/pol/tards are running rampant on Yea Forums this morning

>/pol/tards are running rampant on Yea Forums this morning
>every other thread is "commie bad" or "trans bad"
>mods doing nothing about it
music for this feel?

Attached: 3N8mHB3cQUDzWSXrp9UaDrUueeNFSGXf.jpg (633x758, 170K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>feel image
>not music
>music for this feel bollocks

yeah you're no better

All of this could've been avoided if fantano didn't choose to shill some LGBT acts every week

Daily reminder that communist anthems are way better than fascist ones

>seething tankie gets upset easily
There’s literally a thread up right now full of communists, don’t play the victim and pretend this shit is one sided
>music for the feel of liking trannies and commies
Tim Heidecker - I am a cuck

Commie bad and trans bad, and you can't do anything to change that.

bad how? please explain user

>if you don't like commies and trans you're /pol/
Wow I guess billions of people are /pol/tards then

Quick question how many trans people were there in the Soviet union

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Scroll past threads you don't like you whiny bitch. There's even a Hide Thread function these days

Quick question how many trans people do you see worshipping the same people who murdered them

Attached: queers-for-palestin-2015.jpg (2048x1152, 288K)

>Commie bad
>trans bad

Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants? Maybe? Maybe shit and cum?


Quick question why do you think I give a shit whether bougie college kids who are going to become republicans or neoliberal democrats in another ten years pretend to be commies?

Also good job concern trolling about "muh murdered trannies" despite saying they're just as bad as communism lmao

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They are just as bad, the pic is pointing out that mentally ill people usually go for mentally ill beliefs like communism because they're afraid of growing up so they rebel against what their parents like.

So everyone who wants communism back in Eastern Europe is mentally ill? Be careful man that's like millions of people you're talking about and many of then are literally old white guys who think faggots are disgusting

>Some Americans and Mexicans got shot
>Better go shill gommunism on Yea Forums

They aren’t necessarily mentally ill but Slavs are subhuman

Fuck you stupid faggot. Plenty of pozzed threads also stay up for hours but you'll conveniently ignore that. The pedomods are just lazy faggots

Gommies are /pol/ too ya know

>They aren’t necessarily mentally ill but Slavs are subhuman

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He's coping!

>slavs are subhuman
Is that why the USA had to steal Soviet technology to catch up lmao

I’m not an American

No that’s why the Slavs have been under constant suffering for centuries because their inhuman nature prevents kindness

you're a murekan by heart doe

Feel free to state your ethnicity so we can educate you about how much worse your nation is than the Soviet union

Unless you're one of those self hating slavs who think Hitler was actually a good guy coming to save u and that all of eastern Europe's modern decadence is communism's fault

Name 1 (one) soviet technology

They literally weren't suffering in the Soviet times you retard that's why such high percentages of them want to return

>>every other thread is "commie bad"
Commie is bad. Unless you don't like food.
Everything that you ever loved would be banned in a communist society, just like how everything /pol/ loves would be banned in their so-called ethno-state.

>unless you don't like food
Stalin of course had magical weather powers and intentionally starved a billion people in Ukraine during s time where their support for the union was critical just cuz he felt like it lmao

Attached: Stalin+did+nothing+wrong+_8586a01e12c51ea22fd656a55735b0e1.png (800x2449, 820K)

this is just common knowledge

this isn't an anthem btw, just good communist music

>deaths under communism were primarily caused by administrational incompetence implementing poorly thought out policies that reduced crop production, rather than those deaths being intentional through malice
>this is somehow a good thing and not the perfect example of why this system is bad

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I'll ignore your hero worship.
Everyone except the elites lived in poverty. I'm not talking specifically about the gulags, I'm just talking in general.
And since this is a music board, surely you know how difficult it was for Russians to legally buy western popular music?
Face it, people subjected to communist rule lived in hell. Idiot zoomers know nothing about what communism is and think it means freedom, tolerance and equality.

>another /pol/ bad post

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>muh food haha funne

Attached: famines.jpg (1351x1920, 324K)

>zoomers know nothing about what communism is and think it means freedom, tolerance and equality.
Based zoomers

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dont post meta threads and post useful stuff fag

they're all coping with ate chan's death
they're on a mild pump after the latest active shooter, not realizing they're being used as pawns by three letter agencies

Attached: cia 1.png (796x934, 350K)

Your picture has nothing to do with communism.

>implying it's any worse that the constant waifu and arthoe shit

Were the black Panthers also being used as pawns when the fbi did cointelpro? How about the various communists murdered during GLADIO or imprisoned during the red scares? Is Bernie sanders, who is literally just a welfare capitalist, constantly demonized as a communist by his own parry cuz radical leftism is accepted by the establishment?

the manifestos are posted by LEO

You didn't answer my questions lad


Oloff - Doing It Stealthy

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your questions are irrelevant to the point I'm making

You were saying that communism is just an fbi plot and I gave you examples where the fbi and other establishment institutions actively fought communism