Hello there! Since you are already here, presumably because of Tool releasing their music on Spotify, you should use this opportunity to expand your music horizons and listen to some new music. The best place to start, if you never visited this board before, would be to listen to some essential albums from this image. Go on and pick out a few.

Who knows, maybe one thing leads to another and you start exploring more and more music, just because you listened to a few albums from this image, and then your life changes forever. Just like mine was when I joined this board 6 years ago or like lives of most regular Yea Forumstants were changed because they opened the door to incredible world of various musical genres, periods and personas. The music you once listened to will be laughable in a few years to you if you follow this advice and you will forever be grateful for seeing this post.

This chart is not some holy grail and I'm not advising blindly following it and worshipping its albums. It's just an introduction, a gateway, to more varied, diverse and interesting music.

Enjoy your stay!

Attached: 1565047616289.png (2500x10000, 3.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Holy fucking based.

Listen to your own list pseud

fuck off samefaggot

Thanks. Any suggestions?

I already have.

That wasn't me lol

I got one: replace 382 with the vinyl issue. the cassette is more rare and looks worse img.discogs.com/5Kpf-bUblFS8DWmLtqle7vLi0Rk=/fit-in/600x604/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-8855032-1470169807-2255.jpeg.jpg



Holy shit this chart is so fucking gay

> South African
> No Max Normal/ Constructus corporation
Trash list

They are a hip hop band, so they don't belong under south african, dummy.

Sure, that's fine. I will change that next time. The list only suggest the recording however, it doesn't suggest any specific format.

Any music for a Sneed type of guy?

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> South African hip hop
> not South African music

>there is a category for hip hop and for traditional south african music
>a south african hip hop band that has noting to do with traditional south african music goes under south african instead of hip hop
are you retarded? also, hip hop is american music anyways



>UK Garage gets four rows
>Canterbury Scene not even mentioned

Why is this a problem?

Why isn't it?

Well, for starters, UK garage was a genre that spawned over twenty genres in the last decade ir two, and is the genre responsible for what's arguably the most innovative music scene today.
Canterbury scene on the other hand didn't spawn any genres at all, and was also a super small scene, even when taking I to account the Canterbury scene bands from outside of Canterbury.