So... Which one is better?

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That’s a tough one

popol vuh ofc

is that why future days is winning

both are god tier but future days is better

Most based meme on Yea Forums rn

Neither is better. They are both only 10/10 albums.

this, future days can't compete, it's a pop album compared to popol vuh

Maybe I'm a brainlet but I'd almost always much rather listen to Can than Popol Vuh. If I'm in the mood for something challenging I'd just put on Faust instead.

>trash new age vs goat krautrock album
gee I wonder..

this is better than Popol Vuh

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Future Days has the vibe.

One is a 9 and the other is an 8

The only krautrock I enjoy is Popol Vuh. The rest of it is just crappy prog claiming to be smart and groundbreaking. Popol Vuh is legit beautiful music with an incredible amount of passion and emotion. I'd rather listen to that than someone wank around on the guitar and tell me it's shit hot because "deconstruction"

Most of krautrock is very different from prog, and doesn't employ a tenth of the 'wank' prog is accused of. it focuses far more on grooves, rhythms and textures than the classical-influenced technicality of british prog.

Yeah that's what I mean, it isn't even interesting the same way wanky prog is. It's just dull and boring.

To each their own. If you can listen to Halleluwah and not have an irresistible urge to jam to fuck out then I guess the genre just isn't for you.


Hosianna Mantra is like going to church but sometimes you're just not in the mood you know? Future Days feels like lying down on a hot summer day and pretending to sleep

To me, Popol Vuh is krautrock for people who aren't into krautrock, and (a lot of) King Crimson does the same for prog. I get it in both cases

King Crimson is a very typical prog album though

king crimson isn't an album, it's a lifestyle

Artist, fuck, you know what I mean

>likes shitty new age like Popol Vuh
can I recommend you the album 'the very best of Enya' by Enya?

>thinking i'm embarrased by liking new age
Dude I fucking love Secret Garden, Steve Roach and Loreena McKennitt and I'm very open about that.

you aren’t a brainlet

>trying this hard

Future Days is great, but I can't listen to it on loop like I can with Hosianna Mantra. Also why do I never see anything about In den Garten Pharaos or Seligpreisung on here?