I don't pay attention to the lyrics I just like the riffs bro

>I don't pay attention to the lyrics I just like the riffs bro

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>I don't pay attention to the lyrics I just like the riffs bro

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Literally me with Tool, but include drums, basslines and vocal melodies too.

same... there's no better moment in life than uncontrollably headbanging to your favorite death metal riffs

The people who don't listen to lyrics are probably the same ones that don't have an inner voice

my inner voice just told me your a faggot bro

thats not how it works my dear simulated consciousness

Shut the fuck up you dumb faggot. Go read some actual literature until you understand what quality standards for poetry are.

More like I can read books for poetry, I listen to music for music

t. doesn't even read books

I can listen to an album 100s of times and still not the know the lyrics let alone what they mean.


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>dude who cares about the plot, just read a book xD

>these lyrics are like, so deep. It’s like poetry

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poetry isn't automatically sophisticated or good just because you wrote some rhyming (or sometimes not even) sentences, songs can have good lyrics without being ezra pound tier poetry

Ah I get it now. Nazis ignore lyrics because 99% of artists are left-wing.

>thinking lyrics and poetry are the same thing
Don’t fucking lie, you don’t read books.

I write lyrics and poetry and I approach the two very differently, there’s things you can get away with that sound good in songs that just don’t work at all in poetry and vice versa.

I can't make out lyrics properly 90% of the time without reading them, basically make up my own, basically makes me the real artist

Listening to music for the lyrics is like watching movies for the soundtrack

Not saying lyrics aren't important but they're easily the least important part of music. Everything else comes first

literally all Frank Zappa fans, including myself

this. literally how everyone reacted to Nirvana when they first got big

>tfw I am a songwriter
>I put countless hours of thought and effort into creative and original lyrics that tell stories
>you fucktards apparently don’t even listen

I seriously hope that some people out there at least bother.

>I rape children
you should stop

The lyrics are usually just cliches, not missing much.


I do try to read Eminem lyrics but he's too fast!


Nah, even if I posted the next Tangled Up In Blue it would get torn to pieces in this thread, you fags are like a pack of hyenas when you have a chip on your shoulder.


yeah I don't shut the fuck up

then your lyric selection remains underwhelmed
(not OP)

Vocals are just another instrument.

