Post Top 5s and rate, also recc to other anons

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I can add 5 more as a matter of fact

Dave Harrington Group - Pure Imagination, No Country

forgot pic

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be gentle senpai

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The Fugs' First Album
The Fall - Bingo Master's Break-Out! EP
The Name of this Band is Talking Heads
Joanna Newsom - Ys
Scott Walker - Bish Bosch

I'd recommend going through LCD Soundsystem's Losing my Edge lyrics' as if it were a shopping list

fuck off shitter

idk look O'Rourke up

>doesn't use clean flow chart

whattup summer?

based bosch

Echolyn - The End is Beautiful

The Osiris Club - The Wine-Dark Sea

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don't at me faggot

hi boku it's been a while, I see Kohntarkosz Anteria hasn't left the top so cheers for that

have you watched the most-recent K.C. reunion live? whaddya think? have you enjoyed the records? I remember you cherishing their best past live albums and those are also in my top (Absent Lovers and Night Watch) and I plan on seeing em this month so that's why I ask

I do what I want

aside from the expensive ass tickets, current live KC is fucking great. perhaps a little less adventurous in terms of improvisation, but the jams are still there, the power is still there
I'd definitely catch them again

sure thing fuckface just don't at me


gracias I'll stay around c'ya

Everyone Else - Slothrust
The Velvet Underground & Nico - The Velvet Underground
Demon Days - Gorillaz
Mikko - Sai Yoshiko
Lincoln - They Might Be Giants

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I'd say Leftöver Crack but I gotta feeling you already listen to them

strives for greatness, but is his own biggest obstacle. Don't give up
Likes to drive around town aimlessly at night listening to his music. May or may not do it stoned

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don't drive stoned fren

Something about words and such. Based? Humor achieved.

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don't self forever sleep
doesn't acknowledge 5 as a number
REALLY likes cocteau twins
possible incel, maybe an arthoe, definitely lazyposter

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