What does she listen to?

What does she listen to?

Attached: aoc+I.jpg (680x453, 55K)

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Phoenix - Lisztomania

probably reggaeton such as despacito and gasolina


The sound of conservative tears dropping as a Puerto Rican couple has moves into a nicer house than them.

not this shit again

What do you have against women of color



>afro-puerto rican
yeah aight gringo

Sorry I don't like racism so I won't go to your racist board

you know damn well i was talking about the shitty thread over and over and over again so stop deflecting and fuck off back where you came from

I wanna suck a mile of shit out of her tight Latina asshole

Stop gaslighting me you fucking racist

She probably loves the Beatles

stop being a retard then

Takes a big man to make fun of the disabled

not really

I feel like she is so awful that even people on her end of the political spectrum would hate her. Am I wrong?

She's got insanely high approval ratings from Democratic socialists faggots. Commies hate her tho

Commies hate everyone.

t. socialist

I cannot understand that shit. She comes across as so crazy, dumb and extreme to me.

Then you’re either a boomer or you believe boomer memes about cow farts.

Tankies are just the impotent tranny version of incels.

T. "Socialist" who thinks socialism is when or gubberment does stuff and hasn't read any Marx

Attached: download.png (266x190, 6K)


Attached: aoc-parking-lot-1.jpg (630x485, 60K)

All incels are trannies

tHe StATe WiLl wiTHeR AWaY

Not a boomer. Everything about her just screams idiot imo. Even down to her manner of speaking. She's got some pretty extreme beliefs, but doesn't possess the eloquence to defend them.

J Balvin

I never realized there were so many trannies on the right

Post hog, chud.

This was actually proven to be a hoax, but she's a moron regardless.

>we don't need a State dude all of our enemies will see we won fair and square and just respect it
>Twitter memes

I'm a Marxist Leninist and you'd probably hate me if we met irl bit just know I also hate her man. She really is just a dumb bitch who rode the general desire for social democracy into America coupled with virtue signalling about muh strong women of color into a congressional seat she'll probably lose to a Republican in a few years

Real Leftists™ often say that she, like bernardo sandino, is good but not good enough. meaning that the policies they espouse are a step in the right direction and the best that the political mainstream has to offer but they're not true radicals (though some people feel like bernie is hiding his power level a little bit).

she's also been criticized for being slow to defend ilhan omar (a queen btw) and for taking seriously accusations of antisemitism made against corbyn.

You’re telling me that /pol/ lied in bad faith?

>She's got some pretty extreme beliefs
Name one

>post hog
Hey chapofag how was the convention ;)

Looks fun man I can see you fags are truly building working class solidarity lmao

>This was actually proven to be a hoax
It actually wasn't. The photos are right fucking there. It was a staged photo op that took place at a gated checkpoint (not a parking lot) that was nowhere near any migrants or migrant housing centers, let alone the border.

I'm sorry but for fucks sake, why do you think Omar is a "queen"? Did you see that video of her remarks about 9/11?

I think boomers mostly hate her because she talks like a millennial. She could have the most brilliant platform either but as soon as they hear her speak they're gonna assume she's dumb cause she doesn't talk "the right way"

Unlike any president she actually wants to take steps to weaken our codependence on the Saudis aka the people actually responsible for 9/11

Also it's pretty funny that you hate Jews and Israel supposedly yet you're fine with doing neocon foreign policy that largely contributed to the refugee problem you cry about everyday

9/11 was great because Americans died

I do not hate Jews. Jesus christ, you people throw around claims of antisemitism like it's nothing. That's wrong.