What’s some peak incel-core music?

What’s some peak incel-core music?
I’ll start.

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Anime OSTs

Weezer - Pinkerton

metal (and all it's sub genres)

Any left-wing music


>incels are predominantly conservative and align themselves with Trump and browse anime image boards and complain about women in gaming
>t-they’re a-actually liberals

Bubblegum bass is the most advanced incel genre because then you've graduated into the "I'm just gonna become a girl and let guys fuck me in the ass" level of desperation.

Not incel music but the skit of mgtow dweebs beginning of this video reminds me of them lol

wait that's fucking jack black

>having sex is being an incel because it's sex you don't like
Ultra-incel logic right there.

Lefties get sex and sexual contact all the time, user. Join us :)

Easy way outs aren't genuine way outs.

>Having sex isn't having sex because I say so
I think you might be retarded dude

The truth is if you're good looking, hygenic, and not autistic you can get a girl to fuck you regardless of beliefs. Girls would rather fuck a good looking fratbro magatard than a fat lefty, and vice versa when comparing cute socialist art guys to weeb neckbeards. All of you should focus on self improvement if your sex/dating life concerns you.

>he doesn't know
Oh sweetie

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Don't generalize. Some girls are superficial, some aren't. We are all looking for different things in our partners and friends.



You know considering the other things he was involved in he probably did that on purpose because he thinks now the FBI will come for us.

>1 "lefty" (who was edgy larper pretending he was "nazbol" at most anyway and had more in common with aut right /pol/ weeb gamer culture anyway ) vs 1000 right wing terrorist attacks (including the very same day)

Nice whataboutism, Vladbot

obviously, this thread was manufactured to incite off topic political discussions rather than discuss music.

He was a Sanders/Warren guy into antifa and chapo shit, he's yours this time.

>the other things he was involved
His entire account was retweeting left-wing shit

What kind of leftist would be into gamer incel bullshit and making rape lists? A tankie with schizophrenia, maybe...but that's a huge stretch?

Just did a little more reading. His past posts on Twitter were pretty much political-sounding gibberish and gun worship with absolutely no genuine political understanding whatsoever. His girlfriend said he heard voices in his head, and he identified as a Satanist. Now I am almost positive that he was psychotic, and had a tenuous connection to objective reality, if he had any connection at all.

Obviously he's just some psycho, you have to be to do this. Are there any right wing related posts though, just wondering if he's posting shit contradictory incoherent talking points from both sides or total nonsense or what

stop politicizing tragedies


Not that I could see. I guess psychotic people can want "socialism" too. But it would be pretty stupid for some righty to try to connect his actions to your average mild-mannered evolutionary socialist who just wants workers to have the power to control the affairs of their workplaces.

Okay, but when someone like Anders Brevik kills 20 something members of the Norwegian Social Democratic Party at a party meeting on an island and openly tells people he is a white nationalist with a terroristic extreme-right agenda, then can we politicize it?

dont be talking about how real life works here. lets keep being delusional


Well good luck with convincing the very rational fox news trump right to think that, those ghouls won't shut up about it

They're vultures. They opportunistically swoop in when they perceive some kind of "slip" in the opposition. I don't think this discredits anyone though. Bernie, unlike Trump, has never made any violent entendres. This will probably disappear from their spotlight relatively soon because it's pretty obvious that he was very, very sick and had no genuine political positions.

Only if it goes against the narrative.

>has literally a track called Tired of Sex

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