's Silver Hammer came down upon her head

And I Love Her

what the fuck is this recent love-in for good night its a throwaway and isnt even the best ringo song on the white album

Tomorrow never knows

Come Together

Hold Me Tight or All My Loving
also a big fan of I’m Only Sleeping, Wait and Run For Your Life

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glad I’m not alone

oh right, this is probably my favorite of their later work.